Monday 12 June 2023

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another journal page for Matilde's numbers challenge at AJJ. The background was stenciled with numerals and diamonds. I added the eye, my initials, a dragon fly and some washi tape:

And for Sandie's nautical challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag:

This evening Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday will be starting, so welcome to all  the lovely ladies of the T Gang. I have some more of the AI prints made some weeks back:

And a photo of Heike at our fave restaurant:

When Sabine was here we went for a walk through our little town:

Inside the Basilica:

Showing the damage after WWII

Swidbert / Suitbertus was an English monk sent to Kaiserswerh to convert the Germans, and is the patron of the Basilika:

It's always nice along the Rhine:

My window sill:

Some thinkies/funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good evening Valerie, great thinkies this week-awesome art, and I enjoyed all the photos too-Happy T and new week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks so much Kathy, have a great week. I will miss you if you don't link to T, but yes, it takes up a lot of time! Looks after yourself, hugs!

  2. Lovely page and tag. Good photos and thinkies

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Hier ist es wieder heiß, bei dir wahrscheinlich auch! Ich hoffe du kommst damit zu Recht! Heute is Haushaltstag hier, ich muss ran an die Arbeit!. Deine Kunst ist wunderschön, wie immer. Dir scheinen die Ideen nie auszugehen! Mach dir den Tag so schön und bequem wie möglich! Love from us all, Sarah

  4. A great post Valerie. I love your page.
    Happy coffee day 😉

  5. Nice new page for Matilde's challenge; I love the green one, and how you only added 1. And nice tag for Sandy's challenge. Being away I missed this one; sadly, this is one I would have had fun with. :( And happy early T day. You and Heiki know how to have fun. I am always loving those huge glasses. I hope your new week starts off great and you're feeling better. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanksy Erika, glad you like it, just somethinng different for a change. Have a great week, hugs!

  6. Keeping an eye on the dragonfly is a good thing, Valerie. There are actually lots of them around right now, but having them land where it’s possible to take a photograph is another matter entirely. Heike looks very good in the picture with her trademark glass of beer. I think the brewer should contact her and offer her a role in their advertisements and commercials. She would be a great hit. Definitely she could be on loan at Oktoberfest in Munich in the fall. Probably she’d become the poster girl for the whole event. Did I ever tell you that we have Oktoberfest in Kitchener each year? I have never taken part, so you will know how little it appeals to me. Kitchener used to be called Berlin until a world war rendered that name unacceptable, but it will give you an idea of the German heritage here. Miriam’s surname is Bauman, after all, and her ancestry goes back to the oft disputed territory of Alsace-Lorraine. Have a great week. Hugs and kisses for both you and Heike - David

    1. Hi David. I must confess, I have never been to the Oktoberfest in Munich! Glad to hear that Kitchener has not lost its German roots or traditions. I can imagine that Berlin was not an acceptable name back in the day! Heike is really a good advert for our beer! I was born in England, but my grandmother came from Germany, and my great grandmother from what used to be called Russian Poland, somewhere on the borders of Russia, Ukraine and Poland. Long, long ago! Have a great day, take care, hugs! xxxxxx

  7. Thanks for another thought-provoking post filled with amazing and interesting pictures. Your nautical tag is simply amazing too! Keep smiling :)

    1. Thanks Carol. My neighbour calls me mrs Smiley! Hugs!

  8. i want that large pot of coffee:D

  9. Your walks along the Rhine are always welcome. Such a pleasant place. Good that you are able to get out and enjoy it.
    best, mae at

  10. Zawsze gdy oglądam twoje prace jestem pełna podziwu . Bardzo podoba mi się obie. Fotografie pozwalają poznać nowe miejsca . Miłego dnia😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna. I love taking and looking at photos!

  11. That' a lovely basilica. I'm so glad they could restore it. I always enjoy your photos of your town and walks.

  12. Annie (Annie’s Musings)Monday, June 12, 2023

    I love looking at your fun collage journal page for the numbers challenge.

  13. Fabulous journal page and tag love all the pics and looks beautiful along the rhine
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, I love walking along the Rhine! Hugs!

