Thursday 10 June 2021

Thursday/Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Here we've had some hot and humid weather again, but I must say my flowers are enjoying it no end and flourishing!

Today I have another of my large, woven pieces to share. I love chopping up painted pages and making them into something new. The butterflies were from Gecko Galz and fussy cut. I just used some glue dots in the middle  of each one so they can 'fly'. I am linking to Mia's butterfly challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday:

And some more balcony and walk photos:

The restaurants are opening up again, with tables well spaced out:

The meadows are being mowed, and the hay bailed. Blogger has once again changed the order, so the tractors come later:

Neighbour's children have built a wigwam by the stream:

This leads to the protected part of the lakes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the weave with the butterflies Valerie, and so many pretty photos today. The kids did a really great job with their wigwam! :)

    1. Thanks Martha. Good to see kids really playing instead of sitting at the computer! Have a great day!

  2. Well isn’t that just the best lattice panel for the butterflies you’ve ever seen. It has attracted some really pretty butterflies too. Very nice fussy cutting. Lovely photos. How fun the flags bunting is around the wigwam.

  3. Lovely butterfly art. The photos are so lovely. Cute wig wam.

  4. Great art, great card and fabulous natured images, what else could one ask for. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great day, hugs to you and Bella!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. It's sunny here today, hope it's nice at your place, too. Love the weave with the butterflies, great idea, they really look like they are flying. Great photos, too. My kids would all love that wigwam, wonderful! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day. I love that wigwam, too! Hugs to you all!

  6. Your butterflies go well on the lattice background. Very impressive. I like how it looks like they have just landed and are soon ready for flight again. A great entry for Mia's theme at AJJ.

    Love the tractor and the bales of hay. The flowers on your balcony are lovely, too. Really beautiful shots of the mowed field. That wigwam is super well built. Hope you get some cooler air soon.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, looks like we will be getting very hot weather again, not my fave! Have a great day!

  7. I do so like your woven paper strips. Here, we've moved indoors but I am not remotely ready to even think about outdoor gatherings! Another lovely osteospermum. What do you think of those blue plastic bales? I do so miss seeing the traditional, old fashioned rectangular hay bales of my childhood. The new fangled plastic wrapped ones make me think of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers!

    1. Thanks Deb! I'm not sure why everything has to be wrapped in plastic these days, the old haystacks were much more appealing. Today everything is done by machines, time is money! Now I will be thinking of body snatchers every time I go past the meadow....Have a great day!

  8. Das ist wunderschön mit den Schmetterlinge!
    Schöne Blumen und von deiner Umgebung, Das Wetter ist bei mir schön und mit 20 Grad sehr angenehm.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Viele Dank, liebe Elke! Hier ist es sehr heiß, 30° und es ist mir ein Bisschen zu viel! Dir einen schönen tag!

  9. This is a lovely woven piece, Valerie, bedecked with butterflies, and resonating good cheer. As you instructed, I listened to my heart, but it seems to be very limited conversationally, speaking in barely more than a rhythmic thump, but it is masterful in maintaining a sort of metronomic cadence. Perhaps if I continue to listen I will get to enjoy it. I have a routine virtual visit with my doctor this morning, and no doubt she will be interested in my heart. It is very agreeable, I am sure, to see the restaurants opening up again. Speaking personally, being seated a little farther apart meets with my approval. I don't need to hear the conversation from the next table, or hear the patrons slurping their soup. Distancing is good! Patios, with limited dining, will be opening again here tomorrow, and since I haven't eaten sushi since before the pandemic first interrupted our lives I could be tempted to go to our favourite sushi place if the lineups are not long. We shall see on the morrow. And of course the lovely Miriam needs to acquiesce! We have filled out the online request to have our second vaccination brought forward, but have not yet received a response. Cornwall is being turned into an armed camp for the G7 Summit and the welfare of the residents will take second place to a motley crew of second rate humans called politicians. How sad! Stay well, drink coffee, walk briskly, drink coffee, say hello to the Canada Geese, drink coffee, brush your teeth, drink get the picture. Warm hugs and big kisses. David

  10. Hi David, glad things are slowly opening up for you too, and I'm sure that a visit to the Sushi restaurant would do you good, so Miriam should definitely agree. And you have worked so hard lately, you poor thing, you NEED some Sushi! I am not a fan of crowds and I always avoid restaurants and cafes which are over crowded, and not since Covid! I think people here like this all-squashed-up-together atmosphere, but it's not for me! Yes, poor Cornwall! And just think of how much money this waste of time costs. But we have to pay it! They should stick to Zoom! Lots of Canada geese at the Rhine this morning and making a hug noise because a dog came too near them - the geese won! Have a lovely day look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Your woven page is so pretty. It reminds me of the trellis in Ink's garden. Beautiful flowers on your balcony and walk. I love the blue flowers growing through the chinks in the wall. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ. I used to have a trellis with flowers where I lived before, it was always so pretty!

  12. What a pretty little piece you made. It is a perfect herald to summer. I love those close up flower photos too. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa! Close ups of flowers are always fascinating!

  13. I like the woven pieces, and your colors are so pretty -a lovely space for the butterflies.

    It's good to see restaurants opening up, and that's a great patio space. I'd feel safe there. Blue flowers are uncommon, and those are a pretty sight. The sky color is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks a lot. It's a nice place to eat or have a drink, perhaps soon.....

