Wednesday 22 October 2014

A spooky forest and windswept birds

Hi everybody!

We had another stormy day here, hope you all stayed safe!
Our little town was even emptier than usual, not even the market tempted people to go out in the rain!

I have made another spooky, drippy piece. The background was once again a brush wipe page, which I sprayed with blue and purple, and let the colours run and drip again. Then I had fun outlining the strange figures which had crept onto the page. The golden figures were added with perfect pearls and TH stamps. Some of the blobs turned into houses, and others into spooky trees and toadstools,  so here we have midnight deep in the Fright Forest. I am linking to Art Journal Journey, deep in the forest, Simon Monday Challenge, and Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

These poor pigeons looked as though they had been battling against the storm:

The cormorants were out fishing

And this one was perhaps dancing for the ducks.

All the benches were deserted again:

And sensible people evidently stayed home!

Have a great day, whatever you are up to!
Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good evening Val, just saw this as I was switching off. Had a great evening, P went out with his mates, so relaxing for me! Pity he has such a bad conscience about leaving me on my own.... Love your spooky forest again, you are the queen of spooky forests, that's for sure! Good night, and hope to see you soon, hugs, Sarah

  2. but when the sun comes out again it will be beautiful! Very spooky piece today!

  3. moin valerie,

    oohh was für eine schaurig wunderschöne seite,einfach grandios gemacht,gefällt mir sehr,sehr gut.
    schöne bilder hast du wider gemacht,ich libe die cormorane,deine bilder stimmen mich glücklich und hilft mir etwas bei meinen schmerzen,danke das du mir die daumen drückst,ich hoffe wirklich das es nichts schlimmes ist und es schnell geklärt werden kann.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag,du liebe.


  4. Good Morning Valerie. I love how you have achieved this wonderful spooky look, the colours alone are fabulous. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. Fantastisch schaurig hast Du diese Arbeit gestaltet Val ( ♥♥♥ danke für so ein Traumteil zur Challenge) passt perfekt zu den Bildern von den wetterbedingt ausgestorbenen Plätzen... hoffentlich hattes Du keine schlechten Träume nach dem einstellen dieses posts ...kicher ...

    knuddle Dich und wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag!
    Nicht dass Du Dich fühlst wie diese Tauben sondern eher wie der tanzende Kormoran!

  6. I like the way you integrated the two themes.

  7. Very brave of you to go out all that weather Valerie but you look to be in good company with the birds that you found to pose for you.

    Very scary forest scene but so clever how you could see the shapes and pick them out with the white.

    Hope the weather is better today and you can ditch the wellies for a change.

    Love Chrissie x

  8. I think the birds are enjoying getting their feathers ruffled by the wind! Your painting is rather creepy ... but still fabulous! Have a good day! Xx

  9. I love your spooky forest, your outlined figures are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Great painting, I love your abstract figures. Really woodsy but spooky for the season too.

  11. Fabulous. Love your wonderful creation, and as always the colours, papers and the design are wowzers....thanks for the journey too...xx

    The Journey is the Start

  12. very spooky creations, beautifully perfect for the season!! The photos o the birds are all so interesting with the action of the wind in their feathers,

  13. I wouldn't want to run into any of those spooks, but the shapes and colors are wonderful!

  14. Hui Bui lauter Waldgespenster und Geister wahnsinnig fantasievoll gemacht !und Deine Fotos sind auch wieder toll. Hoffentlich wird das trübe Wetter bei uns bald wieder freundlicher.
    LG Anja

  15. Wonderful journal page Valerie, I love how you outlined your figures! Such fitting photos too! Have a great day! hugs :)

  16. Love your spooky forest!!! Sounds like your weather is like we were having last week and the week before...This week we are blessed with warmer weather and SUNSHINE :) Love the photo and those poor pigeons look miserable :( Have a fantastic day and hope you get some sunshine soon.

  17. Another deep in the forest piece with your fantastic dripping paint backgrounds which I like so much. Your photos today are bright and crisp and I like the one of the sign. You shared steeples with us perhaps some of your signs would make terrific photos. It is raining here today so I plan to do some cleaning.


  18. Hi Valerie, your new piece is so much fun and perfect for the season along with your wonderful walking pics. You are setting the mood for Halloween.

  19. Oh, immensely spooky, I wouldn't like to meet a drippy ghost especially the ones with the green eyes.. I like your little village and hopefully for the occupants the spooks are just passing over on their way to somewhere else.

