Tuesday 1 October 2013

Tag Tuesday and more happy mail

Hi everybody!
Just a quick post today, I have an infection, and need to get plenty of rest for a few days.
I got this wonderful postcard from Chrissie, who has been spending a week at Skegness, where I often spent weekends when I was studying near there. It looks just the same as always, and brought back some fond memories of meeting dates at the clock-tower! Thanks Chrissie!

This postcard is a painting which Alex made, and she sent me a copy for my 'arty kitchen'- it is really beautiful. Thanks a lot Alex!

And here is my tag for Tag Tuesday, where the theme this week is beads, buttons and bows.
I used some of the paper and embellies I got from Donna, and some beads which were in my parcel from Debbie recently. The ribbon for the bow is from Really Reasonable Ribbon, part of a win I had, and the skull, from Donna, is a button. 

Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Good morning Valerie, it's not looking very good here in my part of the world today :( but your tag sure brightens the day :) love those leaves :)
    Von ♥

  2. ein tolle Portrait von Alex haste bekommen und Du bist eine richtige Halloweenkünstlerin Valerie!

  3. Lovely postcards, the painting from Alex is beautiful, and love your Halloween tag! Hug, Sarah

  4. A super witchy tag and lovely postcards, Anita's painting is fab. Look after yourself!! Xx

  5. Pleased the postcard arrived ok Valerie. I love the postcard painting from Alex with the wonderful bird.

    The tag you made is fantastic--love the things on the bottom of it-made me smile

    Have a good day

    Chrissie x

  6. Love your 'happy mail' and your tags made me smile :)

    Hope your infection is better soon.

    Karen x

  7. Lovely gifts and wonderful tags for the upcoming season!

  8. You are finding a lot of great mail! I hope your infection goes away soon. Take care of yourself, Shirleyx

  9. Super halloween tag, Hope you feel better soon.
    Yvonne x

  10. You are having a bad time lately health-wise. Hope the infection clears up quickly.
    Your lovely traditional version of a witch on a broomstick stands out so well against the pumpkin background, and I like the way she extends beyond the boundaries of the tag. I avoided the bottom of the tag after a quick look ....... I'm not frightened of skulls or toadstools but .........

  11. Haha, der Halloween Tag ist so süss! Ich liebe die Hexe und kleine Spinne unten rechts ♥♥♥ Hoffe, Du bist bald wieder auf dem Damm! Ganz viele Gesundheitswünsche schickt ♥ Conny
    Mix It Monthly

  12. A fabulous tag Valerie and I hope you get better soon.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Love your tag and all the fun details! Beautiful post card from Chrissie and gorgeous painted postcard from Alex! What a well thought of lady you are! ~Diane

  14. Beautiful gifts and loving your tag. Hope you will soon be better Valerie, Annette x

  15. Beautiful work! Rest up my friend and get better soon! Hugs!

  16. Great tag for Halloween! It makes me want to eat candy! :)

  17. Fabulous Halloween tag! I just love that witch and trims on the bottom! Feel better and get all the rest you need to fight off that infection! Hugs!

  18. Nice holiday postcard and gorgeous artwork from Alex. I like your tag with lots of goodies on it. Hope you are feeling better.

  19. Hi Valerie
    It is always lovely to receive a postcard no matter from where in the world and also some art, wow, isn't that a beautiful gift to receive.
    Love the tag - makes me smile! Something I haven't done terribly much the past few days as I've been so ill!!!! No, I cannot blame AOL for that LOL

  20. Such good 'stuff' - love the postcards. AND as usual you have made the most of your happy mail. The tag is great. hugs, Donna

  21. Sorry to hear you're down and out. Feel better soon!

  22. This is really fun, I like the addition of the beads!

  23. You are such a whizz with your tags and this is no exception! Some super happy mail too. x

  24. Where do I start - I know you are feeling better now so that is a good thing. Boy you have been receiving some Happy Mail. The painting of the lady is really special and I know you are going to enjoy having her in your kitchen. Your tag sings Halloween - love that witch and the green beads are perfect!


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