Monday 9 August 2021

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great week!

This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time our lovely and talented Michele is hosting, and has chosen the theme of blue and orange. Tags of all formats are welcome, as long as you show the colours blue and orange, a wonderful combination. As always, you have 2 weeks to join our challenge which will go live at 9p.m. Monday evening.  Hope to see YOU there! I made a tag using a striped  orange background matted with blue. I used various die-cuts, including a blue teapot and cup, as that fits perfectly to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, which also goes live this evening. And the  2 Ts on the teabags stand for both challenges:

And I have lots of orange in my journal page for Neet's type theme at AJJ.
The teashirt was cut from white paper and mounted onto a slightly larger background of type face. The dictionary definition was added with some floral embellishments. And it has a tag with T on it:

These photos were taken at the main station in Düsseldorf- there are lots of possibilities to eat and drink there, not really to my taste and much too expensive:

This is a floating snack bar at the Rhine, advertising Shish-kebab:

And my all time favourite:

A sign for a pub near here:

And another one:

I wonder who hopped home with only one flip-flop?

A boat advertising Uerige, a beer speciality in Düsseldorf. 'Dat leckere Dröppke' is Düsseldorf slang and means 'The tasty little drink' - not that people usually consume it in small amounts!

And once again, a drink to make me happy!

I hope I have catered to all tastes with my selection of drinks today.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely tag and page I like the orange and blue. The eatery at the station is what we are very used to here!

    1. Thanks Christine! I prefer the old fashioned cafes!

  2. My hubby just bought some flip flops. I also like your tea tag.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Adorable project and gorgeous tag design...x

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope your week will be good. Love the beautiful tag and journal page, they are so well thought out. And love the colours, too. Great photos. I'm not fond of those Franchise places, either, highly priced crap mostly! Have a lovely day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, Have a great Monday, hugs to all!

  5. Well you certainly catered for me Valerie - lovely tag, I do like orange with its complimentary blue colour. Love the T-shirt, I would willingly wear that with those tulips on it and what a lovely idea to carefully mount it on printed paper. A definitely great border there. I like the way you have put the dictionary definition and the little tag is adorable
    Thanks also for the journey through Dusseldorf station - it brings back such memories. I remember the first time we got off the train there - I was mesmerised with all the different stands for food and suchlike. We hadn't anything quite like that at home then. I just loved it and had to have something to eat it was like wonderland to me at that time.
    Some lovely memories for me and thank you for a lovely entry again for my theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you feel well catered for! Yes, there's a lot to see at the station, it's huge and also caters for almost every type! Glad it gave you some good memories. Have a great, new week, take care!

  6. Gorgeous art works Valerie, and one of my favourite colour combos. In fact I was using these 2 yesterday! I've often wondered how people get home when you see one shoe in the street lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Michele chose the colours well, it's one of my fave combos, too. It's a strange phenomenon with those single shoes getting lost! Have a great week, hugs!

  7. Such a beautiful tag, I love the bright orange and the wording is that sweet tea cup and saucer 😁. Search fabulous shops of the neon signs at the different eateries too and I love spending time with you at the cafe this week! Wishing you a lovely new week and a happy T day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, the bright colours are especially good on a dull and overcast day like Today! Happy T Day!

