Saturday 5 June 2021

New Challenge at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! I had 2 days here with some unpleasant side effects after the 2nd vaccination, but I'm feeling better now. The doctor said this could happen, so I wasn't worried, but I'm glad things are back to normal again after 2 days of rest and looking after myself. And the side effects are, of course, nothing like getting a 'real' Covid infection, so please, get your vaccinations when you can!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. Our challenges always run for 4 weeks and are anything mixed media goes, this time with purple as an optional extra. I made an A3 page with an image of Frida as butterfly queen. The birds were printed and fussy cut, the butterfly was made from some plastic scraps. I love using Frida images:

I am also linking to Mia's butterfly challenge at AJJ

Some photos from Nord Park, always a pleasure to visit:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Pleased that you are now feeling fine after the effects of the second vaccination ...

    Lovely colourful art, and a nice mix of photographs.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. Beautiful art and photos. Glad you are recovered from your second shot. We are awaiting ours.

    1. Thanks Christine, hope all goes smoothly with your second shot!

  3. So sorry you had side effect but so glad you are feelin better now! Gorgeous art and photos as always Valerie. Have a wonderful weekend my friend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, you have a great weekend, too! Hugs back to you!

  4. Good to hear you are feeling better now and you are fully vaccinated. Love the parrots you have used in your art work! Great park you visited.

    1. Thanks Sue. Parrots are always such pretty birds! Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Glad you are now over the side effects, good job! Lovely art, as always, so colourful and dynamic. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I'm glad it's over, too. Have a wonderful weekend, take care, hugs to all!

  6. Lovely art work vj.
    Who's the Lady with the sheep sculpture?
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Ashok. The lady is unnamed, there are lots of sculptures in the park showing different occupations, all made back in the 1920s. This one is my fave! Have a great weekend!

  7. Glad you are feeling better. It's better than the other choice! How long now before it's fully taken effect? Here, we're told to wait three weeks for maximum protection. Funny, I was only just thinking about Frida Kahlo, and she's popped up three or four times online.

    1. Thanks Deb. It's definitely better than the alternative! We have to wait 2 weeks. I love Frida, I have another page with her for next week. Have a great weekend, stay safe, hugs!

    2. one of the things I saw today was a letter from Frida to Georgia O'Keeffe. She signed it Frieda, spelled with an E not Frida as we spell it now. I wonder what that is about? Have you ever seen her sign herself Frieda?

    3. Interesting! I've only ever seen the 'Frida' spelling. I'll try to find out more!

  8. Oh Valerie sorry to read you have been unwell but yes better to have had a few side affects than catching the virus, I hope you continue to gather strength. As if Frida couldn't get any better I love her glittery wings, she can now fly even higher with her feathered friends.
    The park looks fabulous, the butterfly's and bee's will enjoy those wild flower beds.
    Stay safe & keep well Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I feel fine today, and the weather has cooled off a bit after the storms yesterday, so win-win! It's a lovely park indeed, I love walking around it! Have a great weekend!

  9. This is a beautiful journal page of Frida as a butterfly woman. I think it is beautiful and so colorful, too. It's also a great entry for Mia's theme at AJJ.

    Flowers, fountains, ducks, and sculptures are beautiful in Nord Park. I always love seeing those fountains.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I walk through that park as least once a week, and never tire of it!

  10. This is a fabulous design and great colours love it...x

  11. Awesome art page. and I really enjoyed visiting this park through your photos. the water displays were really special Happy weekend hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy! The park is always a great place to stroll through! Happy weekend!

  12. Good morning Your Exalted Valerieness: Let me say up front that I am very happy to learn that you are recovering from your bout of post vaccination illness. As you say, it is a small price to pay when weighed against the ravages of a full attack of COVID-19. It seems to be not uncommon that people who had no reaction at all to the first vaccine have a bad time for a couple of days after the second one. I will find out soon. Thank you for this wonderful series featuring birds and butterflies, followed by even more birds in the photographs. And then there is the wonderful Frida, or was it Frieda. Like you, I have only seen Frida in use. What an interesting woman she would have been to meet. The weekend is here and it is forecasted to be steamy and hot, the kind of weather I am not too fond of. But I can't change it, so I will sit under the maple later, with some good cheese and a fresh baguette and enjoy it as best I may! Yesterday we saw Heather and Lily again fir the first time in weeks. Lily is getting so big and alert and she will be a year old later this month. I should have some pictures for my next blog post. Stay well, stay healthy, be happy. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Hi David! A small price indeed compared to the real thing! It seems to happen to a lot of people, you will try it for yourself soon! Yes, birds, butterflies, flowers, water and fountains - all things that make me very happy! It's a bit cooler here today, yesterday was very hot and sultry and then we had storms last night, but it has cleared the air again. I looked up Fri(e)da on the internet, and it seems she was called Friday, but Frieda is also sometimes used! Glad you saw Heather and Lily again, I'm very much looking forward to seeing the photos of our little - or not so little anymore - darling! Sitting under a tree with bread and cheese sounds great, perhaps a glass of wine for you to accompany it? Have a great weekend, don't let Miriam chase you about any more, you deserve a day off! Hugs to you both!

    2. A glass of wine sounds perfect. I have a couple more hours in the garden and it's done. For now anyway!

    3. Then enjoy the wine as your well earned reward!

  13. I'm glad you got your second vax and back to feeling more like normal again. The reaction beats getting the disease and you will feel so much more liberated. We're due for 90 degree days here so an early walk today! I love your Frida and also the wonderful images you shared, as always. Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I'm very thankful that I got my second shot, so I can accept the 2 uncomfortable days, so much better than a dose of the real thing! Stay cool, look after yourself, hugs!

