Saturday 7 May 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a wonderful weekend, with sunshine, blue sky and lots of nice people around us. I am looking forward to  a quiet and lazy weekend!

Today I have rather a strnge piece for Matilde's birds challenge at AJJ - I used photos, collage, die cuts, a painted background and some digital magic to put it together:

And I have another tag, this time made of fabric, for Pinky's 'use stenciling' challenge at Tag Tuesday. The faces are stenciled, the rest was done with machine stitching:

And some photos from my Friday morning walk - Blogger has shuffled them a bit :

I have seen this sxhip before, but it always makes me happy:

This tree fell down in a storm years back, but it's still producing leaves:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I do like your bird art, it's so colourful.
    Your tag is good too.

    Beautiful photographs.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. Beautiful bird art Valerie, I love the tag it is very clever. Wonderful spring photos. Have a great weekend.

  3. Loving your art, and enjoyed the photos too-hugs Happy weekend

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  4. Interesting bird piece and a cute tag. Lovely photos.

  5. Fun faces and more lovely photos!!!

  6. We need to keep our air, water, and earth clean.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. We do indeed, it's so important! Happy weekend!

  7. Good morning, Valerie: Since some might say that I have birds on the brain most of the time, I feel uniquely qualified to say that your creation this week is filled with inspiration. We would be justified in modifying the expression "busy as a bee" to "busy as a bird." And busy they are at this time of they year. One of our nest boxes now has five chickadee eggs in it and we will look forward to having them hatch and raising another family in our midst. I will be leading yet another bird walk this morning, this time for the local Women's Awareness Group, an organization started forty years ago by my friend, Mary, and still going strong. They are always a very keen group, and today they are even bringing their husbands or boyfriends, preferably not together! We are there for bird-watching, not for fisticuffs! Enjoy the weekend now upon us. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Be proud of your bird filled brain, you know more than many encyclopedias! Glad you have nice groups today, Hope the men don't fight over the Ladies. I Just cleared out my closet - who Put all those things in there!? Have a great day, big hugs!

  8. You sure like those faces and this one is a bit quirky. It's different and I like that it is unusual. Thanks for another great entry using Matilde's theme at AJJ. That tag is well done, too. I love how you sewed on the hair.

    I agree about the boat on the river. It's my fav today. Keep our rivers clean!! Have a super weekend, dear.

    1. Yes, I love quirky faces - and people! Yes, that's a beautiful boat, let's Hope more people and projects get 'clean' before it's too late! Hugs!

  9. I'm excited to see another one of your heads, and this one is great, I love how you used all the digital elements. The feathers and birds make it great for Matilde's challenge. And I love the stenciled faces and how you created the hair. Very fun . I think it must also be fun to watch the river boats go by. . I hope you have a great weekend Valerie. My day will be helping lay the floor in the project since this is when my husband is off. I don't work as hard as he does, but sometimes being his cheerleader if he gets frustrated is more exhausting. He does not like how the floor is going in. Have a great relaxing weekend yourself. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I love my heads, too. Now that Sounds strange, but you know what I mean. Have fun with laying the floor, und keep your hubby happy! Hugs!

  10. Ah, dandelions! Always good to see where they are left to go their own way :)

    1. I Love dandelions. The park, and all of the Rhine meadows as well as the roadsides are left unmowed till end of September and then used as hay for the animals.

  11. Valerie, this is a stunning piece of art. I like the second one too. I wish I had the sunshine like in your photos. Hope you are well.

  12. Wow Valerie your bird piece is fabulous! I love the colours and textures, and beautiful photos too! Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  13. Hi Val,good morning! Hope you are fit and well and enjoying being back home. We hadx all the family here yesterday, so it was chaos. Love your beautiful art, especially your head! Glad to see you are out walking, just don't overdo things, will you! Have a great Sunday, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, happy Sunday and a happy Mother's Day to you! Have a wonderful day! Hugs!

  14. A fabulous mixed media page Valerie, and I love your fabric tag. Beautiful photos of your walk too.
    Happy Sunday,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Alison, have a great day, take care! Hugs!

  15. You have such brilliant ideas, Valerie! I like the combination of birds, feathers and flowers. It's perfect! And the photos of your walk are also very nice 🥰 Happy Sunday!

  16. Another fabulous heads page and I love the addition of the birds and feathers, great inspiration for AJJ. The fabric tag looks amazing as well. Hope you are having a restful weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, have a great Weekend, Take Care!

  17. Thanks Sue, enjoy your weekend!

  18. That is an amazing tree. Sweet tag and, yes, a strange piece, but it has birds and they are always good.

    1. Thanks Teresa, I love those trees. Have a great week, take care. Hugs!

  19. The river looks very peaceful and pleasant as a nice walking area. I like your bird lady.

    Best… mae at

  20. such beautiful things you've made! i hope you are feeling well. xo

    1. Thanks Michele, slowly things are getting a bit better! Have a great week!

  21. What fun birds and what a lovely tag. I love your photos too.

  22. You are so artistic and creative, Valerie.

    And you take incredibly beautiful photos.

  23. What a brilliant idea Valerie, I love your cloth tag. My head is buzzing with all the stencilling inspiration I have picked up from everyone joining in the challenge! Hope you had a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks Pinky, stenciling is always good. We've got some fun themes this time round! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  24. I love your quirky bird collage, Valerie! I do believe that it looks like my dreams do sometimes!!! And your tag is very cool, too. I love the stenciled faces with the stitched/ribbon hair! So creative! And those photos are amazing. I always feel like I walked with you. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

    1. Thanks Sharon dreams are sometimes so strange.... Have a great week, hugs!

  25. Love your colourful journal page and tag.Great you are back home and your walk looks lovely.
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thnaks Wendy. It's good to be home again! Hugs!

  26. Now b....y blogger won't let me sign in! I adore your bird page - that head is absolutely brilliant! Your tag is so clever as well as being fun. Blogger loves taking over the ordering of photos! They're still wonderful and I do love that boat! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Blogger is rather problematic just now, hope things soon calm down!

  27. Hi Valerie, loving the Surrealist face and the tag. It's so kind of you to take us along your Friday walk too. Wishing you a happy creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx


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