Friday 4 June 2021


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday and that means the weekend is almost here! Enjoy!

Today I am sharing a journal page meant for Mia's challenge at AJJ, butterflies. The butterfly lady is another image from Gecko Galz:

And I have a tag for Michele's faces challenge at Tag Tuesday. The image is from Mischief Circus:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Some of my sky photos from 2020:

Here you can see the moon and Jupiter:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. I love the first colorful piece because I'm always drawn to colorful things, but the second one is really awesome too. Gorgeous photos, those moon shots are amazing! Have a fantastic weekend Valerie. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, I love colours, too! You have a great weekend, too!

  2. I love all that intense color on your journal page! It really draws me in to have a look around. I like the face art piece also. She makes me wonder what it is she is seeing or thinking. Very nice photos.

    1. Thanks Annie. I think the girl on the tag is dreaming of coffee! have a great weekend!

  3. Truly love both art pieces! So much feeling in them! Love your photos! Breath taking!! Your moon pictures are fantastic! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy. The moon is always special. Have a great day, hugs!

  4. Lovely page and tag! The sky photos are beautiful!

  5. Your journal page is stunning. So full of color and vitality. And I love that face in the tag. That is a beautiful digital watercolor face you chose.

    Your moon shots are impressive. So good to see the moon and Jupiter in the same shot.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. It's always good to see one of the planets. Have a great day!

  6. I forgot to thank you for this great entry at Art Journal Journey using Mia's theme.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely art and wonderful photos of the sky and the heavenly bodies, fabulous! Hope you feel better today, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I am feeling a tad better today, the side effects are wearing off. Have a great day, hugs to all!

  8. Good Morning and such beautiful art work you've done again. Hope you are okay after your second vaccine yesterday? I love your retrospective, our skies are so different each day. Have a creative weekend! Hugs, Deb
    p.s. look out for my icads soon!

    1. Thanks Deb! Had a bad day yesterday, but it's a bit better today, I will just keep on taking it easy. I'm looking forward to seeing your ICADs! Have a great day.

  9. First of all those photos you took of the moon looked amazing Valerie you were lucky to be able to see the planet as well.
    I loved the journal page and the tag so much detail and lovely images to look at.
    Have a good weekend.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Seeing the planets is always exciting! Have a great day, stay safe!

  10. Ich liebe deine Kunstwerke, sie sind so beeindruckend schön!!!!
    Die Fotos sind auch so cool, dein Header ist süss mit den Kälbchen!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönen Tag!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Die Kälbchen sind immer so süß! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  11. Oh My, Valerie, you have begun with the right note for me this morning with your call for everyone to appreciate wildlife in all its forms, and in the process come to a better understanding of our fellow humans. Then you follow with that enigmatic face, in some respects a little haunting, though tempered by experience and containing the mystery of the ages, knowing much but saying little. All of this is encapsulated in the unknown of the skies above us with unimaginable distances, and stars and galaxies beyond what our minds can comprehend. It is a fitting theme as we approach the summer solstice later this month. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks, David, I'm glad you like my wise words! I think most people don't even try to understand themselves, let alone other people and wildlife. The sky is always a source of delight for me, the view from my window is really the best thing in my shabby apartment! I felt very bad yesterday, had a reaction to the Vaccination, felt like I had flu. It's a bit better today, so that's good. But I'm having a rest day! Hope you have a wonderful day, take care of yourself. Is Miriam still forcing you to do garden work?! Hugs to you both!

    2. Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well, Valerie, and hope that you quickly improve. Miriam is an unremitting taskmistress and I am working my poor fingers to the bone!

    3. I want to see 👀 a photo of those bony fingers! I am enjoying resting and reading today!

  12. Beautiful photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  13. Interesting colourful page. The tag is gorgeous.

  14. I always love your sky photos, Valerie. I love taking photos of the sky, too.
    The journal page is great, my friend. I love the beautiful GG lady you added. And I like very much the tag. This face is really expressive.
    Thank you so much, my friend, for joining my challenge at AJJ. Kisses!

