Monday 7 June 2021

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We had hot and stormy weather here which cooled off a bit after the heavy storms. Anyway, bad weather is good weather for crafting, and - don't faint - I even did some dreaded housew**k!

For Mia's challenge at AJJ I have another hybrid piece made using one of my photos and some butterflies from Serif:

And for Michele's faces theme at Tag Tuesday I have another tag using an altered photo:

This evening we will also be joining Elizabeth to celebrate her T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
I have some vintage Cola adverts:

And now for the real thing:

Blogger has determined that this photo can't be turned. Anyway, help yourselves to muffins::

My motto:

And a few photos from my walks:

That's all for today!
Have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely hybrid piece and tag. Delicious tea and lovely photos, such pretty flowers.

    1. Thanks Christine. But it's delicious COFFEE!!!! Have a great week!

  2. Good for you doing some housework! LOL!
    Loving your first art piece! Love the colours and the quote! Your tag piece is great too! Photos are amazing! Love the rock path way and the ducks! Everything is so beautiful! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy. Sometimes I just have to do some cleaning! Have a great week!

  3. Gorgeous are and beautiful photos Valerie. Yay for getting some housework done, we've been busy together! Have a fantastic week, hugs! :)

    1. I think your post inspired me! Have a great week, hugs!

  4. Your flower photo and the delicate butterflies are a perfect mix. I love the words added and scattered.
    I love your Cola ads. They’ve always had the best ads. I love your motto, it is spot on! Thank you for the tasty muffin. Your photos are beautiful as always.

    1. Thanks Annie, enjoy the muffin! Yes, my motto is a good one! Hugs! Have a great week!

  5. Lovely post Valerie, wonderful art work and I enjoyed your walk photos.

    1. Thanks Sue, much appreciated! Have a great week!

  6. Awesome art pieces, loved the Cola ads, and I really enjoyed the walk with you-loved those cobblestone pavers
    Happy T wishes hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, I love the cobblestones, too, but they do get slippery in bad weather! have a great week!

  7. Fabulous designs and gorgeous colours, loving this post. xx

  8. Was für ein wunderschönes Posting mit deine KUnstwerke eins schöner wie das andere und dein Spaziergang war so toll, danke dir das hat Freude gebracht!
    Pass auf dich gut auf und einen schönen Wochenstart!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch eine gute Woche! Bleib gesund!

  9. Love your faces tag. Blogger has become nigh on impossible with photographs. I can only upload one at a time, no longer edit once in place, and can't move them around any more. It's a world gone mad on us. Have a great week {just steer clear of editing in Blogger, lol} Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, you are so right. It is ridiculous to have to spend so much time on photos because of bad programming. I keep telling myself to be patient! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  10. Hi Val, good morning. Love your beautiful page and of course, the tag - it's you! Great photos, too!. Everything is fine here, we're all healthy, thank G-d, hope you are, too. Have a great week! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yes, it's me! Glad you are all doing well, have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  11. Love, love, love all the beautiful photos. Amazing!

  12. Love the butterflies and the words, Valerie. So true - we often think something is the end but He is just working some magic in us. I was hoping that Covid would be like that - we will see. We all had a chance to work on ourselves - I wish I would have done it more.

    Love the altered photo on your tag - great words there too.

    Also love the coke and coffee images - especially the real one and the muffins. I would say you can't have too much coffee but you can. I have been totally wired up on it and one time my Sister ended up in the hospital for overdoing it. It was college and she went to a very hard school. She was drinking pots of it a day and staying up all night... she cut down after that! She did do well is school though - lol!

    Great walk pictures! I especially love the cow (I have one in my T for Tuesday post tomorrow too - lol) and the skies. Lovely stuff.

    Happy early T-day. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Yes, sometimes we need to trust even if we can't see the way ahead, and we can learn from everything! I love coffee, but do have to reduce my intake these days so that I don't start climbing the walls in the night! I love that cow, too, a great sign for the butcher's shop. Have a great week, hugs!

  13. Oh Valerie, where to start from? I LOVE your photos (as always), especially the daisies and the cow-table!
    The idea of using your photos and add butterflies is FANTASTIC! What a lovely inspiration, my friend.
    Your tag is gorgeous. You used a great altered image.
    As for the vintage ads, I simply adore them!
    Hugs, sweetie. Thank you for joining my challenge at AJJ.

    1. Thanks Mia. I like using my own photos as backgrounds, it makes a nice mix of reality and fantasy! Hugs!

  14. There are so many interesting things to see in this post. Your nature photos are stunning. I really like those colada’s eats, your tag is nice, and your page is gorgeous.
    The weather forecast says we will have some hot weather today. That would be unusual because we've barely had any days where a jacket or coat was not required. We don’t own an air conditioner because it's never been necessary. The evenings usually cool off even if the days are warm. Other parts Canada have much hotter summers than we do on Prince Edward Island, though.

    1. That should have said Cola adverts.

    2. I would always prefer a place that didn't get too hot. It's 'normal' here today, not hot, not cold, but great for walking. Have a wonderful week, take care!

