Monday 26 June 2023

T sTands for This and That again

Hi Everybody!

 Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and I wish you all a great week. I have been busy trying to get my photos sorted, I think I will need years to get it done. I knew I had a lot of photos, but I didn't know I had so many ....

So today I am showing you a selection of pics taken at various times, enjoy! And if you don't want to look, just scroll down!

 I have a face to share, painted with acrylics on recycled paper. I enjoyed just playing around for fun without working for a challenge:

And now for the photos:

The steps here were made from stone window sills from the castle ruins, which were used for many years as building supplies!

And before I get carried away with other things, this evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party. Today I have some home made cakes:

And some giant coffee mugs:

And this is an old pic of my neighbour Gabi and me at a market many years ago - and we are drinking coffee - what else!?

We saw this man flying with this strange contraption:

Ducks, birds and swans etc are everywhere here:

The castle here is very popular with water fowl:

I love this little town by the Rhine where I live:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Lovely art, abstract I would say. Enjoyed the summery photos

  2. Love the colors in the art vj.
    Loved all the pics in the post today 😍

  3. You paint intriguing faces, Valerie! This face is gorgeous! And your photos are wonderful. I enjoyed seeing each and every one! I especially loved the one of you with your friend. I, too, of so many photos to sort. Good luck as you tackle the project! Have a lovely week, my friend. xo

    1. Thanks Louise. Glad you like the faces! I will have to sort the pics slowly by slowly! Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good.morning! Hope you slept well. Love your face today, the background is rather reptilian! I can see you had fun with it! Lots of nice photos, too. Here we visited relations over the weekend, it was fun to meet up again. Have a great day, have fun, hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah, I found it rather reptilian, too, it looks a bit like scales! Back to the beginnings!

  5. Your faces are always interesting, Valerie, revealing perhaps aspects of your mind that are submerged deep in your inner consciousness. Hmmm... I am sure that we all have more photographs than is reasonable, and that most of them, once taken and edited, never get looked at again. Good luck with this whole project of sorting them out. It will not surprise you when I tell you that best pictures of all, of course, are of the birds. I am glad that you camera lens points itself in their direction from time to time. As you say the little town where you live is a delightful place and I always enjoy scenes from the streets you walk each day. See, in one sentence I have elevated you to a streetwalker! The picture of you and your friend is delightful. I may cut her out, enlarge what's left and make a poster for my wall. Having elevated your status in life, I will title it, "Streetwalker in Balconia-by-the-Rhine." I will invite everyone to see it. I might even give them coffee. Enjoy the new week about to unfold in front of you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! Your thoughts are, as always, errr, remarkable and a bit errr - ummm- different! I haven't seem streetwalkers with a rollator or stick before! We have street-workers here, they are social workers who try to look after the homeless and those who take drugs. We have lots of birds here, from very large to very small, and I love to here the birds singing when I wake up in the mornings. The photo with Gabi must have been at least 10 years back, we were in Xanten after visiting her mum! Time goes by so quickly! Have a great, new week, hugs! xxxx

  6. I think your latest face is great. And it is fun to not have to create for a challenge, isn't it? And your cupcakes look yummy. I've been wanting to bake but I need to find some time. Who knew working 2 mornings a week would eat up so much time-smile. And I like your photos too. It's always fun to see someplace different. Happy new week. I hope it's a good one. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Time goes by so quickly! I got to a point lasts wek where I NEEDED cake - do you know that feeling?! I hope this week gets a bit cooler, it's too hot for me to handle! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Love your creative face painting along with all these great photos. Once again I'm drawn to those gorgeous purple flowers as purple is my favorite color! Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks Carol, purple is a great colour! Hugs.

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  9. I LOVE your face, Valerie. Really inspiring, my friend.
    As for the photos, the ducks and the swans seem to pose for you! Beautiful flowers and magical steps. May I have a giant cup of coffee please?

    1. Oh yes, I snip my fingers and they pose for me! Help yourself to coffee, dear! Hugs!

  10. I enjoyed your photos very much, something for everyone!

  11. Wonderful, colourful and fabulous piece Valerie, I love the textures..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  12. Love the colours in your painting. Beautiful photos. Anesha

  13. You have some amazing pictures.
    That is an interesting flying contraption.
    You've nailed the eyes on your ladies.

