Saturday 4 October 2014

A beady eyed owl and more

Hi everybody!

We had another wonderful, golden October day here, so I spent a lot of time outside - walking through the shingle on the shore, sitting watching the river and the ships, just enjoying doing nothing. I am allowing myself a few days crafty break and making the best of the good weather - I crafted so much last week that I have enough for the week to come.

This owl is a cover for a new journal I am making, 21 x 32 cm. The owl is one of a package I won last year, and just needed to be ironed on to the linen, which I had already fringed. I sewed it onto some brown cardstock, and sewed on  a strip of fancy burlap, some lace, and a few bits and bobs as autumn embellishments. I glued it to the gold corrugated card, which I in turn glued to a piece of thick, scrap card to make it durable in use. I am linking to AJJ, 'deep in the forest', then every forest has its owls, which glide silently among the trees, and observe all that is going on. I hear an owl outside here every night, but have not seen it up till now.

Here are some pictures taken on my walks today:

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Morning Val, just snatched a bit of computer time while P is busy elsewhere....Love what you have made, he owl is very pretty, and I like the sewing you have been using a lot lately, great! Wonderful photos, too. Have a lovely day! Hugs, Sarah.

  2. What a fun make, love your rusty owl!

    Interesting how you say you gave yourself a few days break from crafting.... surely we should never feel obliged to craft or to blog? Anyway, enjoy your days "off", hope the weather stay fine for you, here it's totally miserable today with pouring rain...:o(

    1. My problem is that I ALWAYS want to make something, and am just trying to rest my arm and make the most of the weather!

  3. wow,die rostige Eule ist ja klasse,du weißt wie sehr ich Eulen liebe.
    dein Spaziergang war ja wieder toll,schöne bilder hast du gemacht,mein favorit sind die Pferdchen und der schöne weiße Schwan,der so graziös schwimmt.
    wir waren auch mit der fähre unterwegs,wir waren auf einer schönen insel wo die Natur noch sehr unberührt ist,war seeehr schön der Tag dort.
    wünsch dir einen schönen Sonntag,wir haben gerade laminat gekauft fürs Wohnzimmer,heute wird er verlegt von meinen Schatz,dann darf ich nicht mehr auf den Boden basteln und muss in die küche.

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Aber Laminat ist wunderbar zum draufbasteln, ich mache es oft....Dein Schatz soll nicht o streng zu Dir sein!

  4. Wunderbare Aufnahmen und in Dein Cover bin ich verliebt... was für eine tolle Eule ?!
    Sagenhaft schön gemacht hast Du das wieder mal!

    Hab einen schönen Samsatg Valerie !

  5. Hier war auch traumaftes Wetter aber da mein Schatz arbeiten musste war ich lange im Bastelzimmer.
    Heute soll es auch noch einmal schön werden aber im Augenblick ist es noch sehr frisch und ziemlich neblig. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag - schone deinen Arm. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  6. Sweet owl..... love your photos :)

    Enjoy your break.

    Karen x

  7. Love the owl piece especially your sewing and the feathers.

    Great photographs--I love pics of rusting old machinery -used to search them out often so must start again--you have inspired me :)

    Nice to have a break from crafting for a few days and I hope your arm is feeling ok

    Love Chrissie x

  8. Love the idea of the owls gliding through the trees deep in the forest. Your owl is very happy and relaxed looking.
    Enjoy your "days-off", Valerie.

    1. They really do glide, it's wonderful to see them fly.

  9. Die Eule sieht richtig edel aus, toll kombiniert, und Deine Fotos sind wieder echte Stimmungsmacher.
    Ein schönes Sonniges WE wünsche ich Dir,
    lG Anja

  10. Valerie, LOVE your owl, LOVE your photos....gosh your walks are so interesting mine are boring around the housing estate and just a duck pond.xxThe Journey is the Start

  11. Love your photos too and your art work is amazing, Valerie!

  12. Autumn is definitely in the air in your photos and the lovely owl piece!

  13. Du wohnst ja so unglaublich schön!!!! Ich war grade wieder ganz hingerissen von den herrlichen Oktoberfotos vom Rhein. Und immer wieder gibt's Neues zu gucken. Ich bin auch ganz begeistert von der Eule. Ich wußte garnicht, daß es so tolle Sachen zum Aufbügeln gibt!

  14. Your artwork is awesome! Not a fan of squawking seagles. Sorry but enjoyed other photos the horses. Glad your getting out to enjoy the nice Oct.

  15. Love your owl art. Stunning photos too!

  16. Beautiful artwork and photos. Your owls are amazing!

  17. Love your photos.

    Annie v.

  18. That is one 'beady' owl and he looks magnificent on the fabric. You created another great wall hanging for October. Your photos, as always, an added joy. The boat is so colorful to transport autos and people from one side to the other. I enjoy viewing all of the boats that travel up and down the Rhine. Enjoy your day, may the sun keep shining for a few more weeks.


  19. The owl looks fantastic on the linen, a great piece of art. Super photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  20. What a sweet creation. Love your hanging. Nice river photos too.

  21. Wow Valerie this is just stunning and something I would love to try

    Your photos are, as always, amazing

    Hilda x

  22. WOW was für eine schöne Arbeit, deine Eule ist ja eine Wucht und super von dir in Szene gesetzt! APPLAUS!!!
    lg Uli

  23. This is just gorgeous Valerie, the blingy owl looks great on the fabric. It's going to be a special journal. Xx

  24. Das ist so zauberhaft!! Wie schön die Eule auf diesem bedrucktem Leinen aussieht! Tolle!
    Wunderbare Foto-Serie!
    Liebe, LonettA

  25. That linen is gorgeous! This is going to make a great journal cover! As always I sure do love your pictures from your walk!!
    Sandy xx

  26. Love your owl!! You know how much I love all of your photos... my little virtual vacations ♥

  27. Wie cool, die Eule sieht klasse aus. Auch deine Fotos sind schön, danke für die Eindrücke :)


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