Saturday 28 August 2021

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

I had a wonderful day today (Friday), I was out and about with 2 friends. We went to Bonn and had a fun and delicious day, I will tell you more about it in my next post. Right now I just want to get the post finished and then head for bed!

Today I have another A3 mixed media  piece to share for Neet's type challenge at AJJ. The background was textured with a brayer. The flowers were collaged from paper napkins, and are my fave type of blue.  I added some scraps of old letters. The quote was  hand lettered and is from Ladybird Johnson:

Some photos from my balcony and from our little town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great saying on your art piece and the flowers are pretty. Pleasant walk around your area with you.

    1. Thanks Sue! Glad you enjoyed walking through our litte town! Hve a great weekend!

  2. I real like that quote "Where flowers boom So does hope" pretty horses.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks, Dora, it's a great quote indeed! Have a nice weekend!

  3. You did a great job on the flower collage, so realistic.

  4. How stunning is this creative project. Lovely colours and along with adorable photos...x

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Glad you had a nice day out! Love your fantastic art, beautiful colours. Great photos, too! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  6. What a lovely place you live Valerie. Such beautiful photographs you have for us again today.
    A beautiful post too. You know how fond I am of your textured backgrounds done with a brayer and this is a beauty. I love how you have used different types of blue throughout your post and those different flowers are so pretty.
    A beautiful quote too.
    Thanks for this super entry for my theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much Neet. I can't do without a brayer, that's for sure. Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  7. The writing rises up with the flowers reminds me of all the chaos in our world today. But the flowers themselves represent hope. Beautiful and inspiring.

    1. Thanks Teresa! Glad you like it! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  8. Good morning Socialite Valerie: I am glad that you had a fine time, a gay day we might once have said, promenading around Bonn with friends. A little agreeable human companionship is always good for the soul. I will look forward to seeing the evidence of this day around the old capital. Your mixed media piece is especially lovely this morning, with delicate blues and lovely blooms, and a poignant message. Some time ago I took to reading the recollections of Holocaust survivors, and looking at interviews produced by Yad Vashem, and one elegant witness to this horror said that her hope was nurtured by the sight of flowers poking up from the cracks in the concrete. I was move to tears, quite literally. The flowers were probably what we in our human arrogance called weeds, undesirable just like the inmates of the camp, yet they brought hope in the most dire circumstances. Weeds indeed! Rare beauty is what they were. Your little town is very beautiful, entirely on a scale one can deal with. I will look forward to your next post with pictures from your day out. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! we had a great day yesterday, promenading and bussing around Bonn. We went on a red double-decker hop-on, hop-off tour bus, too, that was fun! We had lots of rain, but we still enjoyed ourselves. And we visited the Museums Mile and went through the German History museum, which was very interesting, and even better, free! Info here: We had a tour with a very good guide, and learnt a lot about the time from the end of the war up to today. Flowers always make me hopeful, and I can understand what that witness meant. Little things kept people alive. A lady I looked after for some years was in 7 different camps, and kept telling herself that she would survive because her name was Chaya, which means life. And that kept her alive. Things like this are very moving. We visited Beethovens home ( and then went next door to the pub which he favoured and had a great meal there! I didn't get home till late last night, and am really tired today, so having a rest. Have a great weekend, David, take care, hugs to you both!

    2. Take care and rest up. You will need all your vigour to tell us all about your day.

  9. Love your art and the nice quote. Beautiful horses. You live in a lovely place.

    1. Thanks Nancy! I love seeing the horses on their meadow! Have a great weekend!

  10. I can't wait to see and read about your day to Bonn. It sounds like you had a super time from the enthusiasm in your post. I am loving today's art too. Those blue flowers match the background wonderfully. Wow. And the quote is fantastic. Hope you slept well and have a wonderful weekend ahead. I'm off for an engagement outdoor get together for my niece today. Hugs-Erika

    1. Bonn was wonderful, in spite of bad weather, and I will show pics on Monday. Today I am really tired after the long day out, but I'm so glad I had that lovely day! Have big fun at the engagement, take care!

  11. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely art as always, great photos, too.

  12. Thanks Bill, have a great weekend, Take care!

  13. Lovely photos of your walks around your little town Valerie. A beautiful page too, the flowers are gorgeous colours.
    Happy weekend,

  14. Eine romantische Blumenseite hast du wieder erschaffen, wundervoll und dein Spaziergang war so schön!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, schönes Wochenende und bleib gesund!

  15. Lovely art and quote.
    Such a nice selection of photographs too, I like the horses.

    Take care, rest and sleep well after your very busy day :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! I slept a lot! Have a great Sunday!

  16. Brick paths are so attractive. And I love the words you chose for your art piece. Hope is my word of the year. It's been in short supply of late in the world.

  17. That quote is purrfect, innit? And those blues...heavenly.
    Your town looks so pretty, clean and quaint. I'd love to visit it.
    Ahh, the horses:)

    1. Thanks Sandra. A friend of mine has a new horse, Humphrey, he is soooooo gorgeous!

  18. Love the hopeful sentiment. Your photos show what a lovely place you live, with so many different sights to see :)

  19. Hi Val, Bill here, have a great day!

  20. The texture on your page is delicious (if I may say so). I have heard about collaging from paper napkins, but I have never tried it myself - when I see you beautiful blue flowers I am tempted to give it a try (probably have to research the technique on Youtunbe first and then find some paper napkins). - I love the old parts in your town, that's someting we don't have here and I often miss that. Not the German weather though...

    1. Thanks Carola! The weather here is always good for a surprise! Have a great, new week!

  21. Everything looking very nice! Thanks for sharing! 😍😍😍 Have a great week!

  22. Beautiful photos ;) Have a nice day ;)

  23. What a beautiful place you live in, Valerie! I'm glad you had a fun day with your friends ~ delicious is always good. I have no idea how you collage flowers from napkins. These are striking. Batchelor's buttons are one of my favorite blue flowers. I don't know what the other flower is, but the two together are lovely. Have a happy week!

    1. Thanks Louise! I love these flowers. Have a great, new week!

  24. I hope you see this, because I am SO, SO far behind. Just trying to catch up before T time. I really love that latest journal entry you created for Neet's theme at AJJ. Those flowers are wonderful and I am in LOVE with that quote. I am brayer challenged, but I sure love that background you created.

    Nice job with the photos, too. Great photos of the horses and all that beautiful architecture in your town. I'm off to see the next entry dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! We're all challenged by something or other!

  25. Beautiful photos! Beautiful art! Big Hugs!


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