  14. Pretty and springy piece;)
    As always, the photos are rich and colorful.

  15. Wonderful post Valerie. Your art is very summery. The photo of that first flower is simply stunning. Love the kids wigwam. Have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. That wigwam was really impressive!

  16. Those butterflies do look like they are flying off the page. It was smart to use the black paper background; those colors pop. I like how this whole page works. It could be framed. And I see lots of places for my bees to visit. I need to go down and check their liquid food when I finish this comment; they say I should feed them sugar water for 5 weeks after they arrive to get them very established. Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The bees are keeping you busy as a bee, but I think it's worth it. Great to have an apiary, the bees are so important!

  17. Ooh lovely, you always do these weaves so well, and the butterflies are beautiful. That's real playtime isn't it, making a wigwam, and the sight of restaurants opening up - I'm still waiting for my first coffee out, but it's coming very soon! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Making these weaves is rather addictive! I hope to go for a coffee soon!

  18. I love your woven butterfly page Valerie, it's beautiful! Great photos too!
    Alison xx

  19. Lovely weave with the butterflies, Valerie. It is truly a great inspiration and I think I will try to do something similar one day. The truth is that the last time I used weaving with paper I made a bag! Ha ha! Maybe I will show it on my blog, not sure yet.
    The photos of your walks are always beautiful, my friend. It is good that the restaurants are opening again, but we still need to be very careful as the virus is still here. Kisses, my friend, and thank you for joining again my challenge at AJJ.

    1. Thanks Mia. Show your piece, I would Love to see it.
      We all need to be very cautious still.

  20. What a beautiful art piece!!! Your weaving looks so delicate, and the butterflies accentuate that effect. I love it how the tractors mow around the trees in the field. Here, the trees would have been cut down. I like how things are opening up too, but we are still wearing masks-even though we have been innoculated. It's not mandated, but we're still cautious. I hope you are feeling well. It's good to visit you again!

    1. Thanks Debra. You are wide to be cautious. They're not allowed to cut down the trees here. Stay well and safe!

  21. What a gorgeous piece Valerie, the butterflies look so pretty on the woven background! Love all of your beautiful balcony flowers!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much, Tamm, have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  22. Thanks Regine! Have a great weekend!

  23. You weave magic with your cut up pages Valerie, it's as if the Butterflies have all stopped by to take a closer look. The heat is still on here but my flowers like yours are really enjoying the warmth.
    Lovely array of pics again, I especially love the stone arch, does it lead anywhere..?? I'd love to take a peep. Hugs for the weekend, i'm hoping for a weekend just for me.
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Happy PPF too x

    1. Hi Tracey, good morning! Glad you like the butterfly weaves, I'm addicted to paper weaving just now. The tone arch just leads into the castle ruins, it's a pretty place to wander about. Hope you have your 'me' weekend, you deserve it! Hugs, Valerie

  24. Lovely art piece Valerie, the butterflies are beautiful and the weaving great. I enjoyed your walk photos.

    1. Thanks Sue, the weaving is always fun and relaxing! Have a great weekend!

  25. What a great idea for an art piece! It's looks lovely with all the butterflies. Loved the trees in your photos. So green and beautiful.


    1. Thanks Soma. It is really beautifully green here this year! Happy PPF!

  26. Don't ya love that wigwam?
    Hope your weekend is filled with pretty flowers and beautiful butterflies.
    Take special care.

  27. I love the mixed media piece you created. What a wonderful texture with the pretty butterflies. Love your photos as well. Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha

  28. Those are pretty butterflies lying on that colorful mat. Lovely work! I like that restaurant, too. Very inviting.

    1. Thanks! The Restaurant serves great food, too!

  29. your butterfly weave is SO beautiful Valerie! And what's not to love about your wonderful photos... I am especially fond of the old buildings and architecture. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! I love the old buildings here, too! Happy PPF!

  30. Lovely. I have done weaving with papers in the past, it is fun. The photo of the broken brick wall with flowers takes my eye.

  31. Love the woven page with the butterflies. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Wendy

  32. Oh the woven artwork is divine with its pastel colors and the butterflies ~ and always lovely photography here ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ Xo

    Live in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  33. What a pretty page this has turned out to be with its woven strips and many butterflies. I love the pastel colours in the woven strips and the fact that you have left them loosely woven adds to the overall picture. The different sizes of the butterflies and the colours you chose works well too and creates such a pleasing journal page.
    Thanks for all the photographs - I could look at your photography for ages.
    Have a lovely weekend - (weather here has turned to rain and wind [Friday] but is forecast to return to sun tomorrow - fingers crossed)
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! I love making these loose weaves just for fun! Have a good weekend, hope the good weather returns to you! Hugs!

  34. Thanks for sharing your walk photos. Your paper ribbon art is lovely. Happy you dropped by my blog today


  35. Your woven piece is just lovely! Such pretty colors! And as always - beautiful photos! Happy PPF!

  36. I recall doing a weaves in grade school. I guess creativity doesn't need to stop at any age. PPF
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, it's nice to play even at my age! Have a great weekend!

  37. Oh that's so pretty Valerie, and it looks like you are getting lovely weather too. Elle xx

  38. I always like these weavings! And I love seeing the environments you show in your photos -- towns and rural, all sorts of things that tell me a little more about where you live.

  39. I love listen to your heart!!!! And, I love all your photos! They are breath taking!! Truly brings peace and happiness over me! That wigwam is cool! Big Hugs!

  40. A gorgeous page Valerie, I love the weaving and how those butterflies seem to be lifting from the page.
    Sorry I am late calling in
    Yvonne xx


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