Wednesday 21 June 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! Here it's very hot again, it seems to be all or nothing each time! Today I have another piece for Matilde's numbers  challenge at AJJ using one of my big ladies made with the help of AI:

By the Rhine:

Hitchcock would have enjoyed this:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. That a lot of birds.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you have had a good rest. Love your art, as always, and loved the chicken sees her salad, my fave, too! I'm busy packing just now, we're flying tomorrow morning, all of us together, should be fun! Have a lovely day, keep cool, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hugs to all, have a good flight!

  3. Very nice page, Valerie. The green hills are gorgeous. That's too many birds for me! It's very hot, I agree. We were told yesterday by the gas company it'll be 6 weeks before they can put in the additional meter we need for our generator. Let-down is an understatement, lol. Oh well, I should have known it wouldn't be so smooth a process. This is the first year there isn't a backlog on equipment. Had we done it earlier, we'd have been waiting on the generator. One thing or another. Sigh. Happy Hump Day! XXO

    1. Mostly the birds are harmless, but sometimes they snatch food from people who want to eat something there, not nice. Sorry you are having so many problems with the new meter. Yes, there's always something.... BIg hugs!

  4. Beautiful art and beautiful photos as always. Still giggling over the chicken sees her salad LOL As for Hitchcock and the birds - that movie terrified me all those years ago but your bird pictures are soothing - no comparison. Happy middle of the week.

    1. Thanks Carol, I hope no chicken sees my salad! Hugs!

  5. Oh I love your big lady in this post. I need to try out that AI just to see what the buzz is about. My brother's partner is an author and she says AI is now making it's way into novel writing. It's here I guess. I hope you can manage to stay cool. I could send you some of our cool weather. It's been a wet and chilly June. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I still find the AI scary, it's open to too many possibilities for misuse. It's still hot here! Hugs!

  6. Obviously my other name is Hitchcock, Valerie, because I am really enjoying this appealing assemblage of Black-headed Gulls (Larus ridibundus). I bet they are saying to each other, “Too many pesky humans around here. There are more every year, and they make such a mess everywhere.” Your full-figured lady is a departure from your usual sultry, long-necked, tress-endowed beauties, but she is nevertheless appealing in her own extravagant way, seeming to embody the philosophy that if you’ve got it, flaunt it! I used to hear an expression when I was young - “You wouldn’t get many of them in a pound” and this seems to fit the bill! The salad joke was pretty funny. It could easily be interpreted “Seize her salad” too. Last evening friends of ours took us to dinner in a tiny little Caribbean restaurant in downtown Kitchener and I had jerk chicken. It was quite delicious. Miriam had Jambalaya and she gave it her seal of approval too. Today I will be visiting with Uta Strelive, the most accomplished female woodcarver of all time (I did a piece on her a few years ago), so we’ll see what she has been up to since then. She came to Canada from what was the GDR (or East Germany) back in the day. She will perhaps be making a return visit to my blog quite soon. Stay tuned! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Of course you like the birds! When the fields have been mowed the gulls appear in huge numbers looking for food, and occasionally they still food from unwary tourists....I just wanted to do something different, well built ladies should not be ignored! Jerk chicken sounds good - was t very spicy?! I've never heard of Uta Strelive, but I would, of course, be very interested to see her work! Today I had to run about a lot to get different errands done, and tomorrow it will be Heike's 80th birthday, so we're going for a meal together with her brother and sister-in-law. Have a great day, hugs!

    2. Steal food not still food, I hate spellchecker!

    3. Give Heike my very best wishes for her birthday. I wish I could be there to celebrate it with you.

  7. Really wonderful art. I so enjoy the photos of where you live. Have a great day today. PS did you get my eamil?

    1. Thanks Nicole, I mailed you today and sent some images!

  8. I'm going out for a meal tomorrow, I think I'll take a sees her salad!

  9. Such lovely views of the Rhine :)

    All the best Jan

  10. You did that with AI? Wow. Look at all those gulls(?) Cool pics.

  11. It looks lovely and cool down by the Rhine. Hope you are walking there when it is hot and it cools you off. The photos show it off great and evoke some memories for me
    Love your journal page with the large lady and thme numbers. You should do a whole series of these - they would look lovely as a mounted set on your wall.
    HMugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. This is the 2nd big lady I have shown, I have 2 more! Have a great day, hugs!

  12. Such beautiful photos. Hugs my friend. Regine

  13. Love the AI art. And your photos are always wonderful.

  14. She is magnificent Valerie and I love the kitty training school, so funny..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, now you know where they learn their tricks!

  15. Chicken Sees Her Salad😁😁😁
    Luv the response to the numbers prompt


  16. Fabulous artwork, and I love all your birds photos Valerie!

    1. Thanks, sometimes there are hundreds of gulls at the Rhine, and they are very noisy!

  17. Beautiful art work and all the photos 😍


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