Tuesday 22 October 2013

Halloween, Autumn and Happy Mail

Hi everybody,
we had a wonderful day here yesterday, warm and sunny, what a great gift. So, of course I went for a walk, and enjoyed the wonderful colours of Autumn:

And last week I got a surprise package from Yvonne. I am sure I woke the neighbours up with my squeals of delight again!
This beautiful little book - which was her DT piece for TIOT - is now mine! I love little books, and especially Halloween ones, I wonder how she knew it?!  You can see some of the pages here, and you can see the others on her blog if you follow the link.

Now, isn't it gorgeous?! Thanks a lot, Yvonne, it will be treasured!

And it didn't come alone - look at these beautiful fabrics - I see some wonderful Christmas projects coming on with them!

And London fabric - I think my squeals here were of the sort that can probably only be heard by bats....
I just LOVE this celebration of my home town!

And lovely lace....

And trimmings and tags:

Thanks Yvonne!

And this crazy owl card came together from various flying bits and bobs this evening while I was trying to clear up my table.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think I guessed you liked Halloween, glad it gave you a nice surprise.
    Love the photos of today's walk, could do with some of your good weather where I live. Fantastic fun owl card, they do seem to look a bit startled, wonder what gave them a fright.
    Yvonne x

    1. Well, it's wild, wet and windy here today - but still warm!

  2. nice work and what lovely gifts, lucky you Valerie!

  3. amazing color in your photography ~ and delicious and creative art work ~ thanks, carol ^_^

  4. Loving your wonderful photos Valerie and you great owl card. wow such beautiful gifts from Yvonne, no wonder you are a happy bunny, xx

  5. I feel as if I have just been on a peaceful walk! Beautiful photos and what a generous mail package and I know you will use every bit! Your card is a real hoot and I just love that owl! Hugs!

  6. Wonderful photographs from your walk Valerie.

    What a fab parcel you got and I can imagine the squeals of delight with so many wonders to enjoy

    Love Chrissie x

  7. You're right, it is a beautiful little book, I'm going over to have a look at Yvonne's blog. I like your owl card, your work table must be a treasure trove. And I always enjoy my morning walk in Germany.

    1. Yvonne has a gorgeous blog, very well worth looking at. And my table WAS a treusure trove - now it's clean and tidy!

  8. WOW,was für tolle post und sächelchen du bekommen hast,fantastisch.
    deine Eulen karten gefallen mir auch richtig gut,ich liebe Eulen seehr.
    die Herbstbilder sind traumhaft,der herbst ist meine liebste Jahreszeit.

    GLG Jeannette

  9. Wonderful photos, as always, and love your card. And the gifts from Yvonne are super - enjoy! Hugs, Sarah

  10. Your photos look wonderful. I just love all those fall photos. And you are one lucky gal to get that happy Mail..


  11. Beautiful fall photos, the colors are so rich! Gorgeous goodies from Yvonne, she is so sweet to send you the beautiful book and all those goodies too! Love that owl card too! ~Diane

  12. Oh wow - you lucky lady. I too love little books and this one is so wonderful - you know, I think I heard you squeal. Or maybe that was the hog killing down the road. That's the purtiest owl I have ever seen. It doesn't look a thing like our barn owls.
    I love going on your walks Valerie and I hope you continue with them even when it snows!

    1. I am sure you heard me squeal! These owls are only to be seen here along the Rhine, near old castles....They are very shy, and it's hard to get a photo of them!

  13. I recognize those mushrooms as our backyard was just filled with them a few weeks ago! What a nice gift you received--I see a lot of gorgeous projects in your future with those crafting goodies! The owls are adorable!

    1. The whole park was full of them yesterday, they appeared over night!

  14. Love that pretty owl card, and the photos. What a great parcel you got from Yvonne, that was kind of her - have fun with the things! Hugs, Barb

  15. A Happy, Happy Mail Day to say the very least. The book is so special and then all those gorgeous extras - you will be get busy creating with all you received.
    You made this from bits 'n' pieces - WOW.

  16. And now the bits and pieces are all off my table and it is tidy - wow!

  17. Was für tolle Geschenke du bekommen hast, Valerie! Das kleine Büchlein sieht richtig toll aus, mit viel Liebe gemacht! Auch die Stoffe und Bänder sind schön.

    Die Eulen sind aber von dir, oder? Die Karte finde ich klasse!

  18. What beautiful photos and a very happy mail day, indeed!

  19. Delicious package from Yvonne. Enjoy. Love the owl card - they are so cute. hugs, Donna


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