  15. Gorgeous moon pics. The collages are lovely

    Happy PPF


    much love...

  16. Good morning, very awesome sky photos-the sky is always changing which I love. Beautiful art page and tag-Happy Friday hugs from the lake

  17. I want to first say I just love the new header Valerie. It is wonderful. So are your latest journal page and tag. The face on the tag is quite eye catching, and your page is stunning. I love the quote. Wish more people cared about wildlife, but sadly it seems so many people are ignorant. And your sky photos are amazing. You have some really good shots. Enjoy the weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! The cows graze in the field at the end of the road, I love watching them. So many people don't care about our world and all that is in it, they need to wake up before it's too late! Happy weekend! Hugs!

  18. Gorgeous photos. That moon is a stunner! And those sweet cows make me smile big. What a great photo.

    1. The cows are really sweet, and I like that they are allowed to stay together and enjoy being outside! Have a great weekend!

  19. Lovely journal pages.
    The sky photos are wonderful. I especially love the moon shots.

    1. Thanks a lot! The moon is always my fave, too! Have a great weekend!

    2. Unbelievable, breathtaking, amazing moon photographs.

    3. Thanks Annie, glad you like them!

  20. Your tags are always wonderful.

  21. Teaching people about wildlife is important. I feel like your nature photo posts do that. Thanks!

  22. Wow I love your art today. Especially the tag. Those night photos are amazing. Have a very nice weekend.

  23. PS. I love your cow banner.

  24. Thanks, those cows are really cute!

  25. Beautiful are piece! Your pictures of the moon and Jupiter are amazing. I am so impressed with your skills and the fact that you are able to capture the moon so well in your photos. :) Happy weekend!

    1. Beautiful art pieces- not are piece. ;)

    2. Thanks Jess, typing mistakes creep in so often! Have a great Weekend!

  26. Lovely mixed media artwork and wonderful series of moon shots ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Expores
    aka A Creative Harbor

  27. Your journal page is really cool. And the photos are amazing!!!!

  28. Love the face tag, and the journal page. Lovely photos as well. have a great weekend.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, you have a great weekend, too!

  29. A nice journal page, and a fabulous selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  30. Sorry I missed this post yesterday Valerie, I looked but can not find anyone since my blogger reading list format has changed I hope it changes back to how it was..
    Beautiful words so true on your first page, goes so well with the images and lovely warmth in your colour choice. The girl tag is amazing.. I must try find TT challenge and see what everyone else has been up too. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracy. Blogger has really been playing silly buggers lately, so many things have changed, and keep changing. I wonder why they never bother to say what they are doing? Have a great weekend, take care! Hugs!

  31. Your butterfly lady is very elegant and I do like how you have framed her with the composition which is just perfect. The colours are so complimentary to one another.
    Great tag with that face and the photos, as always, are superb. I always think how they would make a lovely calendar. It would be hard to choose which ones though.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I am always happy when I can take photos. Have a great Weekend!

  32. Such an amazing post! Yours butterfly page is beautiful and the tag is stunning, I love the painted face - so pretty 😁. I was mesmerized by your photos too, the colours are stunning! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  33. Wow your artworks are absolutely stunning today Valerie, from full on colour to the more muted tones. Your sky photo's are wonderful too! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, the sky is always fascinating! Enjoy your day!

  34. Stunning art, and beautiful photos Valerie!
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xx

  35. Wow, some beautiful art, Valerie! The girls and the words are so thoughtfull done and work so well on the pages. Inspiring as always and the words are so true. So well done.

    Love the pictures too - all so beautiful!


    1. Thanks Nancy, much appreciated! Have a great week!

  36. I love the ladies you have in your page and tag today - both have the same expression! Great moon and sun pics - being South facing we don't get good views of either sunrise or sunset so your photos are really special to see. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I love watching the sunrise day for day!

  37. your journal page and tag are masterpieces! xo


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