Thursday 12 August 2021

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another A3 mixed media collage which I am linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday. It's rather bright, you might just need your shades:

Rain's Thursday art date this week is weather and weather lore. I have chosen some photos showing my fave types of weather.

I love frost and mist, which often go hand in hand here, and if I wake to a scene like this I pack myself in warm clothes and go out and take photos, even before I drink my coffee:

We also have lots of clouds and sunshine:

Sometimes there's snow:

And lately we had enormous amounts of storms, rain and destruction from the floods here, and in other countries many people have lost everything in the devastating fires. If we don't all start to do something to save the climate  now it will be too late. I'm not showing the photos again, but I think most people have already seen them:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This summer been mostly super hot. I hear the temp will be raising once again over the weekend.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Beautiful page and lovely frosty photos, not ready for those yet! It is awful the devastation the weather has caused this year.

    1. Thanks Christine!. I am actually looking forward to mornings like that! Have a great day!

  3. That art is bright but great. And your weather photos are beautiful. I like the foggy and frosty. Snow is pretty, but we just get too much here in New Hampshire. But I like looking at your photos, especially when it is just too hot. Have a great end of the work week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. We rarely get so much snow as you do, but with the climate changes who knows ? Here it is supposed to get warm today, wow!

  4. Lovely art VJ. The misty morning shots are just beautiful!

    1. Thanks Ashok. I love misty photos and how the mist changes what we see!

  5. Your art really is so elegant and beautiful. Brilliant photos. x

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great day, hugs to you and Bella!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Love your bright and beautiful page, really stunning. Great photos, too. I can't imagine going out voluntarily when there's frost and fog, but your photos really rock the boat, wonderful! Have a fabulous day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks! Glad you like my bright page. I wish I could take you on a frosty walk, I'm sure you'd love it! Hugs to all!


  7. I love warmth and summer atmosphere, but as you can see winter looks beautiful in the photos :). It is true that we are destroying our planet, we are littering it. Have a nice day:)

  8. What a selection of atmospheric photographs you have given us this morning. Truly beautiful to see those misty photographs which I love irl when I know it is going to lift soon. I love them all but the message you send us is so true, we really do need to do something before we destroy our planet.
    As for your page, I think it is fabulous! I love the colours you have painted in the background, they work so well and there is texture in your paint which I love to see. Great selection of pictures and type you have used to portray your idea with and another lovely entry for my theme at Art Journal Journey. Thank you Valerie.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I love your header

    1. Thanks Neet! I love how beautiful things look in frost and Mist. The header was taken in the industrial park in Duisburg, a fascinating place to visit.

  9. That is a bright and vibrant page, Valerie, a good way to perk up my senses first thing in the morning! The heat we have been experiencing here of late is oppressive and those images of frost look so inviting. I chuckled at your expression that you "pack yourself in warm clothes" and set out with your camera. I can hardly wait for those days when I need to pack myself in warm clothes, which I shall do henceforth rather than simply get dressed! As for the ongoing climate events, I fear we have already passed the tipping point, and as soon as the latest IPCC report was made public, idiotic politicians began dismissing it, and there are the climate deniers who live in la la land anyway. I hope that the sand in which they bury their heads heats up and fries them. Slowly, though, so they get the full impact. It is not going to affect the balance of our lives too much, Valerie, but I despair for all the Lilies of this poor benighted planet. From Ontario to Balconia, Hugs and Kisses aplenty, not to be shared, however. They are just for you.

    1. Thanks David! I do like warm weather, but for me there's nothing like a frosty, misty morning! And I really do pack myself in layers of warm clothes! And it sounds better then getting dressed, as you so wisely said! The politicians all over the world are good at denying reality, or saying that they're planning changes for next year or in 5 or 10 years....Just hot air! Your method of treatment for the climate deniers sounds effective! Yes, today's children will grow up in a scary world full of catastrophes and wonder how it got to be so! Thanks fo the hugs and kisses, I need them today! And I'm sending you lots back, too!

  10. Your photo of a bird in flight in a colourful sky is amazing. Your art page is moody and fabulous (wink); I like the vibrant colours.

    1. Thanks Teresa. These days I am enjoying playing with colour! Have a great day!

  11. Hi Val, Bill here. Fantastic art and photos!

  12. I love bright colors because in Hawaii all colors are bright. Your art is spot on. As for the fires, yup, they are raging in Greece and the USA. Just awful.

    1. Glad you like the colours, they make us happy!

  13. A fantastic bright and colourful page Valerie!
    Wonderful photos too, I love the mist and frost!

  14. Nice background for the Art! Great photos. It never snows since it's usually hot. I love snow lol. Have a great day!

  15. Take the wind away here and it would be mega hot. Our land across Oregon is tinder dry and we have many fires. I love your art. I want those skull chairs and that red outfit. LOL have a great day today.

    1. I love red, but it doesn't suit me. Those skull chairs are fantastic indeed. Have a great day!

  16. What gorgeous photos. But I'm not sure about the before coffee;)
    You are so right about getting our act together if we want to save the planet. I'm hoping Biden's package passes since a large piece of it is geared toward climate change.
    A mood board. How fun. That red really pops.
    YOU take special care.

