Monday 3 January 2022

T sTands For Faces

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good new year celebration, and that this year will not be such a WTF  year as 2021 was.

Toda<I am sharing a face made in the LB lessons last year, a beautiful leopard painted from a lesson with Eulalia Mehija. I painted mine on black card, and added the background and quote digitally- I am linking to Erika's  Let's face it challenge at AJJ:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday challenge, so here a warm welcome to the ladies of the T gang who visit here. My drink is cappuccino, as always, but there's always tea for those who prefer it:

And choose your cake - chocolate or fruit crumble with cream - enjoy!

And this is our beautiful kitchen here in the Clinik, where we can make ourselves drinks and snacks etc:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Cute face, delicious tea and desserts and enjoyed the memes!

  2. That leopard is amazing Valerie. I really like the white doodle designs on him also. He has almost an Asian feel to him. And that's a nice well stocked kitchen. I will take a slice of whatever you have extra of; they both look so yummy. I hope you have a wonderful T day at Clinik, and have a big piece of something yummy for me. And thanks for the sharing the leopard at AJJ for my challenge. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Enjoy your cake! Glad you lik the leopard, I had fun making him! Have a great daY!

  3. Love the leopard Valerie, he has amazing eyes. The clinic kitchen is very well stocked!

    1. Thanks Sue, I had fun wit the leopard. Have a great week, stay safe!

  4. The leopard is beautifully painted. This Lunar New Year is a Tiger year. Love your cup of Cappuccino and cake. Lovely quotes. Stay safe and healthy. Hugs.

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope your weekend was good. Have a wonderful week, take care and stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day, hugs to all!

  6. Oh my that leopard look amazing, a fabulous page Valerie.
    The kitchen looks welcoming and the cake you shared looks delicious.
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I had fun with the leopard! Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  7. Cool leopard. Those desserts look scrumptious. I really like the quote about the butterfly. Happy new year. May good things come to you in it. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks so much Teresa, we just has apple pie here after lunch, yummy! have a great week, hugs!

  8. Good morning, Valerie: As for those delicious desserts, I'll have a slice of each, please. Better wrap up an extra plate for me to bring home for Miriam too! The kitchen in the clinic looks well stocked and very inviting. Better not go there too often or you will leave 10 kgs heavier than you went in! Yesterday we visited Miriam's daughter, Erin, and her family in Bayfield, and she made turkey lasagna for dinner. It was a first for me, and it was quite delicious. For dessert she made pavlova, also a first. We drove home in the dark, but with everywhere illuminated with crisp, white snow. It was a classic winter's night, clear and cold, and we wished that we were dressed to park the car and go for a walk. Tropical beaches have their charm, but a northern winter's night is very special too. Keep on getting better. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! Glad you had a good day out with delicious food, sounds great! You can definitely take home an extra plate for Miriam, but don't eat it yourself on the way home! I also love cold, clear winter nights, they have a special beauty. The kitchen here is always full of delights, nobody goes hungry, that's for sure. Lots of temptation there! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie
      PS there's an owl here in the park!

  9. Awesome leopard. Your cup is so pretty and a tough choice between cakes. Happy T Day. Take care.

  10. An owl! How very exciting. I hope you will be able to get a picture.

    1. Then you have go back out there. It will be roosting in a tree somewhere, so check every single one until you find it. No dinner until you do.

  11. That leopard is great fun! I'm confused -- is this a look back post or are you back at the clinic again. I hope it's the former, but worried I missed something. The kitchen is great. And that china pattern on your cap cup? Adore it!

    1. The cups belonged to my great aunt. And yes, I am back at the clinic again!

  12. Your leopard is gorgeous Valerie I love him!
    Hope you are soon back home again.

  13. I am so sorry that you are at the clinic again, but do hope they are able to help you. In spite of it all, happy new year!

    1. Thanks so much. The clinic is a good place to be!

  14. An amazing leopard, Valerie.

    That cakes looks divine!

    I love the quote about the butterfly.

    1. Thanks so much Veronica, happy new year to you and yours!

  15. I'm also waiting for coffee to kick in. I need to do some snow removel.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Coffee is always good, where would we be without it! Stay safe!

  16. Yes, I will link you tonight, Valerie. That is a beautiful leopard. I like the whiskers and the designs on his face. It's a great entry for Erika's theme at AJJ.

    I love the take on Gustav Klimt's The Kiss with the cats. I also liked the one on getting older, too.

    Your visit to the clinic provides lots of opportunities for you to drink coffee or even have a cappuccino. You have such healthy looking food and drinks, too. Of course, I love the two cakes you let us chose from, and now I am hungry for something sweet and there is NOTHING in the house that is sweet (except Bleubeard, of course). Thanks for sharing that great leopard, the wonderful memes, the food and drinks you have at the clinic, and your cakes and cappuccino from home with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I had fun with the leopard! In the kitchen here you can always find fruit, cake, cookies - dangerous! I try not to have sweet stuff at home so I don't give in to temptation! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs!

