Saturday 15 January 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

Today I have 2 pieces for Erika's let's face it challenge at AJJ.

The first is a piece inspired by Tamara Laporte and made for a little girl I know:

And the floral tiger was inspired by Eulalia Mehija:

The Rhine yesterday:

Sone thinkies / funnies

The text reads : wallet, phone, mask, vaccination certificate, test result, ticket - I think I've thought of everything!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. These 2 art pieces are so much fun today Valerie. I love the colors and designs in the panda. I bet your young friend loves it. And the tiger is lots of fun. He looks like he's be a great book illustration. Thanks so much for linking up 2 pieces today. I do appreciate it. And your funnies had me laughing today. I hope you have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, the Panda was made very welcome! By tiger I always think of Blake's poem! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful art and duch fun thinkies today, the 2nd one speaks to me. Spring does not look far off going by your photos of the Rhine.

  3. I love your art entries Valerie, it looks warm there too for January great funnies Happy weekend hugs Kathy

    1. It's very cold, but we had some sun this week. Today is just cold and dreary! Happy weekend!

  4. Your art work today may just be my favorite yet, so adorable! I have to say the achievable New Years resolutions really gave me a good laugh - it's funny because it's true! Have a great weekend Valerie. :)

    1. Thanks Martha, that's kind of you! Have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  5. I really like flowers around the tiger. Nicely done. I was surprise the Rhine river is that wide.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. The Rhine is very wide just now because of the rain we had! Stay safe!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely Art, S wants the bear and the Tiger! The Rhine still Looks very high! Enjoy your weekend, Take Care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I know what that young lady likes! Have a great weekend!

  7. Nice and pretty art pieces. I am sure your young friend love them. Beautiful Rhine river. I can identify with the stupid moment staring at the pill bottle. I like the New Year 2022 resolution.

  8. love your little Panda and I bet it was received with a welcoming heart as it is so lovely, especially for a little one.
    Similarly the tiger is beautiful, I love how you have intertwined the flowers around him ads he stalks through the jungle.
    Hugs, Neet xx (apologies for shortness, sore eye)

    1. Thanks Neet, you have a sore eye, I have sore fingers! Main thing, we keep in contact! Pandas and tigers aren't my 'normal' subjects, but it's good to try something different here and there!

  9. Good morning My Lovely Valerieness: A panda and a tiger are not a bad way to start the day, especially when they have been decorated in such an appealing way. Perhaps the clinic issued you a ration of magic mushrooms before starting on these beauties, for they seem to have some of the elements of hallucinogenic visions. Now that I think about it, I have never experienced such a vision, and maybe I should! Perhaps I will take a trip to Mexico and search for a shaman to introduce me to the world of peyote. Want to come along. We can be two old farts dancing in the desert in a trance! The kids would never approve which makes the whole prospect even more delicious. My daughter usually calls me Dad; if she really wants something I become Daddy, and if she's mad, I am FATHER! No one can quite say "Father" like her when she expresses disapproval! I can hear it now! The air temperature today is minus 22 so I think I will be staying inside. No danger of dancing in the snow, peyote-induced or not. Stay warm, stay safe, drink coffee, raid the kitchen. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. No, we haven't had any mushrooms here, neither magic ones or otherwise! I think I am too old to start using the shrooms, I mange my visions without them! But I would like to see you dancing in the desert, floating on a magic cloud and having fun! Kids rarely approve of what their parents do, and I can imagine the different nuances in her names for you according to her mood! Minus 22? Here it's minus 1 and it's cold enough for me. The coldest I can ever remember was -10. Here at the Rhine it's mostly mild. I just ate delicious cake in the kitchen, and washed it down with coffee - delicious! Have a lovely stay home day and toast your toes in front of the fire! Hugs!

    2. The coldest day on record in Waterloo, about six or seven years ago, was minus 34.

  10. The cat and the pill bottle. The story of my life!

    1. Ah yes, we all know things like that! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I especially like the flowered tiger :) It's nice they have so many benches along the river. It'd make a wonderful place to take in some sun and fresh air with a great view.

  12. What brilliant post - I love both of your animals - maybe the Panda more as he looks so friendly!
    Loving the photos. Loved the cat and the pill quote....happens all the time! Hope things are going well, Hugs, Chris

    1. Thanks Chris, I think we all forget Things like that!

  13. Giggling here over the last funny, I am always checking I have everything I need before going out, luckily I get dressed first 🤣 Wonderful art Valerie, love both the animals.

    1. Yes, I do the same, but I've never forgotten my trousers!

  14. Spectacular art works Vj...loved them both!

  15. Great weekend post. Beautiful designs, love those goreous colours. Have a lovely Sunday. xx

  16. Adorable art and pages Valerie, the animals you painted look so sweet.
    I had a good smile at those funnies as well.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Great post :) Have a nice day :)

  18. Beautiful art and photos Valerie!
    Great memes too, I can identify with the pill box one :-)
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  19. Just too cute. Lovely photos too. Vallerie, I hope you are doing well.

  20. Love the art - happy,sweet, fun and full of color. Adorable. The Rhine is beautiful. Your thinkies/funnies are fabulous - the pill one happens to me a lot....sadly. Fun post as always. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. I think we all forget things like that! Have a great week!

  21. Once again, I'm late to the table. I tried to leave a message yesterday, then a few minutes ago and got an error message both times. NOT fun. I love both the tiger and the panda. They are both adorable.

    Had to laugh at the cat and his pills. Loved the believable and doable resolutions, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Blogger hat momentan viele Probleme

  22. I always enjoy seeing the photographs you share...
    The Rhine looks very nice to enjoy a walk beside.

    All the best Jan


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