    1. Thanks Sandra! I hope all world leaders soon get their act together! Have a great day!

  17. WOW..the colours on your mixed media collage are wonderful Valerie, the background is amazing, I love it, the pictures are fabulous and fun..I love frosts as it makes for a nice sunny day here, we get fog too as we are close to the sea, but this Winter we only had two frosts, just didn't get cold enough..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, glad you like it! We get lots of fog and mist as we are near the Rhine, but frost is quite regular in winter, too. have a great day!

  18. Those are some lovely photos of your favourite weather Valerie! I LOVE the black and white photo with the ducks in the river, that is amazing!! :) I'm a big fan of fog and mist too. I remember seeing snow fog for the first time when I moved from the city to the mountains, it was so cool! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, weather like that makes for cool photos. the pics were all colour photos, the fog just sucks out the colours and make it look b/w!

  19. Your photos are beautiful. I’ve tried to leave comments but received error messages… I hope this will go through with my good wishes to you for a lovely weekend!

    best… mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I think we are all having the same problems just now, Blogger is being difficult! Have a great weekend!

  20. No need for the shades, great art work. I enjoy your misty frosty photos.

    1. Thanks Sue, glad you liked the art and photos! Have a great day!

  21. Wow! My eyes popped with your new, industrial header.
    You are so right, if there's an early morning frost, or anything early for that matter, you just got to get up and go, forget the coffee or you'll miss it.
    Have a great weekend, hugs, Deb

    1. The header is a pic from an industrial park in Duisburg, a neighbouring town, very exciting to visit! Frost might not wait till coffee's been drunk, it's always a case of getting there before the sun comes up and dispels it! Have a great weekend!

  22. Love the colors and their combination that you used for your art. Enjoyed seeing the photos of frost. It reminds me that the cooler weather is not that far off.

    1. Thanks a lot! I'm looking forward to Autumn, love the colours. Have a great weekend!

  23. I agree with you about climate change. This is scary. Love the colors in your art piece, and the photos of fog and frost are beautiful. I especially love the fog-being in it, and seeing how it changes everything.

    1. The climate change is really scary, I wonder what problems the next generations will have to contend with. Fog and frost makes everything just magic!

  24. I swear I was here yesterday and left a comment. I was positive. But now I don't see it. Your journal page is really colorful and warm. I think it's beautiful, even without shades!

    You found some incredible photos of weather. I love the frost and I have always said it is SO hard to truly capture fog well, but you have done just that. The snow is lovely, too.

    I agree that climate change is here and change is needed. I get rather upset by those who think it's just cyclical. I agree it IS cyclical, AND brought on and exacerbated by human misuse of the planet. You definitely don't want to get me started on THAT subject (grin).

    1. I'm having fun with these colourful pages just now. And I really have thousands of photos to choose from, as you know, I can't stop clicking. I'm trying not to get worked up about climate change today, it just does me in! We could hire a soapbox together!

  25. I forgot to thank you for sharing your bright and cheerful journal page with us at Art Journal Journey using Neet's theme.

    1. Blogger has been making lots of problems these past days, I have had to repeat comments on many blogs. Have a great day, I'm off to put my feet up!

  26. You gotta know how much I love your vibrant page Valerie!! and I would have loved to wear that red one piece when I was younger:) The misty, foggy scenes are so beautiful- even with some frost. But the snow- Oh no, I'd rather melt in the heat thank you. they are lovely photos as well though;) Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. I Love going through the Fashion Magazines and looking at the clothes, mostly not suitable for my age! I prefer snow to heat! Hugs!

  27. First I love your collage ... bright and cheerful! Something we all need more of. How do you make your crape background, I would love to try that :)
    Mist and Fog are perfect for photo taking and you have done a wonderful job capturing the beauty of it. We get a lot of it here ... I live right next to a farm and the fields of corn give off heat that forms mist and fog if there is moisture in the air.
    I know of your storms and yes, I have seen the pictures and it is heart breaking ... you are so right that we need to address Climate change and soon or it will be too late for many, if not all. Wonderful post as always, Valerie ... Stay well and be safe :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea!. The Background is quick to make, Just a good amount of gesso and colours in the page and then go over them with a brayer which gives the texture. Climate Change is such a danger, what will become of future generations? Stay Safe, hugs!

  28. None of the natural disasters are good, but I hate the fires the most.
    YOU take special care and have a wondrous weekend.

  29. A walk on a cold and frosty day is wonderful.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  30. We could all use bright colours every now and then to cheer us up, your journal is perfect. It really is a fabulous mood-board. Gorgeous photos, my favourites. I love frost and mist (and snow) too, and that is exactly what I would do as well, take photos before having coffee :)


    1. Thanks Soma. Glad you understand about just having to get out, even without coffee! Have a great weekend!

  31. Love your bright cheerful page, can't have too much bright. Great photos. Hugs Wendy

  32. I love your atmospheric frosty/misty/foggy photos. The crisp days of Autumn and those rainy fall days are something I look forward to even though I enjoy the heat of summertime.

  33. Wow! Bright yes but definitely Fabulous!!! Love ALL of those photos! Chrisxx

  34. Love your bright art piece!! Amazing!
    Loving your mysterious cool photos!!
    We've had very extreme high heats this year and no rain. It's so dry!
    Big Hugs!


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