  8. Good morning Valerie: Your tag is delightful, but we will have to petition the committee to switch from "T" for tea, to "C" for coffee. It would even work well with "Colombian Coffee" or "Costa Rican Coffee" both of which I have had and they are excellent. In Colombia there are little roadside stands where they make a black, sweet coffee that is delicious. It's always good to try the local specialties. That doesn't seem to be true in the railway station in Düsseldorf, where there appears to be a fascination with North American junk food outlets, almost more then here even. I never, and I mean never, eat in those places. On balance, we still prefer to prepare and cook our own food. Last night Miriam made turkey burgers from scratch (they even include spinach) and I grilled them, and they were quite delicious. Simple, but nutritious too. We sat on the deck while they were cooking watching a hummingbird sip nectar at our Rose of Sharon flowers, but we were unable to get a picture, unfortunately. It would have been a great shot. This evening there is a meeting of the Board of Directors of Waterloo Region Nature and we will be holding it outdoors in the park. It will be fun to meet face to face again. That has not been possible for a long time. Enjoy the week coming up. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, you are, as (almost) always right. Coffee is so much preferable to tea. Now you know why I got exiled from England! Not drinking tea there is treason in a tea zone! I never go to those junk food places either, bad food for high prices is not my cup of tea....errr, coffee! There's a stall outside the station where you can buy Falafel with Hummus, freshly made and delicious for very little money! Miriam's turkey burgers sound good. I have some home-made burgers in the freezer, you've inspired me to dig them out and eat them! I wish we had humming birds here, too, but I suppose we can't have everything we want! Have fun at your board meeting this evening, great idea to meet in the park. Hope your weather is better than ours! It's so good to meet up with old friends again. I had a good walk this morning and was happy to get home before it started raining again! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  9. Blue and orange are fun together. I love the T day tag. Today is am staying home and playing in my happy place so I think I need to pull out those 2 colors. I also love the orange on your journal page and that really fun T shirt piece. Orange is a good color for my grey morning here. And your train station food seems like station food all over the place. I had to laugh at the Dunkin Donuts. They are a New England company and every where here. I mean everywhere. I think my town is the only one around that doesn't have at least one. Smile. Happy new week and happy early T day Valerie. Hope its a good one. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika! Blue and orange are really a great combo, have fun playing! I had an orange day yesterday as you can see from the tag and journal page. Yes, station food is the same everywhere. And they have the same selection at the airport, too. I didn't know that dunkin donuts come from your corner of the world. We live and learn! Happy T Day and enjoy your week, hugs to you and the bees!

  10. A great tag Valerie, and your photos have made me hungry, I'm off to make lunch :-)

  11. Delightful tag and page. I was surprised to see so many American fast-food joints at the the station. I think I'd rather hope in one flip flop to one of your cafes for tea and some pastries while you have your cappuccino. Happy T Day!

    1. and in English that should be "I'd rather hop in one flip flop" 😺

    2. I'm glad other people have typos, too. People here seem to love those stores! I think I would not get anywhere these days with hopping in one flip-flop! Happy T Day!

  12. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely art as always!

  13. Haha, who left their flip flop? I like the tea pot on there! Nice post! Have a great week. :)

    1. Thanks Aishu. Funny losing a flip-flop, huh?

  14. Wow that could be any food court in the US. We have a floating eatery in the next town from us. Love these photos. Your art is excellent.

    1. I meant have a great week, I clicked the button too soon!

  15. The tag's so bright and cheerful. I love your color choice.

    I pick the floating snack bar -or would if I could ;) Happy T Day!

  16. Love the blue and orange colour combo Valerie and fabulous tag with the cute teapot and t/bag..and the little tag on the tee shirt is so cute..a lots of T's

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, it's a great colour Combo and I hope you will join us again!

  17. Cute, colorful art today Valerie, love that fun T-shirt! Great photos, it's always funny to see only one shoe left behind. I hope you have a great week ahead!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! The single shoes always puzzle me, how do people get home with one flip-flop? Have a lovely week, take care! Hugs!

  18. Super cute tag - so bright and cheerful! I've never seen a floating snack bar before. Thank you for sharing the photo!

  19. Love the orange and blue tags with the tea theme. It is perfect for T Day. I wonder who lost their flip flop? I never could walk in them. They probably just walked out of them. LOL Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon. I can't walk in flip-flops either! Happy T Day!

  20. Your tag is colorful. Those are great complimentary colors and the tag went well with the tea pot. I also liked your colorful take on Neet's theme. I loved the tee shirt definition and the clever use of the corner tab. Fabulous art, dear.

    Food courts have gone the way of the indoor malls in the states. We have two and they are both suffering from lack of business and lack of foot traffic. their heydays are over.

    I remember when we got our first Dunkin Donuts. Now they sell Dunkin Donut coffee at Sam's (the WalMart members only store). I remember when we got our first Starbucks. Now we have four or five. I enjoyed your coffee/cappuccinos you shared. Thanks for your great art and your drinks you shared with us for T this Tuesday, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I never did like malls, prefer a nice, old fashioned shopping street or market!

