Sunday 13 October 2013

Saturday Walk and Sunday Playtime

Hi everybody,
it's cold and VERY windy outside, so I decided to stay home today, not go for a walk, and just have fun in my kitchen....
I did go walkies yesterday, and found some more autumn impressions:

This is a very ugly brick storage building by the kid's playground, covered in graffiti, and I love how nature has taken over and made it beautiful:

In the park

Waiting for the boat:

 A potted garden along the top of the old town walls by the Rhine:

And this lovely tree, really enormous, and covered thickly with ivy and hops. There are stairs right next to it, leading down to the moat, so this was the best view I could get:

And now for the 'aroma therapy' part of the day:
I baked my carrot cake and  gave it a coat of chocolate glaze while it was still warm:

 Help yourself to a piece of cake!
Suze Bain asked me to keep a piece for her, so here it is Suze, enjoy!

And while the cake was baking, I made a travelling case for The ATCs, shown here from the inside:

and the outside:
I trimmed the edges with 'owl lace'. I hope Miss Araminta will enjoy travelling in it. The giveaway is still open till Wednesday early, so if you are interested, see my previous post.
And this photo of domestic bliss to end today's episode - Miss Fitt getting ready to cook pumpkin and toadstool  soup.....

I am linking to What I made today

Have a great day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Fabulous photographs and cake, plus am loving your makes Valerie. Its cold and wet here today, but the sun is just starting to peek through, hugs Annette x

  2. MMMMM, Yummy! I've helped myself to a large slice of cake, thanks, that will taste good with my coffee! Great pictures and makes, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wonderful photos and scrummy looking cake I now feel like baking LOL :) just love those Halloween ATCs such fun. Take care & Hugs Valerie. Sandra XXX

  4. zauberhafte Herbstbilder... der Karottenkuchen sieht appetitlicher als erlaubt aus..nur gut, dass Angucken keine Kalorien zählt und Dein ATC Präsentationsteil ist auch fabelhaft gelungen!
    Ich freu mich zu hören dass es Dir besser geht!

  5. Another very nice little stroll in Germany, thank you. Your carrot cake looks very delicious. The ATC travelling case is very fine and what a very nice outside it has.

    1. The carrot cake tastes delicious, too - yummy!

  6. I will happily look after that slice of cake for Suze (carrot cake is a favourite of mine and anything with chocolate I will say "hello" to!!!!).
    Mother Nature has certainly created an abundance of colour on that wall.
    The ATC case is a wonderful idea.
    A fabulous post.
    P.S. You are too kind if you have voted for me at Gecko Galz as there is an amazing collection of cards on display.

  7. Oh Yum, I'm booked on the next flight :o) so looking forward to it, I've never had it with a chocolate topping - extra yum! Gorgeous photos Valerie, that tree is fab. Okay, better phone the taxi ..... xx

  8. Hello from Scotland Valerie. I so envy you being in such beautiful surroundings. Love all the pictures and that cake looks decidedly moreish. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Lovely post today Valerie, that's wonderful baking you did! Enjoyed the fall photos but that wind and cold is not appealing.

  10. Hi Valerie, Amazing photos - just love Autumn colours.
    Must say the cake looks yummy - whis I could call in for tea!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Avril xx

  11. You can't beat the colours of nature can you Valerie super photos :)
    The cake looks good too :)
    Von ♥

  12. Loved this festive, fun post. Glad you shared the photos--especially of that interesting tree! Carrot cake is my favorite, too!

  13. The cake looks yummy. if we lived closer, I would imagine you having a queue outside your door.
    Lovely Autumn photos as well.
    Yvonne x

  14. Hi Valerie, Your post is so creative and fun. Love the great pics you share and your carrot cake looks so yummy. Isn't it awesome that the growing vine took care of the graffiti.
    Love your card, inside and out it is fabulous.

    Have a great week.

  15. Hi Valerie, your photos are beautiful. Nice to see the scenery :) Your cake looks yummy, it's fun to see a piece reserved for a blog friend. Your halloween creations are beautiful ! Cheers, Shirleyx

  16. Wonderful photographs, a yummy cake and I love your Halloween makes.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. If Suze does not claim her piece of cake, I will take it!!! Love those photos and the ATC holder is adorable and clever! Hope you have a great week! Hugs!

    1. She claimed it, but I'll keep a slice for you, too!

  18. Oh yum to the cake, I would love a piece of that too! Beautiful fall photos of your lovely town and the ATC holder is awesome! Missed you! ~Diane

  19. Such a wonderful post my friend. I enjoyed seeing your photos. And you know I always enjoy seeing what you create. And that cake sure does look yummy..


  20. Oh my, what glorious colors of the season! Your photos are delicious. And that carrot cake looks pretty delicious too! I love those ATC cases, so nice.

    And thank you ever so much for the kind link ~ I truly appreciate it!

  21. Boah Valerie, da haust du aber wieder einmal ein Wahnsinnsfoto nach dem anderen raus! Herrlich! Und dein ATC-Halter ist einsame Spitze, der hätte sogar mir als Nicht-Halloween-Fan gefallen.
    Und er Kuchen sieht zum Anbeißen aus. Aber der ist bestimmt schon alle, ne? ;-)

  22. Love that 'reserved' plate! And the triptych is just marvelous. I'd have a hard time walking past that wall.... it's so beautiful!

  23. That wall is glorious in her fall apparel. Love the look of the flower pots all along the top of the wall. Sure wish you could have found a way to send me a piece of your delicious looking cake. I have never had carrot cake with a chocolate glaze - but you better bet, I sure am going to try this idea. Oh boy! I am so excited!! Guess what is coming my way and your first three guesses don't count!
    Your folder for your ATC creations is wonderful -- I wish you could see my smile.

  24. Beautiful beautiful photographs. I must say, I do miss the fall colours. Your work just gets better - fabulous pieces - including the cake. Hope Suze enjoyed hers. I'll be right over. Jet warming up as we speak. hugs, Donna


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