  17. I love this art Valerie. I didn't know you were back in the clinic. I will keep you in my daily healing. Love the coffee and cakes.

  18. Such a pretty coffee :) I'd love to try some of the fruit crumble for breakfast ;) I see a lot of fruit in that kitchen. They're working on helping people eat right, yummy!

    Happy T Day

    1. Help yourself to fruit crumble. There's always lots of fruit here, and in the various fridges there are salads, yogurt and lots of other nice things. Happy T Day!

  19. wow this leopard art looks so stunning:) This coffee and pie also:D

  20. Hi Valerie, your Tiger is a beauty. Monday is a busy day for me so I'm a bit late getting round but just had to pop over to see what you've been up to. I would love the chocolate cake but fear your other visitors may have eaten up by now. Wishing you a happy and creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, help yourself to chocolate cake, it's yummy!

  21. A beautiful leopard.

    I didn't realise you are back in the clinic, hope all goes well.
    Healing wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. I love your art Valerie, and your cappaccino looks delicious-I would choose the fruit crumble for dessert. and that is so wonderful to have a kitchen that you can use. Loved the quotes too Healing prayers sent your way and Happy T wishes

    1. Thanks Kathy, the fruit crumble is good, enjoy! Happy T day! Hugs!

  23. I like your leopard a lot, it is amazing! The kitchen looks fabulous - I had totally forgotten about Sinalco! And your cakes - I think I will have both plus a cup of cappuccino. Have a good 2022, Valerie, and happy T day.

    1. Thanks Carola. I'm not a fan of Sinalco, but it' still being sold! Happy T Day!

  24. Enjoyed your memes. The cake selection looks delicious! Your clinic has a lovely kitchen indeed. What a great place to stop for a snack.
    I LOVE your leopard! Very unique and colorful.
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. Great leopard art, and oh what wonderful desserts to enjoy with cappuccino! And oh my, if you must be in a clinic this looks like the one to be in. Don't think we have anything near as nice and accommodating as that in the US...
    happy New Year, and happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. This clinic is very good, the staff do their best to make us feel happy! Hugs!

  26. Sorry to hear that you are back in the clinic. I hope your stay will not be too long or difficult.

    best... mae at

  27. Hello, Valerie. Get well wishes! Glad you are somewhere with a lovely kitchen.

    No dessert for me - I still have 10 lbs to drop off. I will take a coffee or tea though.

    Love your lion - very cool designs and perfect for the AJJ theme.

    Super encouragement about developing ourselves and dealing with anxiety. Something we all probably need to take to heart.

    Happy T-day and healing hugz.

  28. That tiger is amazing! I love it. The beads at the bottom are lovely too.
    I'm sorry to hear you are back in the clinic. I must have missed that somehow. I know your hands are hurting again and that is awful enough. At least what I have seen of that clinic, it looks really nice and the kitchen is inviting.
    Your crumble looks very nice, but I really shouldn't have much cakes etc. I thing January is the month we are all trying to eat a little healthier.
    I loved the 'funnies' and 'thinkies'. And I loved the cats kissing (Klimmt).
    I hope your condition gets better soon. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks so much Lisca! I think we all got a few lbs heavier over the holidays. The Klimt kitties are nice, I love them! Have a good new year, stay safe!

  29. I am also hoping for less of a WTF year Valerie so I am with you on that one for sure lol. Love your leopard, he is gorgeous. I can't remember if I did this lesson with Eulalia but I did make a cat at some point so it could have been this one. Hope you are well and happy new year. Warm Winter Wishes and Happy New Year T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  30. Dear Valerie, this face is absolutelly wonderful !! love the yellow and orange colours. Happy T-day ! enjoy your cappuccino, and cake, I´ll choose de chocolate one, jaja.
    The kitchen is welcoming, can´t ask for more.
    Have a nice Wednesday, and stay safe and well,
    Big hugss, Caty

    1. Hi Caty, vielen Dank. Help yourself to chocolate cake, enjoy! Stay Safe, hugs!

  31. Love your animal face, it looks almost as if it has a jewelled head dress on at the top - beautiful painting.
    So sorry you are back at the Clinik but if it gets you back on the road to good health then so be it, mus stay with a kitchen you can wander in like that it can't be that bad. The orange juice looks so inviting, may I take that instead of the tea or coffee?
    Take care
    Hugs, Neetxx

  32. The Klimt cats are terrific - love that. And there is too much lovely food to see here to not comment on that! I did LB 2021 but never completed most of the classes. I am aiming to do so this year (well some anyway :D) and I like that leopard. I'll def. go and check out the class.
    Mary Anne

  33. So sorry to be late - things just keep interrupting! Your leopard is an absolute beauty and perfect for Erika's theme! The kitchen looks very well set up with tempting goodies - are they sweet buns in the basket? I'm having a bit of a love affair with fresh orange juice at the moment - in between coffees of course! Oh - and fruit crumble for me please. A very belated happy T day, hugs, Chrisx


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