Monday 2 May 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday once again

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for Matilde's 'birds' challenge at AJJ. This was a very quick and spontaneous make - I discovered an A4 piece of paper which had been painted with various blues at some time in the distant past, and I grabbed it and had fun making a bird on it. This is not just any bird, as David will know. It is one of the rare species from Balconia-by-the-Rhine. It is the  greater spotted yellow egghead. This bird has a very long beak, which he uses to drink coffee. Actually, it prefers cappuccino or a latte, and is delighted when he can stick his beak into the milk foam. This is the male of the species, the female is less gaudy and stays home to mind the nest:

And now you will have guessed that I am also linking to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, which begins this evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

And as today is also Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I have some pictures posted in the past relating to coffee and birds:

That's all for today. Have a good one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, wow what a very fun T post I loved everything. The bird for AJJ has me smiling-so cute and sweet, loved your coffees, memes and second look. hugs Happy T and 2nd on the second too hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, glad you like my fun bird, I had fun making it! Hugs!

  2. Love the special bird and all the bird and coffee art, lovely post Valerie.

  3. That bird by cup coffee. I real like it has happiness about it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Beautiful, lovely design and those colours work well together ♥

  5. Love that joyful bird and enjoyed the past art. Vee xx

    1. Thanks Vee! Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  6. Ooh! He's a cheeky bird helping himself to the foam on you cappuccino! Brilliant take for Matilde's AJJ theme. Loving all of the tempting coffees and your fabulous Second on the 2nd birds. Have a lovely week, hugs, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris, yes, he's really cheeky drinking my milk foam! Have a happy day, hugs!

  7. Your balcony not only has unusual species, but is now a coffee/tea shop too. I love it Valerie. Your art piece today made me smile. And nice reposts of art too. I remember most of them. I hope you have a lovely May 2 and T day and week ahead also. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad it made you smile! Have a happy T Day! Hugs!

  8. What a fun bird. Bleubeard was glad to see him for T, because he is so colorful and smart. So glad he joined us for both T Tuesday and Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I remember many of those bird related journal pages you shared with us as your second look, top. There was only one I didn't remember and it was Paradise Lost. Thanks so much for sharing these with us as your second look on the 2nd, dear friend.

    1. Thanks. Do you think the bird would get along well with Bleubeard? Now I know why my coffee foam sometimes disappears so quickly! Have a great day, hugs!

    2. Your balconia bird would get along great with Bleubeard. Squiggles, not so much, I fear.

    3. My Kitty never hurt any birds, she just liked watching them. But my dog Scruffy chased every bird she saw, but they were always quicker than she was!

  9. Good morning, Valerie: As you no doubt have already surmised the Greater-spotted Yellow Egghead presents a unique opportunity for biologists, ornithologists and systematists to embark on a profound course of investigation. Encompassed in one organism is the age-old conundrum of which came first, the chicken or the egg, for here we have both life forms together. This mystery is not going to be solved overnight as you might well imagine, and my head is already aching from merely thinking about all the avenues I must pursue to attempt some rational explanation of this strange, yet lovely creature. I was about to say I would be chasing down rabbit holes, but we already have enough creatures to worry about without introducing another. It is also a bit of a puzzlement that the bird is dipping its beak into cappuccino. Is this just for the froth, or is it surreptitiously slurping caffeine, and if so what effect will this have on its general level of excitement, its breeding potential, will it pass on addiction to its offspring (POAS - post oological addiction syndrome)? So much to consider. I may not be able to comment on your blog again for a year or two, so immersed will I be with this issue. In the meantime, however, I send you hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, I thought this bird would excite you and have you screaming with joy. You could bring your bird walkers her to view it. You'll get free coffee to celebrate! This bird needs coffee before he can fly high each morning! Just imagine how it is to see that bird waiting for me every day! Hope you soon get over the shock! Big hugs, Valerie

  10. No wonder it is called an egghead bird. It looks like an egg! Your coffee looks delicious.

    1. It does indeed! And the coffee was delicious!

  11. After a three week road trip that centered on birds most of the way, I'm happy to see this new and unusual species. Drinking coffee is very unusual bird behavior, though I wonder if there are any Central American or Hawaiian birds that love the beans growing throughout the coffee plantations. If so, these coffee birds are quite likely to be very colorful, as the native species of both regions are often gaudy red, blue, yellow, and green.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, it's possible that the ancestors of my bird came from South America..... Happy T Day!

