Wednesday 4 August 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

It's midweek already, time is flying by so quickly.

Today I have another journal page to share for Neet's challenge at AJJ. This time I have used an 8 x 8" background. Here I used paper from vintage books and documents to cut the figures. But don't worry, I didn't use the real thing - I made copies of the papers first! I had fun making this quick and easy page. The sentiment was added digitally, my fingers are not being cooperative just now:

The road here is still a building site, and will stay that way for a long time:

Neigbour's flowers:

By the lake:

The path through the trees is very overgrown and narrow just now:

I love the lush green everywhere:

The path on the right is for the horses:

So much to see and enjoy:

The blackberries are ripening:

The seeds were blowing in the wind:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Hi Valerie, your page for the theme type is so perfect-I love it.
    all the rain your area had has given you lush landscapes-beautiful
    Happy mid week-hugs Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy, thanks a lot! The rain has really made everything green. Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  2. The way you made those people is really clever, and such a fun use of type. And fun quote too! You look like you had a wonderful walk through a beautiful meadow. I've been picking blackberries too. Yummy. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you like the types, it was a quick and easy page. It was lovely outside with so much green everywhere. Have a wonderful day! Hugs!

  3. Beautiful page, good to make copies first. I am enjoying the greenery here too.

    1. Thanks Christine, I didn't want to destroy the old books! Green is a wonderful colour! Hugs!

  4. It sure green there. Not like here all dry.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, I love it when it's all so lush and green. Have a great day!

  5. Hi Val, good morning to you! Hope you had a good night. I was up bright and early, no idea why! I love your 'types' this morning, that's a great take on the themes. And you had a nice walk through the fields. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! I slept much better last night, that was good. And I'm still yawning this morning! Have a nice day, hugs to all!

  6. A great page Valerie and I was pleased you didn't use originals (as if you would)
    Lovely photos, everything does look lush and green, it must be all the rain you had at the weekend.
    Stay safe, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, the rain is definitely making everything green this year. Have a great week, hugs!

  7. Beautiful post...short and sweet comment gotta feed the baby Bella. xx

    1. I love humans who take care of their fur babies so well!

  8. I love the way you cut out those people digitally. That was fun to see. I love the sentiment which went so well with the page, too. It's a great entry for Neet's theme at AJJ.

    Sorry to read the street ini front of your apt. is still in such a mess. It's starting to look better, though. My blackberries have been gone for over two weeks, so lucky you. You have such a lovely and lush area in which to walk now the sun is finally shining.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. This page was fun to make. The street looks quite good now, but when the new drainage pipes come it will all be opened up again. I've had quite a lot of blackberries, I take a bag with me when I do my afternoon walk through the fields, free fruit is always good!

  9. Your cleverness is on display here, Valerie. That's a very creative use of the theme. I think we would have all known that you didn't mutilate the actual books to produce this effect. What sacrilege that would have been. Everywhere is so lush and green where you are and I suppose that all the rain you have endured is responsible for that. The blackberries look like they are almost ripe (no doubt some are) and you perhaps return from your walk with juice staining your lips. You can always pass it off as the latest shade of lipstick! The workers seem to have the street in order in a fairly short time, but as you point out the disruption will occur again when it's time to replace pipes. À la prochaine. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! It was one of the quickest pages I have ever made. And no, I would never chop up these beautiful old books, even though they are old and shabby in the meantime, like me! The rain and warmth have indeed given us lots of green, and it's wonderful to see. I take a plastic bag when I go through the fields and come home with a portion of blackberries to eat with my yogurt. A tiny punnet in the shops costs about 4€, so better to pick them fresh! The street will be staying like this for a long time, as the drainage pipes have to be made to measure. At least it's much quieter on the road just now, so that's something! Today is a strange day, cloudy and sunny in quick intervals, and rain forecasted, so I'd better take my umbrella when I go out walking. Hope you have a wonderful dayy, take care, have fun! Bis dem Nächst, lieber David! Hugs!