    1. The village houses are always well booked at this time of year!

  20. Frightfully gorgeous piece, I love how you find things to draw in the blobs of paint, reminds me of looking at the clouds and finding faces in them. Really fun piece. Big hugs, ~Diane

  21. Wow Valerie, this page is a really spooky scene, but the shapes are fabulous, and I love the colours. And wonderful photos. Hugs, Mar

  22. This is great, so spooky and such drippy fabulous effects!

  23. Loving your spooky page and the way you outlined the floating figures, can just imagine them wafting around. Great photos as well, hope the weather has been better today.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Wonderfully spooooky creation! Love the ghoasts! :)
    The weather has not been too bad today here in London. It is getting cold though.. the winter is in the air :) HUgs,
    Ingrid xx

  25. Ooh spooky piece indeed. I think your dancing duck is a comerant, which we have here too. They are sea birds and do that to dry their wings. xox

  26. Your art is very spooky, and fantastic, I love the gold skeletons. We enjoyed a beautiful calm sunny day today. I love the cooler weather but we can't sit outside in the evenings it's too cold. Take care, Shirleyxx

  27. Very spooky indeed. Looks like a fun technique.

  28. It was really blustery here today too! Love your spooky art - wonderful!

  29. Wow, so ghostly and flowy! Love the pigeon photos. :D

  30. Spooky indeed. I made something similar once, always such fun to look for what's in there.

  31. Loved your spooky forest Valerie! hugs Ruth

  32. lovely, spooky and imaginative piece Valerie and beautiful autumnal background on your blog.

  33. That captures halloween so perfectly and as always your photos are amazing... you are so lucky to live somewhere so picturesque...xx

  34. Love your painting and your photos!

  35. Your spooky art is lovely...Love the hues! Nice pictures too :)

  36. I love your spooky forest! How perfect for Halloween too! Love it!

  37. Wunderschön und schaurig zugleich! Einfach klasse! Schön, diese vielen Details, die es zu entdecken gibt!
    ein schönes Wochenende für dich!
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Annette

  38. Your ghostly artwork is ghoulishly good! I am getting so excited about Halloween. I guess grown ups don't dress up for Halloween in Germany? In USA many of us do because we have kids and that gets us inspired. Happy PPF

    1. Some do, if they are partying. I used to when I was still teaching, it was fun!

  39. What as spooky forest! Brrr....I get goosebumps just looking at it! lol It has been raining here, too--in fact, tomorrow we are to get some more wild weather. I'm kinda looking forward to it. Have a lovely weekend!

  40. what a SUPER painting Valerie!! Beautiful nature photos too-those poor pigeons do look like they-re having a hard time in that wind.

  41. Your page is deliciously spooky!
    We saw Cormorants for the first time at a favorite beach spot we visit...
    they seem to like that wings spread position alot!
    Even rainy days in your neck of the woods look inviting!
    Happy beginning of the weekend to you.

  42. Hello Valerie! The purple really is fun color to choose for the spooky theme. I love how your painting turned out! Every time I see Cormorants drying off their wings It reminds me of the wingless Cormorants in the Galapagos...a fond memory. Have a lovely week.

  43. Very spooky... we had some of the same kind of rain and a few storms this week too...suppose to be more on the weekend!! Great piece! Love the wing span in that photos too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  44. Your painting is spooky with a lot of cuteness, love the colors and the mystery of it!
    Your pictures are fabulous! I totally LOVE the one with the bench!! It is so nice to see rain, for my living in California with the drought we are having!

  45. What a fabulous creation! Love the spookiness of it! Wow you live in a wonderful little town! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  46. The dead are gathering in the very old cemetery located deep in the creepy woods. So when you go out in the woods today be sure and go in disguise!
    Sandy xx

    1. I was already in the woods and not disguised - hope they didn't see me!

  47. Love your eerie woods full of happy spirits!


  48. Really spooky forest. Your photos are beautiful:)

  49. Liebe Valerie,
    da bin ich wieder, heute war deine Seite wieder "sauber" und ich bin noch immer dabei, die verpassten Tage anzuschauen.
    Weil dein Spooky-Bild mir so super gut gefällt muss ich jetzt gleich was schreiben... deine Geist-Gestalten sind so wunderbar gelungen, richtig toll!
    .... und überhaupt genieße ich es immer, deine Fotos anzuschauen - inzwischen kenne ich mich in deiner Umgebung schon richtig gut aus!
    LG Ulrike

  50. We have a bird like this "Anhinga" that will put her wings out to dry them just like this after she has been in the water fishing for her dinner. Can't fly with wet wings. I am absolutely in love with the forest, spooky picture. Excellent. Blessings, Janet PPF


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