    1. Thanks Sandra, but I don't want to think about nailing eyes! Hugs!

  14. Your art is so colourful.
    What a lovely selection of photographs for us to enjoy, thank you.
    Your do live in a picturesque town.

    All the best Jan

  15. Beautiful photographs Valerie, I can see why you love where you live as it looks beautiful. I understand your enjoyment in crafting something just for you rather than a challenge, it's so refreshing. Look forward to seeing what you get up to this week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. I have so many ideas I want to try out and mostly they don't fit to the challenges. Sometimes I need a break! Hugs!

  16. Lovely photos of so many peaceful subjects!

  17. Hi Valerie, this is a gorgeous face. I just love her. Your photos are amazing. I love the one you and your friend. Have a very lovely evening.

    1. Thanks Nicole, have great day, take care! Hugs!

  18. Hi Valerie. Hope you are feeling well and not too hot. Love the colors you used on your face painting and the eye is wonderful. Lovely photos, as is your little town. XOX

    1. Hi Aimeslee! Today it has cooled off a bit, I hope we have a few cooler days, that's a great respite. Glad you liked the photos. Hope you are feeling well, hugs!

  19. That face is unique, but the background is what got me. I love the bubble wrap effect it got.

    You got a lot of lovely bird shots, but I loved the four wheel carrier with the rusty frame.

    So nice to see you and your friend Gabi. I know how nice it is to come across photos of when I was traveling a lot. Brings back great memories.

    Love all the coffee shots, but the cakes had me laughing. Not at the cakes, but at the cow timer in the background. What a fun addition to your collection. Thanks for sharing your incredible photos, both old and new, as well as your lovely town with the beautiful flower boxes, as well as lots of coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Hope you are feeling better and not overdoing things again! Glad you like my cow timer, I have had it for years, and I love it! Hugs!

  20. Stunning photos, thanks for sharing your journey and these beautiful photos.

  21. Thank you for sharing your beautiful town with us! It is certainly a t for Tuesday

  22. Beautiful face painting. I like its colour combination with blue. All other photos are beautiful too and I specially like the bird pictures. Pretty flowers too.
    Happy T day!

  23. Lovely pictures all Valerie... It is nice to create with no pressure or expectations isn't it? Your face is lovely as are your photos of waterfowl and flowers! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks. Deb. Sometimes it's good just to feel free! Glad you like the photos! Hugs

  24. Your town is seriously special. Love all your pictures - you are such the photographer. My favorite picture was the one of you and your friend though. Great art - the texture and colors are wonderful. Happy T-day, Valerie. Hope you are feeling good. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I like living here. I am trying to feel good! Hugs!

  25. This looks so awesome, fabulous image, photos and design are lovely x

  26. I tarry long on your site to absorb the creativity and obvious love of life that you project into your sharing. Thank you.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  27. Bardzo podoba mi się portret kobiety namalowany na papierze z recyklingu.. Fotografie są interesujące. Miłego tyhodnia😊

  28. Thanks so much, Lucyna. It's good using recycled paper! Have a great week, hugs!

  29. I enjoyed all your photos. Your face is amazing, and especially since I love those colors. Happy T Day.

  30. Hi Valerie, love your face! Are you sorting out real photos or digital? I really need to sort out digital photos, there are 1000s of them! Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  31. I just love all your pictures, mine are very boring this week, last week would have been better...but I didn't post. Your art work at the top is amazing...I've just bought some new paint, so...who knows!! I love that cow timer...I'd buy that any day! Happy late T day,

  32. Herrlich dieses frsiche erquickendes gemaltes Bild von dir und all die tollen Fotos!
    Ich habe auch viele auf meinen Rechner, lach da kommt was zu sammen!
    Schöne Woche wünsche ich dir, lieben Gruss Elke

  33. A wonderful post Valerie! I love your art and photos. Great to see you in one :-)

  34. The face is really interesting. And I love the color palette 💚💙 Thank you for your inspiration 😊

  35. I've just finished watching the final of Glow Up - artists Make up programme and as usual was blown away by some of the effects the youngsters got with their make up. Then I turn to this page in your journal and WOW, you have achieved a fantastic effect with your page showing this face. I love the circles, almost like little sequins stuck all over, then diamond shapes as well. Valerie, I love this and am amazed at your talent.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it took me a long time, but it did turn out okay. Hope you are doing well! Hugs!


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