  12. I enjoyed your fun T post, Valerie.

    Loved the special bird.

    Happy Monday!

  13. Your artwork is beautiful, I love all the vibrant colors.

  14. Thanks Carol, I had fun creating the bird!

  15. The greater spotted yellow egghead - what a wonderful bird native to Balconia-by-the-Rhine - let's hope it doesn't get extinct. He really likes to get into that cappuccino or latte1 I can just see what his beak would look like when he gets it out of the milkfoam. This is wonderful, Valerie, it made me smile - as did all the other pictures as well. Happy T day to you.

    1. Thanks Carola, I'm glad you enjoyed seeing this bird!

  16. Just love your bird, so colourful, it made me smile :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, we need things to make us smile just now!

  17. Oh what a fun filled post!! Love your egg head bird and story, and it was a pleasure seeing some of your older coffee and bird posts again. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, theres always smething going on in Balconia! Glad you liked it!

  18. Oh, I absolutely love your bird! In fact, I love your whole post. Oh, and the funny about the man being turned into a cup of coffee is great! Happy T Day.

  19. Love your coffee drinking bird, Valerie! He looks like a very fascinating character. It was wonderful to see some of your old pages too.


    1. Thanks Soma, good to see you around again! Hugs!

  20. Beautiful coffee drinking bird. Now, every time I drink coffee, I will think that it is a male turned into coffee. Lol!

  21. Oh, I just love your Great Spotted Yellow Egghead! And the description too about its habitat in Balconia-on-the-Rhine. That made my day!
    I also enjoyed your older bird/coffee related images.
    Have a happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, glad you like him! Have a great day, stay well, hugs!

  22. Very funny bird, it makes me smile :) Such energetic colours! Have a nice week, Valerie :)

  23. What a fun post! I love your fun bird! He would look great hanging in a kitchen.

    1. Thanks Jackie, that's a good idea to put him in the kitchen! Happy T Day!

  24. Hi Valerie, thanks for the lovely comment over at mine. I've been busy with jobs for my mum since Sunday so this is the first chance I've had for a bit of a catch up. Loving your birdie he's so cute and the colours are amazing. He reminds me of the last Cockatiel we had, his name was Morris. Loving the funnies too, especially the one about the fairy and the coffee! Take care and have alovely week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I love funny birds, being a strange old bird myself!! Have a great weed, hugs!

    2. You would have loved Morris, he used to question what we were doing when cleaning under his cage and called everyone by the name of a cleaner I used to have. He was so funny. I've been pulling the weeds out today Lol! Hee! Hee! xXx

  25. What a joyful post my friend. I love it. Sending love your way.

  26. Fun :) I'd enjoy attracting this bird (and the eventual babies) to my patio :) Happy T Tuesday

    1. Thanks. Wonder what thebabies would look like?

  27. Ha. Love your egghead bird:)

  28. Oh my, your colourful bird with the coffee cup made me smile - perfect 😀. The colours and expression is a delight! Loving those funnies too, especially the fairy one. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  29. Enjoyed perusing all your pictures.. Really like that bird! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks, I'm glad that my Bord has found so many Friends!

  30. I love this bird!!!! Your posts are always so beautiful. Have a nice day.

  31. What a fabulous post, I love you happy balconia bird. To be fair who wouldn't be happy if they could constantly dip their beaks in coffee! Have a great day, Sue xx

  32. Loving all the beautiful art today, especially that colorful bird and cup! I had a laugh at the coffee and fairy.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, that Coffee fairy is probably very busy!

  33. Valerie, the art page and that cute bird cannot fail to bring a smile. I hope he/she will enjoy the drink and go nowhere near your coffee.
    Sorry for the late visit. Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I always defend my coffee! Hugs!

  34. Ooh, i love that pasge with Tim `Holtz' Umbrella Man on, gorgeous!
    Love your colourful bird too. Of course he is only seen around your balcony I guess as I have not spotted him in our garden. Maybe, if he does fly over the water at times he doesn't come as I don't drink coffee (or tea). he is lovely with his plumage and long beak. A fine figure of a man.
    Hope all is well with you
    Hugs Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, this bird is only here to be found! And He needs coffee! The umbrella man page was made years back but I like it, too. Hope all is well with you!

  35. wow so many birds to look at today! Love your cute bird with the cappuccino! Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  36. Great post Valerie, I love your quirky bird!


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