  15. Just look at all those delightful butterflies, followed by an inspirational message about wildlife. You know how to kick it off in style, Valerie. And then there are beautiful flowers and a distinct subspecies of a cow, a tabletop form if I am not mistaken, Bovus flatbackicus. So many interesting things you show us. And muffins too and invocations to drink coffee to excess - if the concept of excess even relates to coffee. There are those who might dispute such a ridiculous claim, with you in the vanguard of such caffeine advocates. It is hot and sticky here; quite unpleasant in fact. Yesterday it climbed to 32.5 degrees. Iced coffee weather perhaps. In the evening we went and sat in David's Dell and communed with nature. It was quite lovely. Enjoy the week ahead. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, I am known for my stylish kickers! You have given the butcher's cow a very accurate name, thanks! As you know, Balconia is a place where strange birds and animals - and people - feel at home and flourish. Coffee is always good, although I must confess I have to control my intake these days - old age sucks! We had that hot and sticky weather last week, but it's cooled off and is neither hot nor cold today, just pleasant, and I enjoyed my walk. And I even cleaned the balcony....wonders never cease! Glad you had a nice evening, I will be able to sit on my clean and tidy balcony this evening, so that will be good, and ice coffee is a very good idea, thanks for the inspiration! Help yourself to some muffins! Have a wonderful day, hugs to you both!

  16. Happy Monday Valerie. I am loving the journal page. It does look like a lot of garden right now. So beautiful. And the tag is great. The face slightly reminds me of you. And your muffins look yummy, and I had to laugh at the sign about moderation. We're in the high heat right now, not very comfortable. Today is going to be a low key day for certain. Loving the photos too. Have a wonderful T day, even if I am bit early for Tuesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I like using photos to make journal pages. Help yourself to some muffins, they're good! Have a restful day and keep out of the heat!

  17. I love your hybrid page - the flowers are beautiful! Great tag too! Have things opened up much for you? The coffees and muffins look great! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. A lot of places have opened up, but they are too full for my taste! Have a great week!

  18. Eye candy art and on your walks. The Mama and Baby Cow banner are so cute! You have such a variety of flowers in your area. Amazing. We are going for a heatwave record today. Day 3 of temps. in the 90s. My kind of weather! Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks CJ. I love watching those sweet cows. Rather you than me with the heat wave! Enjoy!

  19. Your walks offer such varied views! We have a week of rain in store here, so your skies and flowers are a treat. Happy T Day!

    1. Sorry about the rain! Why can't we have good weather all day and rain at night?!k

    2. We're getting some of that... It's feeling odd to have so many days in a row of rain, but I'm thinking my patio plants are enjoying it.

    3. That's true, the grass and plants love it!

  20. I love those butterflies in your art. Beautiful. You do love coffee, don't you? LOL.

    1. Thanks! Now why are you thinking that I like coffee??!!

  21. Love the art but the photos are just amazing. Have a nice day.

  22. Your journal page is absolutely incredible. It feels so rich and colorful. The butterflies stand out so nicely over the very colorful background. I especially love that quote, too. Thanks for another great entry at AJJ using Mia's theme.

    Your face tag is great. It was sure unique.

    Of course, the old coke ads were fun. It's amazing how long Coke has been in business. These made me smile because I have a friend who collects any and everything Coke. I'm with you on the coffee. Never too much coffee for me, either. I loved the coffee photos you shared, too. Sorry blogger is doing things to your photos. For me, it's the right adjust that I often can't get no matter what I try. Thanks so much for these wonderful ads and coffees you shared with us for T this Tuesday.

    Your photos today are great. My favorites are the cobblestone walkway. Beautiful texture.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I think the old ads are so much nicht than new ones. Happy T Day!

  23. A lovely Monday post full with wonderful things to see, tasty muffins to eat and a very nice looking coffee.
    Hope you've had a good day ...
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

    All the best Jan

  24. delightful post!!! Your hybrid butterfly art is gorgeous! Love those coca cola adverts. And coffee a double yes please:) Happy T day!

  25. Beautiful journal spread, lovely colours and such peaceful words, i'm not really a purple person but in flowers I adore them. Clever tag, is that you I see.. I say it often but I wish I could get my head around the digi world. I'd take a muffin right now.. in fact i'd take two, one for each hand even though it's 1.30am... anytime is cake time with it's partner in crime Coffee..
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Is that me? Perhaps it was me! Take as many muffins as you like, enjoy! Yes, coffee and cake, the best partners in crime!

    2. Valerie your artwork is gorgeous and I love the colours. Tasty looking muffins, good with a cup of coffee.
      Lovely photos from your walk, such pretty flowers
      Happy T day

    3. Thanks Jan, have a great day!

  26. All kinds of fun and wonder here.

  27. Fabulous photos Valerie. Another tag Tuesday, have a nice day


  28. You have spoiled us today Valerie with your amazing artwork and vintage signs. I love our walk through nature with you!!!

    1. Thanks Pinky. Hope you are keeping well. Hugs, Valerie

  29. Beautiful artworks! I love all the butterflies and words against the background of flowers - so pretty 😀. The vintage coca cola adverts are fabulous too! Wow, looks like summer has arrived with all those beautiful flower you captured on your photos 😁. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, the plants are all doing Welle this Year!

  30. The muffins look delicious! And I like the sign, although for me it is tea instead of coffee.
    The town scenes are lovely. I always love coming to see the shops from the window.
    Happy Tea Day,

  31. Beautiful art and photos Valerie, and thanks for the muffin! xx

  32. Wow Valerie these pieces are stunning! The flowers and the butterflies are amazing, and I love your face tag. It would be a very brave person that tried to moderate my coffee lol. Have a great day, Sue xx

    1. That'a right, I never let anyone come between me and my coffee! Keep drinking!

  33. First of all sorry I am late calling in to see this post Valerie, the art and pages are awesome and of course I enjoyed seeing your photos. The one with the cow did make me smile when I saw it.
    Yvonne xx


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