Tuesday 7 October 2014

The spooky forest and more....

Hi everybody!

We had a cold, wet and windy day here, lovely weather for 
wellies and raincoats! The sun showed itself for a few minutes in between showers, but not much. The clouds left some gaps this evening, so I was able to enjoy the view of the moon glowing in the dark sky, just wonderful.

Last week I made a spooky forest scene for Art Journal Journey, deep in the forest. My picture shows a ghostly, white forest which can only be seen during the month of October, when it slowly comes to life; during the rest of the year, it just seems to be a collection of dead and dreary trees. It wakes up when it hears the raucous laughter and festivities from the pumpkin field - the pumpkins there are notorious party animals. If you are ever nearby, take my advice - go in the other direction!

I used an A3 sheet of paper, painted the background with some black and white acrylics left over from another project, and then had fun putting it all together, The pumpkins are part of a paper napkin that Jeannette sent me recently, together with other fun Halloween stuff. I sketched the trees with a white pen, and coloured them with white oil pastels to give a chalky look. The witch and the trees are die cuts. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, Falling in love with - Halloween!

The clouds were fascinating to watch today: 

There was an abundance of fungi in the park:

Autumn is a wonderful time, even in the rain!

And the crowning glory was once again the moon.

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Was für coole Pilzaufnahmen und dann das Mondfoto - klasse.
    Deine Gespensterseite ist ja irre - die Gespensterbäume sind total witzig. Da gibt es so viele kleine Details zu entdecken - echt super.

  2. Love this Val, what a fantastic fantasy page - you always have a vivid imagination! The kids will love seeing this tomorrow! Beautiful photos, too! Take care of yourself, and good night, sleep well! Hugs, Sarah

  3. This is really great!! A definite favourite, your use of colour and patterns adds such interest to this piece, full of fun! My sons I know will love this one. Your moon photo is beautiful, very eerie!

  4. Lovely lovely post.... always a good dose of Halloween here :)

    Karen x

  5. Love your spooky forest. Your trees are really spooky but a lot of fun too.

  6. Your art journal page is loaded with Halloween fun! The sketchy trees look wonderful with those pumpkins. Thank you for sharing your work with us this week for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle

  7. Fantastic, magical forest. Love your Halloween work.
    Have a happy day,
    Hugs xx

  8. Sagenhaft was Du in Deinen Wald alles reingetan hast! Da kann man stundenlang schauen und entdecken! Dein Aufmahmen sind fantastisch.. die werden immer NOCH besser - unglaublich!
    DANKT ♥♥♥
    und ich auch!

  9. Wowowowow valerie,deine spooky seite ist ja der knaller,soooooo fantastisch hast du alles zusammengestellt,bin ganz sprachlos vor Begeisterung,auch die gemalten Bäume sind der hammer,genial schööööööön.
    deine Mondaufnahmen sind sagenhaft schön,du hast wirklich ein händchen für sowas.
    ich bin grad wach geworden und trinke erstmal meinen cafe,einen wunderschönen tag wünsch ich dir.


  10. Das ist eine schaurig-schöne Seite - ich bin auch grad im Halloween-grusel- modus :-)
    Das Mondfoto ist ein toller HG für eine weitere Halloween Szene. Hab einen schönen Tag,
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  11. Terrific Journal Page. Just wait until you see mine I posted earlier--we had the same black and white idea--maybe it was at the same time lol.

    Beautiful autumn photographs with so many things of beauty that nature invites to see for free.

    Have really great day-will email soon.

    Love Chrissie x

  12. Love your spooky forest Valerie! The chalkboard is very effective and your pumpkins look fantastic! Wonderful shots today, I really love the last one with the moon, it's very Werewolf in London! Spooky!

  13. Love the spooky forest Valerie - Wonderful photos - the last one with the moon is amazing.
    Avril xx

  14. What a marvelous and complex piece. Your pumpkins are quite spooky all by themselves never mind those trees. We've had big fungi popping up as well and those deep swirling clouds too. xox

  15. Love your very creative forest! I think I will be looking twice at all the trees next time I walk around the lake to make sure they don't have arms! Cool fungi--so white!

    1. Yes, I think I will have to be watchful when I go through the woods this afternoon!

  16. Super spooky, Valerie! Also gorgeous shots of the moon.

  17. I could look at this for ages (and have). These trees are seriously spooky with their long arms and hands - SCREAM! - and I wouldn't trust these pumpkins either. The sweet ghost on the left seems friendly - but can we be sure? It's a great piece, Valerie.

    1. No dear, you can't be sure. The ghost only looks friendly, but it's the worst one of all. RUN if you see it!

      Wednesday, October 08, 2014

    2. Thanks for the warning.
      I also meant to say that your moon photo is so atmospheric and is a terrific photo.
      There are many strange creatures in the clouds.

  18. Love the new look of your blog and the spooky forest is my kind of place. This is such a fun time of the year.

  19. This project is definitely a favorite. Your creativity blossoms on the page and the pumpkins are fantastic with the trees in front. Fall is here too and the leaves are turning quickly. We expect a storm this weekend but for today, it is sunny and beautiful. The fungi in your area really grows to huge sizes. We don't see that so much in our area as our climate is more dry. Great photos, Valerie. Stay dry.


  20. Great halloween piece ! It's inspired me for another drawing I'm going to do , thanks for visiting my blog !

  21. Wieviel Spaß du beim Bearbeiten deines Halloweenbildes hattest, kann man wirklich sehen. Die Baumgespenster sind richtig freundlich und gar nicht unheimlich, aber du schreibst ja selbst, dass der linke der Schlimmste sei...
    ... und wieder sehr stimmungsvolle Fotos!
    LG Ulrike

  22. What wonderful page, Valerie! I love the pumpkins, the amazing trees... I really love all Halloween elemenents you've incorporated on this fantastic and spooky forest . Well done!
    The great moon photo is very appropriate today.
    Hugs, Mar

  23. Love your quirky ghosts, highly original and a great page. Annette x


  24. lovely forest piece! I believe that was the blood moon! And the size of that fungus!

  25. Fantastic pumpkins, I imagined a spooky party going on somewhere in your forest when I looked at the page.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Fabulous page, Love the scene, it's an AMAZING spooky party.... your photos are beautiful... Lots of heavy rain here in the south of England today....Hugs May x x x

  27. Beautiful scene, very creative and imaginative! Great pics too! xx

  28. Your forest is super spooky - I think I'll stay at home ;) Lol
    I love your blog's Autumnal make-over - gorgeous rich colours :o))

  29. I like the suggestion of dark trees in the background and the cartoons that look like they were drawn with chalk.
    That is one big, weird mushroom and yes, the moon has been fabulous lately. Last night it had a pinkish aura around it here.
    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. You are so sweet to do that.
    Blessing hugs,

  30. Fantastische Seite! Das gibt es soviel zu entdecken ... ich muss immer wieder einen Blick darauf werfen, und wieder entdecke ich etwas neues! Einfach großartig!

  31. I love your page! The color with the black& White! Awesome! Enjoy the Halloween season!

  32. Spooktacular piece and the shot of the moon is fabulous! Big hugs, ~Diane


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