Saturday 21 May 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Eveybody!

Its weekend, enjoy! We have had some storms again this week. Major storm warnings were issued, but here at least it was just a 'normal' one, but it was pretty bad some places. I have another dotty piece for you today. I think the dots are addictive! This is an A3 mixed media piece, painted with acrylics. I found a scrap of fancy yarn and added it to the crow as feathers. This is meant for Matilde's bird challenge at AJJ

Some pics before the storm started:

Then it started to rain:

And came down really heavily:

And then it was over and the air was cooler and I sat out on my balcony again:

The hole in the road and the 60 meters of damage to the drainage etc is almost repaired:

They are hoping to be finished by the end of the month. This has been going on now for 10 months:

It was very hot while I was out so on the way home I popped into the ice parlour and got a small ice, 2 scoops of my fave bitter choc ice, yummy!

Have a wonderful weekend, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing painting! Wish you could have sent some of the rain here, we can really use it. I do love a before and after storm sky. The ice looks delicious. Have a lovely weekend and take care!


    1. Thanks Soma, I know how much you need rain where you live. Look after yourself! Hugs!

  2. I do like your dotty art.
    Lovely photographs. In our UK news there were reports about tornadoes in some parts of Germany!
    I can't believe the hole in the ground is still not mended 10 months and still not finished, it will be wonderful when all the barriers, diggers etc are gone!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Yes, there were torndoes, and not far from here either. We were lucky this time, no floods and no more holes in the road!

  3. Love your dots. Good that the hole is almost fixed. Glad the storm passed.

    1. Thanks, I think we are all glad that the storm passed with no major damage here, other places were not so lucky!

  4. It is raining here right now- but oddly enough it isn't supposed to cool off- but instead it will be 95 degrees F tomorrow. That is crazy for May- but I guess we will have a summery day for sure. :) Glad your storm wasn't too bad and you could sit out and relax after. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. The weather seems to be crazy everywhere, it was much too hot here, too. Lots of damage in some other places. Lets hope it gets a bit more normal, whatever that is these days!

  5. A beautiful painting, I really love the blackbird. A bit stormy here too but on and off. Vee xx

    1. Thanks Vee, have a good weekend, stay safe!

  6. Beautiful painting, love the colours. Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha x

    1. Thanksy Anesha, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Love your latest face, so beautiful. Glad the storm didn't do any damage at your place or mine, after our experiences with the last storm were not so good, as you know. Enjoy the cool and fresh air and have a lovely weekend, and try to get some rest instead of always walking about somewhere! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. Have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  8. Good morning, Valerie: I can't imagine making all those dots one by one! The result, however, is terrific. At least you will know that if someone refers to you as "That dotty woman" you will know that it is an expression of praise. Looks like quite the storm you had, but at least it didn't cause damage where you live, and was nothing like the ravages of last year. I am sure that some people, in the areas most affected, must have had flashbacks of horror when they heard a forecast of torrential rain again, especially now that some of the storms previously called "Hundred year storms" are predicted to become regular weather events. Your ice cream looks delicious. Not a flavour I am familiar with but I like dark chocolate, so no doubt I would enjoy the taste of this ice cream. We actually had an ice cream a couple of days ago. It's not something we do at home, but Miriam says it's something you have to do when on vacation. I had Rocky Road and she had Butterscotch something or other. Enjoy the weekend and take extra good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. When you start on a dotty piece you think it will never be done, but all of a sudden it's finished! I think the storms will be coming more and heavier. Some places were badly hit, we were lucky this time, but the next storms are forecast to reach us on Monday. The people whose homes and livelihoods were all destroyed last year must have really been scared!The ice cream is very intensively chocolate tasting, just wonderful! Icecream on vacation is an absolute must, Miriam is right! BIG hugs, Valerie

  9. I love this moon and dots lady. She looks like she has some knowledge she is not sharing with us, but maybe with her crow. The gold outlines look so regal. And I'm with you about dots being addictive. I can't believe they are still working on that hole in the road. I am glad they are almost done. It must have been a huge project, but then road projects never seem to go anywhere fast. We've got that heat coming later today once the sun arrives, and big storms tomorrow they say too. I love the fuzziness of your rain photo, and I also love that dish of ice cream. Yummy! Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, dots are addictive, I can't stop yet! It will be good when the road is finished. We're expecting more storms on Monday, so hope they won't be too bad. The rain photo is really fuzzy, it came down so heavily it was really loud! Have a great weekend! hugs!

  10. Just love the shade of blue. Amazing pictures you took during the storm. Wow, 10 months of repair, but it looks like the project went well and the repairs will last for a very long time. Today will be hot and humid, a good day for ice cream except I don't have the cute heart shaped waffle cookie. Take care

    1. Yes, 10 months is a long time, but they seem to have worked very well. Enjo your ice cream!

  11. Your art piece is beautiful! We are expecting a bad storm tomorrow. Usually we lose electric power when that happens...

  12. Beautiful art Valerie, those storm clouds look pretty dark. Good you could sit outside later. That drainage problem has taken a very long time to be fixed!

    1. It has indeed, I hope they will soon be finished!

  13. That looks like quite the storm. It dawned on me you were in clinic during most of the street repair. Well, that's one bonus of it all!

    1. Yes, I was away for over 4 months, thats a long time. The next storms wil be here tomorrow....

  14. Look so nice and green.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  15. I love how you created this page Valerie and the black bird , adding dots gives a sense of freedom and yes I can understand the feeling of wanting to add more.
    Fabulous photos of the stormy sky as well. I hope your weekend is going well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, being dotty is great fun! Have a good week, take care, hugs!

  16. This painting is amazing! And it's something true in waht you wrote - the dots are addictive or you are addicted 😁

  17. That multimedia piece is gorgeous, Valerie! You are so talented. Lots of dots in your rain photos too. I bet you'll be so glad when the street is fixed. Road work always seems to take longer than it should. Have a happy week!

    1. Thanks Louise. You're right, road works alwaysy take much longer than planned. I've been reading the Midnight Library, it's a fantastic book! Thanks, have a great, new week!

  18. All over the world some places are inundated (like parts of the Indian subcontinent) and some are parched almost beyond recovery (like the US southwest). I wonder how this will ever end. Badly, I'm afraid.

    best... mae at

    1. I'm afraid you're right, it won't have happy ending. Here in Europe the weather has changed enormously.

  19. Oh I love your lady and her dotty background! They are some serious rainclouds! We've been having some wind and rain but we always do when our Peony is out, every year it gets battered lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Get rid of the peonies and the storms will stop. Now we know whats to blame! Hugs!

  20. Another amazing work of art, love it and I want that ice cream! Scrummy! xxx

    1. Thanks Angela, that dark chocolate ice is soooooooooo good!

  21. We've had thunderstorms here but not damaging ones. At least if the repair is taking this long it's safe to assume they're doing it right. I know you'll be glad when it's done. That chocolate ice looks tasty :)

    1. The chocolate ICE is the best ever! Have a great week!

  22. Another fabulous dotty painting Valerie!
    You'll be so glad when the roadworks are finally finished, 10 months is a very long time.

    1. Thanks Alison. Hope your weekend went well!

  23. Your journal page is beautiful. I can see how the dots could be addicting. They go well with the lady and her pretty black bird. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Matilde's theme.

    What a day you must have had. From scary clouds and heat to a downpour, to a cool and fresh, crisp looking field. Glad to see your hole is nearly finished being repaired.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.


  25. Beautiful work and photos. There was also a storm on Saturday. Have a nice day:)

    1. Thanks, I think the storms were all over Europe. Stay Safe!


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