Tuesday 13 June 2023

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! At Tag Tuesday we have started a new challenge, and this time our lovely Wendy is hosting and has chosen 'circles' as her theme. As always you have 2 weeks to link to us, and tags of all formats are welcome. Hope to see YOUR version soon!

I have started with this beautiful, vintage lady and have added lots of circles:

And some photos - clouds, trees, water and weather:

Some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. the lady looks so serene! Isn't the weather glorious? Maybe a tad warm, but oh! welcome, welcome sunshine!

    1. Thanks Deb, same here, it's good to feel the sun but we need some rain! Hope you are feeling well!

  2. Fabulous vintage lady and the added circles Valerie, love the photos and I would call that dog "Sir "..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy. Did good, he reminds me of Winston Churchill! Hugs!

  3. Hi Va!, Love the wonderful tag, and that dog reminds me of Churchill, too! We all went for an ice this evening, that was nice! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Fantastic photos, too! Love the clouds and rainbows!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So sorry about your loss, Joe, that's very sad! Hugs

    2. Sorry deleted by mistake and thanks so much for your kind wishes! x
      - Such a beautiful tag! Loving the Vintage look and feel with the pretty lady 😊. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Love the beautiful Vintage lady and all the circles-great pics
    carol x

  6. Rainbows! You really captured some great images of them.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. We always get the best rainbows in front of my balcony, it's great to have a grandstand view!

  7. I love visiting your beautiful posts, they are filled with such loveliness, thank you!

  8. Hi Valerie, hope your week is going well too. Loving the new lady, she's very pretty. Your photogrphs make me feel very relaxed it's a lovely place where you live. I think I would call the dog "Mr Grumpy". Take care. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. It's pretty around here, a quiet place to lie. Mr Grumpy suits him very well! Hugs!

  9. Great photos Valerie, and your lady is beautiful.
    The dog looks like a Boris to me.
    Hope you're having a good week.

  10. What a gorgeous piece Valerie, your lady is beautiful , and the surrounding circles are just perfect. Those rainbows are gorgeous - it's so hot here at the moment (as opposed to last week when it was cold lol) Take care and keep drinking the coffee - we have to stay hydrated! 😂😂x

    1. i Sue, same weather here, it was too cold and now it's too hot. What next?! Good idea, I'll make myself a coffee straightaway!

  11. Fabulous tag Valerie, love that face and all the circles. Hugs Wendy

  12. The rainbows are so beautiful. I saw one recently from my backyard. The Rainy Season is here. Luv the circles tag. Happy Tuesday.


    1. Enjoy your rainy season, we need rain here just now! Hugs!

  13. I like this challenge and this time I should be able to join in. Hurrah. And I am loving the rainbows. Perfect for Pride month. And after reading your memes, I definitely have a woke mind. I haven't heard of that before though. Happy mid-week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, life is colourful! The 'Other side' is not woke, that's for sure. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  14. What a lovely tag, Valerie. The lady is beautiful. And I love the circles you added for effect.

    Amazing rainbow photos. Best I have ever seen. Clear and full. I'm totally impressed.

    I have never understood what WOKE means, but if that's it, then I am definitely WOKE. I fear Mr. DeSatan is on the wrong side of this agenda. Thanks for sharing this and clearing up my confusion.

    1. Oh yes, Mr de Satan and Donut T.Rump are not woke, I so hope they get kicked out!

  15. Pretty page and photos. Your first cloud photos have such pretty light. I'd name that dog Buster. And oh, since I'm politically independent and see both sides, I do not care for that "woke" term at all as I know conservatives who comply with everything on your list and at the same time progressives who do not. My thought is that we all should be open-minded and tolerant, but also must recognize there has to be compromise. What I see is that neither side gives what they demand. At any rate, hope your week is going well! XOX

    1. My week is going well, thanks. Woke is evidently a 'new' word. Compromise seems to be an impossible thing in politics, and not just over there. I know lots of people who think differently, and we often have discussions, but we stay friends. There is so much hate in the world today. Take care of yourself, dear! Hugs!

  16. I am glad that you didn’t add circles under the eyes of your vintage lady. She is very beautiful and looks quite serene. I bet she’s a smouldering little inferno inside though! We have just had two days of pleasant steady rain, not a hint of a dreadful downpour, just gentle rain, the kind that soaks into the soil and really does some good. The temperature has been fairly cool too, so the result is that everywhere has greened up and the world is looking wonderful. I hope it is wonderful where you are too. Hugs and kisses, Valerie, from your Canadian amigo - David

    1. I have so many circles under my eyes just now why didn't I think of that for the challenge?! My computer is playing up, so I'm writing on my phone. Here it's warm but today there's a good wind. The world looks great here, too, green and flowers everywhere, it's lovely. And the birds sing all day and seem to be happy, too. Have a great day, hugs,! Xxxxx

  17. I forgot to add that by the definitions in your table I am a hundred percent woke - even though I detest the mere term “woke.”

    1. We are living through a strange time just now.

  18. Beautiful tag Valerie, love your photos very much, and fun memes Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks so much Kathy, look after yourself! Hugs!

  19. Beautiful photos and artwork once again in today's post. Loving all those rainbows!

  20. Yes, I like being immature, too. Love that pretty woman, a classic beauty. And those rainbows, oh my.

  21. The dog looks a Winston to me!
    Fabulous sky and rainbow pictures.

    Happy midweek wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. Thanks. first thought was Churchill!

  23. Your vintage ladies looks classy, Valerie, I do like the circles that you added. Great funnies and thinkies, too. According to this definition, I'm definitely woke. I still don't understand how this term came upon us and it seems that most people don't know what it means, but use it anyway.


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