Thursday 24 October 2013

Paint Party Friday and more

Hi everybody, 
hope you are all well and fit. I stayed home today, as I have a nasty cold with all the trimmings - a nose that runs faster than I can, sore throat, earache and cough - apart from that, everything is fine!
This did give me time to finish off two journal pages. One I started at least 2 years ago, and the other one 2 weeks ago, but now they are done. At Mix it Monthly Connie asked us to use orange, yellow and royal blue, put a crowd onto it and to use some texture - that's all! I painted the background with acrylics, and then threw everything on it that I could find on my table, which I was trying to clear up. The unicorn has been stamped onto transparent paper and cut in two. The three ladies in black are my Great Grandmother Rachel, and her 2 daughters, Sady and Fannie. The five ladies sitting in the bottom row all have something to do with literature - perhaps you can guess who they are. The other images were just used because they needed to get off my table. The texture has been added with 2 strips of trimming which were in my parcel from Yvonne this week. I had fun making this page, it's always good when you don't know where you are going and still get a result that you like.

And these are the pages started many moons ago. I think I showed them as a WIP - well, I am proud to say that they are now finished! The background has been painted, inked and sprayed. the alphas have been doodled, and the images were from the large selection on my table. I used various stencils to give the background more interest,

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

By the way, my table is now empty, recognisabe as a table, and is made of  pine. Funny, I haven't seen it for so long I had forgotten.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sorry to hear about the runny nose and sore throat but so pleased it didn't stop you doing these wonderful pages. The first one is amazing with the bright colours and many images to admire--even the risque one!

    Love the Zendoodles on the Letters and the wonderful background.

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Love the colourful collage, and all the different photos and images, so many great details! And the 'old' pages are lovely, great doodled alphas, and wonderful autumn colours. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Eine klasse Collage hast du da gezaubert, Valerie! Und die Seiten mit den im wahrsten Sinne gedoodelten (was für ein Wort *lach*) Traum-Buchstaben ist ganz zauberhaft geworden!

  4. A real ecliptic mix of images Valerie :)
    Hope your sniffles are soon banished too
    Von ♥

  5. Boah WOW valerie,du machst mich ganz sprachlos,deine collagen Seite ist sowas von Hammergeil,so richtig genial gemacht,und die Farben dazu,hach,ein Traum *schwärm*
    Aber auch die Seite mit den Doodle Buchstaben ist klasse geworden.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. wow Valerie the pages are fabulous, hope your cold goes away soon, Annette x

  7. sorry to hear you have that nasty cold. It made you very productive, nice work! Is that a nude in there? Lol.

    1. Looks like it, hope she doesn't catch a cold, too!

  8. Oh you and me both Valerie, I've been sneezing since I got up! Super pages, love the collage, your relatives look a happy bunch! Take care and keep cozy. Xx

  9. Deine obige Seite --ein hammer mit Resten zur Mix it Monthly Challenge-- die Bronte Schwestern und Deine Familie .. macht sich jeses einzelne Element einfach toll..
    perfekt zusammengebracht..und Du siehst wieder Deine!
    Und die 2 Jahres Doodel Seite ist wie ihr Titel schon genau beschreibt: EIN TRAUM!

    auch Deine Arbeiten im unteren Post gefallen mir allesamt richtig gut!

    Baldige Besserung mit der Erkältung!
    Pass auf Dich auf hörst Du?!

  10. Hi Valerie. I just had that nasty cold/cough. Hope you feel better soon. What a great collage. Excellent work. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Thanks. Happy PPF!

  11. You have such a great imagination with wonderful old photos of family to use! Ah yes, I do recognize our literary friends. Although I think one or two may be a little shocked at your bare bottomed lady. Love the colors and adore your vision.
    I am sorry you are so sick and do hope you get plenty of rest.
    The second pages are lovely but I have to tell you I am in love with your first journal pages. They really do take one into another world!

    1. Yes, those literary ladies are probably looking so stern because of that bare bottom - or perhaps they are just jealous?

    2. I think they are jealous!!!!!

  12. Wow, these pages are stunning, especially the first one, love all the details, it fits together and flows so perfectly! The older pares are great too, but the 1st one definitely stole the show today! Hope you get plenty of rest and feel better soon! ~Diane

  13. Ha ha! well you certainly sorted out "Mix it Monthly", I think you have accumulated a very interesting crowd, it's brilliant and full of life and colour. And I love your finished pages.

