Saturday 9 May 2015

A goldfish, water and flowers

Hi Everybody!

The weekend is here, enjoy it!

Last week I watched a programme on TV about antique mosaics found under the sea, and one series showed fish and waves. This inspired me to make my fish using gilding flakes and paper scraps to make the mosaic waves. I drew the fish first, filled it in with the flakes (how to get stuck up without really trying....) and drew the outline with a black pentel pen. Then I added the waves. The background was painted with greens and blues over a brush-wipe page. I am linking to Art Journal Journey, the sea. The quote is from Albert Einstein:
'Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid'

The weather was quite pleasant today, so I enjoyed my walk, first along the stream:

I passed the meadow where the horses were grazing:

I enjoyed the sight and smell of the blossoms:

I watched the ships on the Rhine:

The water is still very high:

My way home led me through the little park, where I enjoyed the wild flowers, which have shot up with all the sun and rain:

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. lovely page and wonderful Einstein quote. The photos are beautiful.

  2. Ahh yes!! A true Gold Fish!! flaky maybe but gold! heeheee
    I really love how you used those pieces to show water- very cool collaging! xo

  3. Great page, love the goldfish, swimming in its underwater world, Have a great day, Hugs, Saeah

  4. Love the mosaic effect and a great quote!

  5. ein super spruch, und die goldflocken sind die perfekten schuppen! herrlich satte frühlingsbilder!!

  6. Gorgeous page and the pics are great, beautiful views

  7. Beautiful springtime photographs Valerie and the horse look in fine fettle. Your dandelions are well ahead of the ones here. I haven't seen any dandelion clocks anywhere yet. I did see a cabbage white butterfly in our garden yesterday though.

    Just love the page and I bet the programme was fantastic and obviously inspiring. I have always loved that quote and it is so true. Terrific fish to have as a centre piece.

    Hope you have a good day today. It is raining and blowing a gale here so not sure if I will be venturing out at all

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Ich liebe Deine Seite! Wunderschön die Textur auf dem Fisch und das Mosaik... absolut raffiniert und ein richtiger Hingucker! Diesmal hast Du uns sozusagen mitgenomen auf Deinem Spaziergang! Spitze!
    Lg und einen schönen Samstag

  9. I really enjoyed these photos, thanks for sharing!

  10. Tolle Idee mit der Mosaikwelle, aber auch deine Seiten von gestern finde ich klasse!
    Ja, bei diesem Wetter macht das Spazierengehen im satten Grün besonders Spaß - super Fotos wieder. Sei gegrüßt zum Wochenende von Ulrike

  11. Love your goldfish: may I have 3 wishes?:))

  12. Love your gilded fish and those photos look like our back garden, full of dandelions! Xx

  13. Holy gorgeous Valerie!! LOVE your fish, how breathtaking!! I really need to get me some of those gilding flakes!! Such beautiful summery shots today, I could sit here all day scrolling up and down taking them in, but alas, I have work to do. lol. big hugs :)

    1. Gilding flakes are really fun to play with!! But a bit sticky!

  14. That is a magnificent 'gold fish', another fabulous page. Loved todays photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Just love this Valerie! No wonder you are so inspired! Beautiful piece of artwork! Happy weekend. Hugs, Gracie.

  16. Great page!! I bet you had gold leafing stuck every where :) Love the quote too. The wild flowers always bring a smile to my heart. We have rain this weekend but it is much needed so I am rejoicing in it and getting caught up with indoor stuff that has been rather neglected of late :)

    1. Those gold flakes even landed in my coffee! Enjoy the rain.

  17. Ohh gold leafing can by tricky but then you probably know that already ;D
    The result is great. I've had a water/fish idea in my head for a few days now. I just need to get into the studio to put it into paint.
    Fantastic walk with stunning photos too... thanks for taking me along with you.

  18. The gold flakes and the small "mosaic" pieces sound and look very fiddly.
    Great result with your very aristocratic Gold Fish.
    Your photos of the blossom and wild flowers are very special.

  19. Really beautiful goldfish Valerie and a lovely page too.
    Love those flower photos too, so colourful.
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  20. That is one gorgeous goldfish! Love that page! Your photos are breathtaking and what a beautiful place you live! Hugs!

  21. wow,dein goldfisch mit den tollen texturen ist fantastisch,dazu das mosaik,einfach klasse.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht,hier blüht es auch überall.
    schönen sonntag dir.

    knuddel jenny

  22. those dandelion seeds look magical, as though they are glowing! really love those photos.
    such a charming fish piece. pleasant weather is to be treasured, i think.

  23. Feels like we are in deep water for sure - even the goldfish is turning up his glitter as he slides through the murky waters of the deep.
    Wonderful pictures Sugar - always something of interest and beauty!
    Sandy xx

  24. Catching up, Valerie. Love this page with the tiles for the waves. What a lucky goldfish; no wonder he glitters so much. No so sure about the quote, however, have never seen a stupid fish.

    Love hugs,


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