Sunday 2 January 2022

2nd on the 2nd/ weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we re-show something which we have posted in the past. These are some of the pieces made in the taster lessons of LB 2022:

Cinnamon Cooney

Eulalia Mehija

Andrea Gomoll

Toni Burt

Diane Reavely

Eris Klein


Elfie Wild

Elfi Wild

Sorry I have forgotten some names, and can't look them up as I am not at home.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What wonderful projects! Happy new year wishes!

    1. Thanks so much Lisa, happy new year to you and yours!

  2. I love the variety of styles, textures, and colors. Beautiful!

    Wishing you a Happy New Year! Hope 2022 brings wonderful things with it. :)

    1. Thanks Jess. Happy New Year to you and yours! Hugs!

  3. I so love seeing your art Valerie-thanks for sharing these-feel better soon hugs

  4. Interesting to reflect on previous work, I am not very good at doing that. Thanks for another fab post. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, I always enjoy looking back! Hugs!

  5. wow, stunning designs and so impressive.
    Happy New 2022.

  6. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you have now settled in well at the clinic! Here everything is okay. The kids are at Rae's for the weekend, so I've got some peace and quiet, which is wonderful. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad to hear you have some me time, enjoy! Take care, hugs, Valerie

  7. Happy New Year to you. Hope this year will bring you good health a joy. Love your creations they are all so different. Love the bright colours you use. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks so much Anesha. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  8. Lovely art. My favorite is the black cat

  9. I was stupid to leave town yesterday. After all it was raining. However while at the party I was invited to, the temp dropped and the rain turned to ice and sleet. To make matters worse, I didn't bring a coat to wear over my sweat shirt and jeans. What took a little over an hour to get to the party took over four hours to slip and slide home. Harrowing.

    I really love your look back at the taster series. I never got through them, but I remember the cow and some of the ladies. This was a fabulous look back and I truly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing these wonderful paintings with us as your second look on the 2nd, dear friend.

    1. Oh dear, your return journey must have been harrowing. There's nothing worse than ice when you need to drive. Hope you have recovered from your 'adventure' by now. Take care, hugs, Valerie

    2. I am still shaking, but that might be from the cold. I'll be heading to bed after I finish visiting everyone.

    3. You do that, hope you soon feel better!

  10. I think you mean the taster lessons of LB 2021, not 2022, Valerie, unless you had a VERY busy day yesterday. Lots of good stuff here. You have set the bar high for yourself as you come up with new items over the coming year. The cow is hard to beat, but the journal pages with the birds are my personal favourites of course. There is doubtless lots of goose poop that could be collected on your walks, and mixed appropriately with paint, in discrete volume of course, that would add authenticity to future renderings of birds. It would contribute pleasing earth tones too. One has the sense that it would be unique also, and set your work apart from the pedestrian mob that slouches along your trail-blazing path. I think you can probably find a way to use coffee grounds in similar fashion too. We shall have to coin a name for this new genre. Yesterday we went hunting for Snowy Owls, those denizens of the far north who come south to spend the winter with us, and we found two, a pristine white male, and a big, healthy, robust female. They were too far off for decent pictures, but the joy was in seeing them. We had taken a thermos of coffee along with us, and to sit and watch arctic owls while slurping java was pure delight. We will do it again soon. Be well in the clinic and tell those doctors, nurses, therapists, dieticians, and even the cleaners, to get you fixed up and ready to face the world with gusto. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. I think I will say no to creating with goose poop. There's an artist here who paints with poop and blood, but I don't care for it myself! Coffee grounds would be another matter, and I made ink sometime back from coffee, iron and gum Arabic, which makes a very nice, dark brown ink. And it really was the taster lessons of LB 2022, you get them before hand to tempt you to pay for the whole course which has just begun! Glad you saw some snowy owls, and I believe you that coffee and watching the owls was a great pleasure! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  11. It is so fun to these these great pieces again Valerie. I am glad you shared them. Its hard to pick a favorite, but the tree and the birds on the light blue caught my eye. All these pieces certainly give me some inspiration, and since yesterday was one of those housework days (ugh) today I get to play all day (smile). Hope your days in the new year are going well. And hope the fingers are doing well too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Housew**k? Oh no. I'm glad we don't have to do housew**k here! But we do have to put our plates into the dish washer after meals! I went for a nice walk today, the weather is still very mild! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  12. A fabulous look back at your lessons Valerie! I am starting on Wanderlust again at the weekend. Hope you are doing OK, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, have fun with Wanderlust again! Hugs!

  13. What amazing pieces, your work is always so versatile and interesting! Take care and have a very happy and crafty 2022, Sue xx

  14. Very colorful work-beautiful!

  15. Beautiful work Valerie, love the woven piece.

  16. I always enjoy Second on the Second posts! I hope your year is off to a good start!

  17. All of your art is fabulous, Valerie. So nice to see it again. Get well wishes and hugz


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