  14. Some of these memes made me chuckle. Good way to start the week.

  15. Great sentiments today. I have several safe places, just can't remember where they are Lol! Wishing you a good week and loving all those bright colours today. Sending hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela, I never know where i put things.... Hugs, Valerie

  16. Loving your card and tag.
    Your town is lovely and I especially love the stained glass windows in your church.
    Love the funnies, especially the one with the dog in the snow.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, stained glass windows are always great!

  17. Love your funnies and quotes, especially the dog one and the one about forgetting the safe place you put something, oh and a lot of others, too! That huge cup is great. Fun journal page and lovely tag. Great post. Happy t Day.

  18. I really like the subtle numbers you have shared on your journal page you made for Matilde's theme at AJJ. This is a wonderful spread. Thanks for sharing it, dear.

    That nautical tag is adorable. I really like it.

    Wow, you did great with AI. I couldn't get it to work for me. It was fabulous. Those were some HUGE mugs of cappuccino. Really great for T. Of course, Heike looks so fabulous with her non-alcohol beer. Thanks for sharing this with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Beautiful shots of the Basilica. I loved the picture of the organ. Nice that you and Sabine had a good walk around your town. It is truly a beautiful place, especially with all the flowers and awesome architecture.

    Boy do I know about putting something somewhere and losing it. I put a check somewhere and now I can't find it.


    1. I spend ages looking for things which have disappeared. At the moment my keyboard doesn't want me to use 'h', I have to it it again and again!

  19. Valerie, you are brave, I stay away from AI, TikTok too. Lovely page and tag. That eye is once again done masterfully. Heike does need to start earning modeling paycheck! Or does she get free beer? Heehee The scenic photos are always nice, I might find something else to sketch! Glad you saw my turret sketch, thank you again. And yes, I have finally used those fish stamps. The Basilica is beautiful. Thank you for the history. It always makes me sad how much was bombed in WWII, but the building back is good to see. I continue to pray that you get enough rest and not over-do. Hope that ice cream refreshed you well, XOX

    1. Wouldn't that be good if Heike got free beer? But we do often get free cappuccino as we are good custsomers! Yes, it would be great if you would sketch something else. I have hundreds of photos but never tried to sketch anything here. Places look bad when they ave been bombed, I grew up in bombed out London, and we used the bomb sites as playgrounds. It was a very surreal world. I am trying to rest as much as I can, thanks for the prayers! Hugs!

  20. Your ‘eye’ is awesome. And I love the colourful photos of coffees and buns. Of course the photos taken along a the Rhine are lovely. I walk with you in my minds eye.
    Wow, the basilica has been beautifully restored.
    I’m sorry my blog is a mess. I’ve re-written it, but it’s made little difference. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.
    Happy T-Day,

  21. Hi Valerie, great photos from your walk and I love the giant coffee cups.
    Love the Eye artwork and the photos of the Basilica too, always love the funnies
    Happy at day. Jan S

  22. Happy T-day, Valerie. Love the art - great use of numbers and pretty dragonfly. The tag is super cool (I Iove nautical images). Your coffee pictures are fun as is the beer. You always come up with best drink pictures. I loved seeing the pictures of before and after the restoration of the church. So glad they restored it.

    Super fun funnies too. I totally agree witht he social media comment.


    1. Thanks Nancy! I love the basilica, it's a nice place just to sit and be quiet for a few minutes. Hugs!

  23. Oh wow! what a lot to look at!! I love those giant cups...I'd fill mine with hot choclate and a flake!! The eye art work is amazing! very late again but have a great T 4 Tuesday! ((Lyn) #17

  24. Thank you for another awesome page creating for my challenge at AJJ 😍

  25. Love the brightly coloured coffees, the photographs, the funnies and the tag but the journal page! Wow, love it a lot. I am a big diamond shape fan, and that combined with the numbers and the eye is just perfect for the challenge at AJJ. A fab page and fab colours used to illustrate.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  26. Lovely photographs and a great collection of thinkies.

    All the best Jan

  27. Such an impressive organ in the basilica! Do they sometimes have concerts there? One of my earliest memories is of a church in Uelzen that started organ music the moment you entered the church. Whenever we were in Uelzen (we lived in a small village nearby at that time, the first four years of my life) I insisted on vistiting that church because I wanted to listen to the organ.

  28. Beautiful page 👏👏👏great design
    Happy weekend


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