  14. Glad you're feeling better. I like to think positive that couple of down days means the vaccine really took in you. Keeping my gingers crossed this means you'll be out and about and back to have coffee in your favorite shops before too long. Smile. I love your Freida page. Adding the birds as a headdress was brilliant, and giving her wings was a great way to incorporate the butterflies. It is great to see Nord Park too. It has been a really good late spring for seeing flowers this year, hasn't it? Birds too of course. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I'm looking forward to drinking a coffee outside, too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Nord Park looks beautiful, especially the water feature. I could just do with that right now as it is so hot today.
    I too am a fan of Frieda and this piece you have created is particularly beautiful with all those rich jewel-like colours. The birds finish it off to perfection.
    So sorry you had a reaction to the second vaccine, luckily I suffered nothing but I am with you on everyone getting it done whether they have an effect afterwards or not. I see my town has an abundance of vaccine at the moment - a reaction to the amount of cases we have been having. Thankfully we seem to have levelled out now.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. It's a lovely place for a walk indeed. Glad you like my Frida. The reaction to the vaccination is a small price to pay for being safe. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  16. I'm sorry you had a reaction but am glad you fully recovered. That park is lovely!

  17. "They" say if you have a reaction that you have a good immune system. I am so happy you are fully vax'd. Love this art and the photos. Have a good weekend.

    1. Let's hope that 'they' are right! Enjoy your weekend!

  18. That is such beautiful art, featuring Frida. I watched a movie about her long ago, starring Selma Hayek, that was very interesting.

  19. Your page is stunning Valerie, I love how colorful it is and the texture on the wings is gorgeous! Beautiful photos today and glad you are feeling better after your 2nd vaccine. Enjoy the weekend.
    Tammy x

  20. Such beautiful pictures. I love seeing butterflies and ducks. So many things to make us smile outside in nature. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks Jess. Nature is the best Artist! Enjoy your weekend!

  21. You asked how the bees were doing in your comment on my blog. I went into the hive today and they are looking good and very bee like, but the queen hadn't come out of her box so I had to get her out myself. Now that she is out all should continue to go well. Hope you had a wonderful day Valerie, and thanks for asking.

    1. Thanks for the update. Now you have your own queen. I would love to have bees but a balcony is not the right place! Good luck with your bees, and keep us informed!

  22. So glad to hear your feeling better! I had my second vaccination yesterday and all is well 😀. Loving your butterfly queen with those pretty parrots! Such beautiful photos too with the summer flowers. Take care and wishing you well! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, so glad you had your second shot yesterday. Enjoy your weekend, stay safe!

  23. Thanks Laurie, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  24. Es gut dass es vorbei jetzt ist bei dir mit der Impfung und jetzt kannst du freier was sein. Schön dein Frida mit Schmetterling und den Kakatus,gefällt mir dieser Mix!
    Der Nordpark ist wirklich wunderschön zum erholen, ich war auch immer sehr gerne dort!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, Nord Park ist immer schön. Dir auch einen schönen Sonntag!

  25. Wow Frida looks fabulous here, what gorgeous colours! The Covid vaccinations aren't pleasant are they, but as you say, they are so worth it. What fabulous photo's you've taken, it's always so good to see a bit of sunshine! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, sometimes medicine is bitter, but it helps. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  26. Glad you're feeling better after your 2nd shot Valerie. My husband gets his 2nd dose this afternoon.
    Your butterfly Frida is beautiful, and the photos are lovely too.
    Take care,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, all the best for your husband with his 2nd shot!

  27. Love the sparkling wings and birds on the piece.
    What a wondrous park to walk in.
    Hope you're having a day filled with energy and good health.

    1. I would love to have sparkly wings and be able to fly away! Wednesday will be your day!


  28. Your work with Frida's portrait is beautiful, The photographs are really interesting, I especially like the sculpture of a woman with a sheep. Have a nice week:)

  29. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, after the second shot!
    LOVE your art piece! Truly beautiful!
    All the pictures, from the birds, wild flowers and the fountains, are amazing! Love them all! Big Hugs!

  30. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos, Valerie. Especially those with the faces of birds!
    Frida is one of my favorite artists. SUPER page, my friend.
    Thank you for joining again my challenge at AJJ. Kisses!
    PS: By the way, I am having my 2nd vaccination on Saturday.

    1. Thanks Mia! Have a great week and wonderful that you are getting your 2nd vaccination! Good luck

  31. A stunning page and awesome colours, I think you will guess that I lived the connection to Frida, such an inspiring artist.
    Hope you are getting over your second vaccination.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  32. Glad you are feeling better. I know a lot of people who had a few bad days after the shot but it is a relief to get it. I feel so much less anxiety when I am out (or even in).

    Lovely page - I love how you made her into a butterfly and the birds are a great addition. Super colors. She would have liked this page! I do too!

    Great pictures - that is a beautiful place - wow. I am continually amazed at the beauty of where you live. You have also opened my eyes to the beauty of where I live too - I am so glad I discovered your blog and met you!


    1. Thanks Nancy. It's important to look for the brain around us. I'm glad e met you too, I always enjoy your posts and art!

  33. I absolutely adore this page Valerie - a great setting for this talented lady! Love the pics of Nord Park and those fabulous water features! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I love Nord Park, it's a lovely place.


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