Thursday 9 October 2014

Spooks in the forest, sparkly leaves and rain

Hi everybody!

Wednesday was a very cool and wet day here, and only cleared up a little
in the evening. I still went for my two walks, well armed with raincoat and wellies, and although I didn't manage as much as usual, I still got in 12000 steps altogether, so it wasn't bad for the squelchy, wet conditions.

This is another of my spray, drip and run paintings. The BG was painted with blues and grey left over from other projects, and then I went to work dripping and spraying. I dripped on some metal patinas in rust, green and orange, and sprayed them with diluted home-made sprays to get the colours moving. I repeated the procedure till I liked what I had, and added some fairy dust to the last spray. Then I outlined the drips using different gel-pens, and outlined some of the strange forms with a white pen. It looks to me like figures hovering above the bare tree trunks in the forest - perhaps the tree sprites? I added some of my embossed and glittered natural leaves, and some plants and berries. I drew and painted some fungi and grass along the bottom edge. The last additions were the fairy and the little elf.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Deep in the forest; Simon Monday Challenge, falling in love with - Autumn; Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, Soartful Challenge, leaves and Moo Mania and more, Bright and cheerful.

I love the patterns in this burnt log, which was on one of the many fire-places along the Rhine

The rain filled the little stream leading to the Rhine and made the water spray and splash:

This chappy was disappointed because I had nothing for him today:

The corn was standing in water:

The paths were full of puddles:

But even puddles have a beauty of their own:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Die Seite ist senstaionell schön.. ich bin ganz begeistert von diesen getropften, geronnenen Fantastiewesen und wie effektvoll das alles aussieht!
    Deine Fotos vom Rhein sind wunderschön- danke!
    Einen guten Tag Val!
    AJJ & MOO MANIA & MORE danken ♥lichst°°°°°°

  2. Another stunning journal page, love the vibrant colours - your love of Autumn and Halloween really shines through! Wonderful photos, too. Good luck at the doctor's and take care, Hugs, Sarah

  3. A fabulous journal page, the colours are gorgeous and I love all the drips.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. The colors on your page just come to life. It screams, Autumn is here and I love it!" which I's the best time to be here in Miami (temp-wise). There's nothing like cool sweater/boot weather and seeing all the beautiful leaves turn color. I miss NY in the fall...wish I could go back for two months! Happy Thursday to you!

    1. Yes, Autumn is a season which you just have to love, and I know what you mean about sweaters and boots!

  5. Your art today is just magical! The fairy and elf look very ethereal, and the background is amazing.

    I hope the corn has its wellies on--that a lot of rain, but I'm sure the ducks are happy!

  6. Wow brilliant colours, design and awesome everything....YOU are the Queen lol, of this sort of art and I just love coming here every always have something so original and beautiful and your photos are always so interesting to look
    The Journey is the Start

  7. Wow, die reinste Farbexplosion, wunderschön.
    Deine Fotos auch - wie immer -

    Danke für*s Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE

  8. Was für ein Farbenrausch, hammermäßig gemacht, das muss ich mir noch ganz oft anschauen!
    lg Uli

  9. I love the art!!! SO magical and surreal ♥♥♥♥♥ I love to walk in the rain ! I prefer it when it's warmer out but it's that time of year and we take what we can get. That burnt wood is intriguing. Love all of your photos. It's cold and wet `here today, I'll be inside hopefully finishing up the apples .

  10. your new work is amazing, I love love love the colors!! So much rain you had, wow, the ducks will be loving it though, sad to see the corn in it but I suppose harvest is over,

  11. Valerie, I hope you have more of the blue drip backgrounds because they would make a great under water scene too. The forest one is enchanting today and your leaves continue to inspire me.
    Even in the rain, your photos turn out so well. Thanks again for sharing your walk with us.


  12. MAGICAL!
    Great work, Valerie,
    Hugs xx

  13. There are definitely some ghostly figures on your journal page. I love the berries, are they a stamp! Lovely pics too, love the crocodile log! Xx

    1. The berries are some ancient rub-ons, and that crocodile log made me look twice!

  14. beautiful page! No fun walking in those puddles!

  15. Hello Hello Dear Valerie ~ looking forward to catching up with you again after being away.
    Lots of rain falling this time of year and I agree about puddles being beautiful with lovely reflections and more!
    Wonderful how you brought your drippy background to life with all of your special layers = brilliant results!
    I just bought an empty plastic pen with a ball in it so I can make my own white paint pen...hoping it works.
    Happy October to you!