    2. You are NOT old and shabby, you are a very fine vintage!

    3. Thanks David, you are a gentleman!

  10. Thank you for the woodland walk, I so enjoyed it. I notice our blackberries are at more or less the same stage as yours.
    Love your journal page. I just love the type on the soldier - if only I could do hand writing like that! What a good idea to use copies of old book pages to cut out your figures, this makes for a very pleasing and interesting layout of your page.
    Thanks for another page on my theme of Type. Have a nice day.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Glad you enjoyed walking with me, it's always nice to take my friends along! Glad you like my 'types', there are so many lovely types of types, and I've had fun looking through my books for them! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  11. I sometimes photocopy book pages too - unless I buy a really battered copy from a charity shop. A place I used to go to had box of books with torn pages or ruined covers it was always good to root through. Don't pass by there any more though(but I've probably got enough!)
    Your page is superb and covers all aspects for Neet's 'Type' theme.
    That's a huge area in front of your apartments - I hope it doesn't stay like that for too long! Seeing those blackberries reminds me that we need to take a local walk!!!
    Hugs, Chrisx

    1. I have a few tatty books which I can use directly, too, but there are some old treasures which I can't cut up! I think I have enough paper, old and new, to last me for several lives! The building site will probably be there till Christmas. We shall see! Blackberries are always a nice perk from walks! Have a lovely day, hugs!

  12. Fabulous page. I really like those cut-outs on your beautiful background. I enjoyed the photos of paths too. hugs, Teresa

    1. I love paths, too, and am always looking for new ones. Have a great day! Hugs!

  13. I always make a copy of an original to use in art. Just in case I want to use it again! How lush everything looks. Oooh, blackberries. My brother and I used to go into the woods (where we were not supposed to play, but did) and picked lots of blackberries.

    1. Good idea! Blackberries are always yummy. Glad you were a naughty child, too!

  14. I'm just really wild about your use of print. I loved it for the faces but it's perfect for the bodies and "choose your type" a wonderful title!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I'm having fun with this challenge! Have a great day!

  15. I love the silhouettes cut from different types of type. That is a fun idea. The colors are in the background and also with type is a perfect contrast to the figures.

  16. The colors are really nice for the artwork! :D The yellow flowers are lovely, but what flowers are they? They kind of remind me of sunflowers heh. Blackberries are looking good! Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Aishu! I think the flowers are black eyed Susan. The blackberries taste good! Have a great day!

  17. Interesting art! I like the way the Germans do their road work. Very nice. Very ogganized. At least from my perspective!

    1. Thanks. They are always very well organised here.

  18. Great photos Valerie, those blackberries look delicious. And your page is wonderful.
    Hope your hands are better tomorrow xx

  19. this little path in the forest looks so amazing:)

  20. Look at those brown-eyed Susans and those berries:)
    I'm sorry your fingers are giving you fits:(
    Choose your type--I love it:)

  21. I love your piece Valerie, so clever and what lovely colours. We have had lots of rain so everything is looking green and fresh. Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I had fun with this piece. Have a great day!

  22. Beautiful piece Valerie, I love the different fonts! Gorgeous photos, your neighbors flowers are so pretty and YUM blackberries!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

  23. I do like your journal page, and that was a lovely walk I enjoyed from the comfort of my armchair :)
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was a lovely walk indeed. Have a great day!

  24. Great subject matter for your art today. The photos are wonderful as always.

  25. I like your take on "type". At least you can take some comfort knowing the construction is taking so long because they're doing it right. "Lush" is a good word for all that greenery. Nature in summertime can be enthusiastic :)

    1. Thanks! I Hope they so the work well! Nature seems to love warm and wet!

  26. Fabulous page! This is such a cool design, the way that you used the different page types is amazing 😁. What a lovely walk and the flowers are gorgeous. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

  27. Thanks Jo, I had fun with this one, quick and effective! Have a great day!

  28. I love the silhouette style figures cut from the variety of print styles, its a fantastic page. The photos were so pretty and I hope the road works don't last for to long.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Have a wonderful day, take care!

  29. I like the cut outs you did and I love seeing all the green! Big Hugs!


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