    1. Yes! Well, if it has to be a crowd, then it should be a good one!

  14. Fantastic pages. the women look so stern, I wouldn't like to cross them in any way. The women from the world of books are some of my long time favorite reads. I love the way your pages tell a story as well. Hope you feel a lot better tomorrow.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Oh, I hope the lovey in the gilded frame doesn't catch a cold herself! I love the idea of clearing off your table by "throwing" it onto your journal pages, although I am sure you gave placement much thought because this is terrific! Feel better! Hugs!

  16. Was für eine großartige Kollage! Es gibt so viel zu entdecken und die Farben sind fantastisch. Die "Dream"-Seite ist wahrhaftig ein Traum. Ich mag diese "gedoodelten" Buchstaben sehr!!
    Gute Besserung für Dich! LG LonettA

  17. Fabulous pages Valerie, sorry you're not feeling well - hope you get better soon.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. Feel better soon!! Colors and pages are gorgeous!

    Hugs Giggles

  19. So much to look at on these pages! Love that picture of your great-grandmother. Hope you'll be feeling better soon!

  20. fun work - thanks for sharing ! love the mix of items.

  21. Awesome pages, love your rich, wonderful style! Delicious colors, too! Get well soon! <3

  22. What an absolute wealth of detail and loads to examine in detail and think about - and it all hangs together to make a terrific page. I like the idea of cutting the image of the horse in half and reversing them when you added them to the image. I enjoyed this very much.

  23. A beautiful composition! Wonderful colors!

  24. WOW! So much detail and colour! That first one must have taken forever! It's really cool and looks fantastic. Really nice work here! :)

  25. Ich glaubs ja nicht, wie cool ist das denn, Du räumst Deinen Schreibtisch auf und machst daraus solch eine Hammerseite?! Ich bin hin und weg :) ich liebe den Effekt, bei dem Du das transparente Papier über den schwarzen Busch geklebt hast....fantastisch und all die süssen Damen, eine kecker als die andere :D Meine Lieblingstelle sind die kleinen Vögel unten links auf dem oldtimer..grandios! Vielen Dank für solch ein Meisterstück für Mix It Monthly Sei herzlich gegrüsst und gute Besserung wünscht Conny

  26. How magnificent! So very beautiful..I love how you add your family/relatives into your magical and meaningful..very special! So many gorgeous pieces today..a feast for my eyes and soul!! and love the of my favorite friends!

  27. Cool journal pages! I love how you incorporated a picture of family members into the first page. So creative and fun!

  28. Ohhhh I love this collage! How beautiful. The colors are so vibrant! I also love the Zendoodles on the other journal pages. So much to look at!

  29. fabulous collage page for the challenge!! Feel better soon. Happy PPF!

  30. love all the fun layers and colours on this

  31. Your pages keep getting more and more amazing. Lovely work this week!

  32. Sorry about your cold. Sounds nasty. Take good care of yourself. As usual your pages are wonderful - love the large alphabet stamps, and of course the colors. hugs, Donna

    1. They are not large alphabet stamps - I drew them myself!

  33. I love the way you used color in the first set of pages - orange is my most favorite color and looks so great when dating blue (LOL). That wonderful lettering in the second set of pages is so eye catching. I hope you are feeling better - I think creating is just as good as chicken soup for a cold

  34. Wonderful work I love that the page had a happy surprise outcome, like a gift to yourself:)

  35. So sorry to hear you are feeling sick this week, but I'm glad you had time to post such pretty paintings! I love the bright bold colors in your first paintings and the softness of the journal pages. xo

  36. Haha, yes sometimes cleaning your table can be a huge inspiration =).
    Your pages look wonderful and I love the doodled letters!
    xx Monique

  37. Sehr schöne Resultate, da hast du ja ein wenig ähnlich wie ich gearbeitet, angefangene Sachen fertig zu machen :-)
    Sind es die Bronté-Schwestern? Ich weiss leider nicht wie viele es waren ;-)
    Der Herr??? Müsste ihn wahrscheinlich auch kennen...
    Die Buchstaben in dem Zweiten Teil gefallen mir besonders! Schöne Tangles!
    Ich hoffe es geht dir wieder besser!
    Herzliche Grüsse

    1. So weit ich weiss, es ist die Bronté Schwestern, Mary Shelley und Elizabeth Gaskell.

  38. What gorgeous pages! Love your color, rich background, and wonderful personal photos.

  39. I love the first page. I like the house and your relatives. That really makes it special. Beautiful colors and so much to look at!


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