    1. Great to see you back - tell us about how you make that pen!

  16. Deine farbenfrohe Seite ist der absolute Knaller, da gefällt mir einfach alles. Die herrlichen Farben, die schwebenden Gestalten, die tollen Blätter. SUPER.
    Bei euch hat es auch mächtig geregnet wie man auf den Fotos erkennen kann. Dem Mais tut das viele Wasser bestimmt nicht gut.

  17. Great combination of the blues and oranges. Yes there are definitely a few tree spirit people here, did they come in with the fairy dust?
    Thanks for joining in with the Soartful leaves challenge, this is very suitable for that theme!

  18. Love the running drips and layers, I can see the images flitting around the page, so magical.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Stunning page with an amazing background. I adore the vibrant blue colour and also I love the elf and the fairy. Another super work!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Hi Valerie, sounds like you had 2 good walks even with the rain. Love your drip painting. Just gorgeous colors and details. Your walking pics are wonderful. You always inspire as you see the beauty in all things.
    Have a great weekend.

  21. Ooh, these are really cool. so much color and texture! Love it!

  22. The colors are a feast for my eyes!Magnificent!

  23. Love your colors and the white outlining really makes it pop. What did you use for the white?

    1. I use a Signo uniball, the best sort for me!

  24. Gorgeous art and beautiful pictures !!

  25. Eine großartige Seite! So viele liebevolle Details und die Farbkombination blau-orange-rot ist einfach klasse auf diesem Hintergrund! Gefällt mir sehr!

  26. Fantastic ideas for your journal page Valerie-an enchanted forest for sure.

    Watery scenes in the photographs so I hope it better weather today.

    Will be thinking of you

    Love Chrissie x

  27. Awesome work, looks as if they are meeting at the waterfall deep in the forest. Lovely photos.

  28. A very pretty sparkly happy page! Well done!

    Hugs Giggles

  29. Loving your gorgeous, magical work of art Valerie, Happy PPF, Annette x

  30. I love your forest piece, it's unique and so bright and colourful, an authentic piece!

  31. Autumn colors in these beautiful compositions, great !!

  32. Love this! Those white lines makes it all more special. :)

  33. I love the spray, drip and run painting. Maybe I'll try your technique on some painting soon.

  34. Such a cool technique - so creative! Happy PPF!

  35. brilliant painting Valerie!!! I just love how you outlined some of the drips with the white pen! Great photos too-love that last puddle one.

  36. Wonderful drip painting! I really like the look you get from that technique. Good for you for getting your walks in, and wonderful that you walk in such a lovely area. The texture on that log is awesome, btw. Happy PPF!

  37. Your spray, drip and run is so fun! I love to play with paint, too. And your photographs are magical.

  38. Autumnal magic was the word that came to mind when I looked at your painting.
    I've never tried the spray, drip and run technique but it looks like fun.
    Brilliant artwork Valerie... enjoy your weekend
    Happy PPF to you

  39. Very wet walk you had! But the photos are beautiful as usually and love your colors in your paintings. Happy PPF!

  40. Love your art this week. It sings AUTUMN! Wonderful photos too. The rain canmake for some very atmospheric shots.

  41. i love what you did with the splatters by drawing around them in white, they really pop! your photos are cool. love the leaves in the puddle... that is so awesome!

  42. Very magical. Love the colors and wonderful photography.

  43. What a beautiful piece! Love the wonderful contrast and the white outlining is stunning! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  44. I love the mixed art. Beautiful. The photos are so much fun for me. Uh Oh, poor duck. I always carry their cracked corn when I walk. . . never know when you will meet a hungry critter. Blessings, Janet PPF

  45. Great piece, I love the white outlines, it really makes it pop! Big hugs, ~Diane

  46. Your art journal entry is SO cool! Who would have thought?

  47. Valerie -- What a fantastic piece. Such vibrant colors. Fantastic way to celebrate fall. Thanks so much for showing us the photos of the stream. Nature is such an inspiration. There is beauty all around us. Congrats on your spotlight over at Simon Says Stamp! -- Mary Elizabeth

  48. gorgeous! love the pics too and I love the white with the vibrant colors on your piece!

  49. and what are the metallic paints you used? so vibrant!

  50. Oh dear, I don't know how I missed this wonderful journal page -- or painting. Truthfully, your art work excites me - I watch you doing all these techniques and I can just picture you playing and experimenting. But you have to have a certain amount of knowledge or you end up making mud. Are you going to share the recipe for your home made sprays?
    sandy xx


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