Saturday 16 May 2015

A Mermaid, green leaves and a cheeky jay

Hi Everybody!

Wish you all a good weekend!

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have made a page with a mermaid.  The background was gessoed and then painted with my bristly brush, splodged and glittered, and then stamped with a crackle stamp for more texture. The head of the mermaid was made using the moon face stencil from Dina Wakley. Her body was made with some glittery ribbon left over from a Christmas present. I outlined her and doodled the bubbles with my wonderful white pen. I doodled the fishes, too. Her hair was made with some fibres, and I found 2 real starfish and a silver fish charm as embellishments. I am also linking to Art Journal Every Day

After a chilly night we had a wonderful sunrise:

I love being out just now, it is so good to see green everywhere:

I love these almost hidden gateways:

My cheeky jay was back every few minutes to get food, I think he s feeding the kids just now!

I always love walking along the old 'Bastions', the fortification walls:

And there is a wonderful view to the buttercup meadow where the moat used to be:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. your mermie is enchanting!!! I love her!!!
    Thanks for lovely pics!!

  2. cute mermaid and a beautiful sunrise! I love all the greenery too. I am enjoying the crabapples blooming here everywhere.

  3. Ah, what a gorgeous mermaid, I love that moon face, too. The kids will love this one! Great photos as always, hugs, Sarah

  4. Deine kleine Merjungfrau ist sagenhaft schön gemacht und Deine Fotos heute gefallen mir auch wieder mal.. Dein kleiner Gast sieht richtig frech aus.. ja vielleicht hat er ja Junge zu versorgen ....
    die fressen einem die Federn von Kopf!
    Einen wunderschönen Samstag Valerie!

  5. verzeih mein Tippfehler und danke sagt AJJ!

  6. Die Meerjungfrau ist herrlich! Wünsche dir eine kreatives Wochenende! - Irma

  7. What a fabulous mermaid. I can't believe you had two real starfish; they must be teeny tiny, or your page is huuuge! Lol. Have a great weekend Valerie {{Hugs}}

    1. The page is A4, and the starfish are tiny - about 3/4" diameter!

  8. I love your beautiful mermaid - a fabulous page.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. einfach wunderbar deine mernaid,der kopfschmuck ist klasse und eine schöne idee.
    tolle bilder wieder,ich freu mich jedesmal.
    ein schönes we.

    GLg Jeannette

  10. klasse, wie du der Meerjungfrau das stencil-gesicht gegeben hast! die fibers sind eine tolle haargestaltung! schönes WE, johanna

  11. What a great way to use that face stencil. Your mermaid is great. I love how you added the 3D items you added to make this such a cool mixed media page.

  12. Deine kleine Meerjungfrau ist zauberhaft! Tolle Farbkombination!
    Deine Foto-Serie ist wieder ein Genuss! Vielen Dank für diese Impressionen!
    Schönes Wochenende, Annette

  13. I love your mermaid she is beautiful along with her sea background. Your idea of using ribbon for her body is fantastic ! Your photos are also beautiful, you have the nicest area to work in. Take good care, Hugs, Shirleyxx

  14. Gorgeous art work Valerie. Love the bright colors. Beautiful walking pics and the bird shots are wonderful.
    Have a great weekend.

  15. i was wondering what kind of bird that is, a cheeky jay!
    we have Stellar Jays and Canada Jays, but they seem to have left since i took the feeder down.
    it really is a pretty time of year. sweet weekend to you.

  16. Thanks for your lovely comment, Valerie! Just want to say that I enjoy seeing your beautiful art and I love the pictures and commentary each day! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  17. Oh I do love your mermaid! She's aDORable!I like her twinkly 'scales' - like the sunlight's reaching her through the water. You use stamps really well - incorporating them into your work so beautifully.

    A buttercup meadow!! AWW!!! I love buttercups. I used to go walking for hours with mum through the buttercups and daisies. I love these photos - thanks so much for sharing them! xxxxx

  18. Love your glitzy golden mermaid, she must be a princess mermaid! Beautiful photos too, the jay ones are fab. xx

  19. Love your gorgeous mermaid and the super hair with the fabulous fibres and embellishments. Great page, Valerie! Beautiful photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Wonderful page Valerie with an amazingly beautiful mermaid in her Sunday best..

    Terrific photographs of all the lush greenery and the friendliest bird anyone could have as a visitor. Looks against the colour of the flowers

    We have walked miles today up hill and down dale so I am ready to put my feet up now

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. Your page is cool. I love that you used a real starfish.

  22. eine tolle Seite - die Meerjungfrau ist klasse gestaltet!
    Hier auf dem Nachbarsgrundstück blühen die Kastanien auch wie verrückt und ich liebe es unter den herüber hängenden Zweigen zu sitzen und zu lesen. Oder unter meinem geliebten Fliederbaum ;o)
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  23. That was a really good walk today, and the weather seemed good too (but not here). The blue gate and the garden beyond look fascinating.
    Really love your sweet mermaid and her companion fishes with the big lips, and only you would have two real starfish to hand.
    A wonderful white pen! - I have been searching for one such for quite a while with no success, only managing to find three un-wonderful ones.

    1. I use the white pens from signo uniball, and they are wonderful.

  24. Charming charms and a wonderful walk through your world. xox

  25. I love mermaids! The fish are so cute! Beautiful photographs too.

  26. Fantastic mermaid, love her hair with those fibers, a great page. Super photos of your walk.
    Yvonne xx

  27. A beautiful stroll this morning, Valerie. I enjoyed the almost hidden gates along the paths and the jay visiting your feeder so frequently. Your journal page is wonderful, too, and blue always catches my eye. When we were newly married, we lived at the base in California and when at the ocean, I decided to collect these beautiful colored star fish. I brought them home, set them on the roof of our apartment to dry thinking they would retain their colors. Not so. They all turned a dirty yellow color and didn't smell good either. Look forward to another day and another project.


  28. Das Meerjungfrauen-Blau ist der Hammer! Wieder eine kreative Meer-Seite! Ulrike

  29. A great mermaid. It looks like you had lots of fun creating this page.

  30. What a fun page - love the gold - and beautiful photos too. Just spotted you on Julie's AJED links. Hope all is well and that you're enjoying the nice weather.

  31. Under the waves, under the sea - things are much wetter, couldn't be better - under the sea. I love this whimsical journal page. Her necklace is a wonderful touch as are the real star fish. As always, your watery effect looks wonderful and those little fish looks like kissing fish.
    Your pictures are a treat. I too love old gates especially when they lead into old cemeteries. What incredible bird pictures you have taken!
    Sandy xx

    1. Ha! You are a poet and hope that you know it!

  32. Fabulous post! Love your beautiful mermaids page! Love that Jay and your Sun rises-great walk photos too! Chrisx

  33. Love your mermaid, and your photographs are wonderful. It's good to see some sunshine! xx

  34. Your mermaid is precious in every detail.
    I have a little collection of those tiny starfish as I find them irresistible.
    That beautiful row of Horse Chestnut trees reminds me of the small town outside Munchen where my Mutti was born ♥


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