Sunday 24 May 2015

A message in a bottle

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Today I have another mixed media journal page which I am linking to Art Journal Journey, the sea, and Moo Mania and More, bottles. The background is a painted and dripped one which I scanned into the computer and printed out. I sketched in the bottle, and gave it a quick coat of diluted white acrylic to try to give the effect of glass. I added some shading with Gelatos, and went over the outlines with gel pens. The shells etc have been collaged. I painted an oblong white for the 'message' and write on it with a black uniball pen. I added a few bubbles with the white uniball pen, and that was it.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, X,Y, Z - here 'Y' for yellow.

Here I reversed the colours, just for fun.

Some photos from yesterday's walk:

These flowers are growing right on the top of the castle ruins:

And I love the old walls around our little town.

Have a great day you all, take care,
ad thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your wonderful bottle art, too funny - I feel like that sometimes, too! Fantastic photos, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Good Morning Valerie. What fabulous journal pages. That bottle itself is pure art and the colouring and sayings are pure genius. Love the pictures too and like us you had some nice weather. Hugs Rita xxxx

  3. Wow das ist wieder ein klasse Bild!!! Die Flasche ist super geworden! Ich wünsche dir schönePfingsttage. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  4. Herrlich ist die Seite heute!Auch die vernderte Version kommt super! Wunderschöne Fotos! Knuddel !
    Hab nen schönen Sonntag Sweetie!

  5. Some wonderful photographs and I particularly love the old wall one it has so much character.

    Beautiful art page again. Heaven knows how you can think up so many ideas. I have never heard the quote before-is it one of your own? Great to see what a difference the pages take on with a filter.

    Have a good day-lots of rain forecast for here I'm afraid.

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. The old wall is fave of mine, we have so many of these gorgeous walls around here. But people do look as if I'm cracked when they see me taking photos of cracked old walls!

  6. Fabulous variations on your theme and great photos like always! Love how the first bottle really looks like glass!
    Happy Sunday!

  7. A great quote Valerie and your bottle really looks like it's bobbing along. Have a lovely Sunday, I think I need to tackle the ironing basket! Xx

  8. LOVING that bottle painting. Superb!! {{Hugs}}

  9. You have definitely got the hang of painting transparent bottles, and it's a very realistic cork too.
    Your background is terrific, love the blues and yellows, but what a quote! - a bit frightening don't you think?
    Great photos today, I do like a nice painted railing and the cracked brick wall is fascinating - it could maybe make a great background for a painting or collage?

    1. Scary? Noooo, sounds great! I just finished a graffiti page using an atered version of the wall as BG.

    2. I didn't think of wall graffiti, sounds good, I expect we'll see it sometime?

    3. Yes, in about 10 days. You can gladly use the photo for backgrounds if you want to!

    4. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing your art. I wonder if that is a hint for the next AJJ theme - oho, what can it be?

  10. What wonderful bottle art, Valerie! This is another great page with beautiful colours in both versions. The old wall photo is so fantastic.
    Have a lovely Sunday!
    Hugs, Mar

  11. wunderschöne seite, Valerie! ich komme gerade vom Flohmarkt, wo ich (aus platzgründen) wieder mal sooo vielen schönen flaschen widerstanden habe...

  12. Wundervolle FlaschenArt, die absolut genial ist, wie auch die wunderschönen Fotos...
    herzliche Pfingstgrüsse, Sichtwiese

  13. Wow Valerie, the water waves in your page are outstanding!! Amazing piece!! Your photos were so wonderful today, I took forever to scroll down to the comment section, I wanted to stay in the lovely photos all day long! Happy Sunday :)

  14. Great art and message by the way. I enjoyed the photos too!

  15. Love the message and the bottle, Valerie! Of course the pics are always fun to see and hear about. That brick wall would make an excellent background in your art!

  16. Lovely bottle art, and your photos are really art in themselves, love the one you captured with the 3 different coloured horses.

  17. Das ist ja ein richtiges Flaschenpost-Farb-Feuerwerk!
    ...und wieder ein wunderbarer Spaziergang mit dir.
    ... zu den Briefmarken habe ich direkt im Blog noch was geschrieben... habe mich kaputt gelacht.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

    1. Ja, und ich hab nicht nur die Briefmarken gesehen....

  18. Hi Valerie, I really like all of your bottle projects. They are bright and beautifully designed using your own artistic talents to draw the bottles. The foliage in your photos today is remarkable and some of the greenery is almost up to the bellies of the horses. Love the gates and fences you photographed too. It is just a glorious post today.


  19. The colors are so vibrant and fun! Beautiful! And I love seeing your photos, too. Thank you for making your blog such a fun place to visit. Also, thank you for joining us again this week for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle

  20. A fun and colourful page. Thanks for taking me along on your beautiful countryside stroll.

  21. Hi Valerie, Beautiful journal page. You always use the best color themes. Always love your walking pics.
    Have a nice weekend.

  22. Your bottles are beautiful Valerie but they have to be because your backgrounds are so gorgeous!!
    The message in the bottle is a little creepy! Or let's just say it caused me to shutter!
    The brick wall is wonderful!!!
    Sandy xx

  23. Wow- what a quote!!
    Both versions are beautiful Val- though I am especially fond of the first!! xo

  24. Supertolle Flaschen und Fotos, Valerie

  25. Wowww, das sieht ja toll aus mit der Flaschenpost... gute Idee.
    Wie immer sehe ich wieder wunderschöne Fotos.
    LG Carola

  26. Very lovely design and those photos are awesome!

  27. Love your crowned tag and its gorgeous colours!

  28. Love your crowned tag and its gorgeous colours!

  29. Eine wunderschöne Seite Valerie, die Farben sind einfach herrlich!


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