  21. the orange and blue tag is bright and lovely -- i love the way you combined challenges! have a wonderful week! xo

  22. A lovelt teg Valerie, great colours and very apt for the T party. We had a floating restaurant near where lived in England, ive always fancied a holiday on the canal. It’s the same over here in the shopping centres, most are closed and are quite expensive, we also have Maccy Ds as our GSs call it, sadly no dunkin donuts yet
    Happy T Day

    1. Floating restaurants are fun, although I've never been on the one I showed. There are several along the Rhine. I once had a holiday on the Norfolk Broads when I was a kid, and I loved it! Happy T Day, hugs!

  23. Happy T-day, Valerie! Super orange and blue tag and how fun it matches up with T-day so perfectly. Fun Journal page too - love the way you did the T-shirt definition on a T-shirt and another fun T addition.

    The pictures are a delight, of course, and your coffee pictures are my favorite (although that floating food boat is really interesting).


    1. Thanks Nancy, Michele has chosen a wonderful colour combo for the challenge. Coffee is always my favourite! Happy T Day, have a great week, hugs!

  24. I don't need to ask, you've certainly been busy this week! I love the tags...I might have a go and join in! Have a very crafty T for Tuesday ((Lyn))

    1. Thanks Lyn, I lik to keep myself busy, and crafting is for me much better than housew*rk! It would be great if you would join our challenge! Have a great week, hugs!

  25. Blue and orange go so well together. I like orange because it is the Dutch national color and blue is the Italian national color, plus that I really like blue.
    I had to smile as you (like me) focused on drinks today. All those Droeppkes and coffees.
    Yes, those fast food places are not to my taste either. And I find it really difficult when I go somewhere and this is all there is to eat. I will go hungry.
    Gasthaus Peters, being behind the church seems to do good business on a sunday. (Open from 11 to midnight).
    You call Postcrossing 'our hobby', does that mean you do this as well? I didn't know.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. I used to do postcrossing up till a few years back, and gave it up as I had to have several OPs and chemo and was not well enough at the time. Perhaps I'll do it again someday, it was always fun! Fast food is nothing I like, I, too, would rather stay hungry. Gasthaus Peters is a nice place, I have been there a few times when I walked there along the Rhine. And yes, blue and orange is a wonderful colour combo! Happy T Day, have a great week!

  26. Lovely tags for the orange theme, especially the teapot.
    Fast food is not to my liking either. Much to greasy and fat. But your drinks look delicious.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I can't understand why so many people buy fast food! Have a great week!

  27. Blue and orange is such a great color combo and I just love your T tag art for the new challenge!! The tee page is fun and vibrant too. Those fast food places are everywhere around the world- but not one we go to. I much prefer small business cafés and restaurants, and of course a cappuccino like yours is always welcome:) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, small Cafés and Restaurants are so much nicer than the fast food places. Have a great week!

  28. I love your t-shirt page Valerie, it's so cute and colourful. Happy tea day Elle xx

  29. Fabulous tags and photos. Good Tuesday


  30. Your tea tag is wonderful ...

    Like you I prefer the smaller cafes, It was some-time ago that I was in a fast food place, although I know they are popular with many.

    Hope your week goes well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Fast food is not mine, but as you say, so many seem to love it!

  31. How fun your tag is with the bright orange and blue and making us all want to have some tea from that pot.

    1. Thanks Annie, Michele chose a wonderful colour combo!

  32. Beautiful art work Valerie! I just love your bright colours in the tag! I had to smile at the one flip flop lol. Brilliant photos!

    1. Thanks Pinky. I'm still wondering about that single flip-flop!

  33. Awesome Tags Valerie, I am playing along, having to craft between bouts of decorating..certainly feeling my age now,lol.x

    1. Thanks Sandie. I know that feeling! Have a great week!

  34. Sadly another Tag Tuesday topic that I didn't get around to - even with fabulous inspiration like this! I think railway stations in general have a lot of familiar but expensive places to eat and drink - if we have time we try to get away from them and find somewhere else (shall I say - more civilised??) Hugs, Chrisx

  35. Love the oranges in both your art pieces!
    I'm enjoying a drink with you!
    Big Hugs!


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