Saturday 5 September 2020

Weekend Post - new challenge at More Mixed Media

 Hi Everybody!

I was not planning on posting over the weekend, but then I remembered that every month on the 5th we start a new challenge at More Mixed Media. As always, our challenges are  anything mixed media goes, with an optional colour which this time is brown - Autumn is coming nearer! You have 4 weeks to join our challenge and there are prizes to win, so hope to see YOU there.
I have made an A3 mixed media piece in my large journal, and was happy to start using autumn colours. I made a textured background using the method shown in my post yesterday , and splattered it with my brown, home made ink.  I printed the face onto a book page but somehow turned it upside down! I added lots of textural spots round the face using a gold structure paste. The autumn leaves were added with pieces of a paper napkin and some doodling. And if you're wondering what the chess figures are doing there, well, they just happened to be flying around on my messy table!
I am also linking to Jo's texture challenge at AJJ

Somebody's toes photo-bombed the picture:

And a few pics from my walks this week:

I was happy we had some rain:

I love seeing the hops:

Down by the lake:

I had the feeling this was looking at me:

I love these rusty gates:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh, what a stunning art piece you did. I really love the colors. And so many of these photos are mesmerizing. I've never seen hops before. They're quite pretty.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. The hops grow wild everywhere in autumn. They make nice decorations in a vase, too. Have a great day!

  2. Really gorgeous art and as always I love the photos from you walks too. I'm with you on the rusty gates, definitely appealing! Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

    1. Thanks Martha! The gates are lovely, and lead to a beautiful old park. Have a great day!

  3. Beautiful art piece Valerie, and I always enjoy your walk, the photos have a cooler look about them today.

    1. Thanks. It has cooled off a lot, for which I am thankful! Have a great day!

  4. Lovely textured page and gorgeous photos today.

  5. Your work of art is beautiful, Valerie. I am also impressed with the natural scenery that you visit.

    Happy weekend.

  6. Good morning Val! This is a fantastic page, with a lot of symbolism in it, it's really good, one of my faves, although I love everything you make! Beautiful photos, too, nice to see the hops growing, too. We're all off to visit Mum this morning and after that it will be a visit to Mc D, save me cooking. Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a fun time with your mum, and I'm sure the kids will enjoy McD! Take care, hugs to all!

  7. One of my favorite stamps, yours of Lina Cavalieri is a bit different from mine. You certainly got a LOT of texture and lots of beautiful images, too. I love the crocheted lace and the chess pieces. They added so much to the page. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I guess you KNOW my favorite photo from today's walk. Yep, those rusty gates!!!

    1. Thanks E. Good you told me about those rusty gates, I wouldn't have guessed otherwise!

  8. Hi Valerie I always enjoy seeing your beautiful work and love the pics by the lake,stay safe my friend xx

  9. Good morning dear Valerie: I love these technical terms as you describe the delicate, creative, cerebral process of your art, "and splattered it with my homemade brown ink." I think I could do that, I could be a splatterer, maybe even a good one. I could add this skill to my resumé, except that I am retired and have no need of a resumé, but I might write one just to have the satisfaction of using the term splatterer. I might even put it in capital letters. Some of my bird friends are without doubt the world's finest splatterers, the most proficient of all being gulls, and they will splatter any surface that happens to be handy, without consideration of form or design, letting their "homemade white ink" create its own designs. Between you and the gulls, I see that I shall have first class instruction. Can you imagine the impact my curriculum vitae will have when prospective buyers of my art note that I have been mentored by Valerie the Vamp and Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. A paint splatterer will never have had such impressive cachet. I am now quite sure a whole new career awaits me and I shall embark on it without delay. Now, to put chicken skin and blueberries out in the yard to attract the gulls - I think that combination should make for a very interesting colour wash. Perhaps you should try it your self. In the meantime, enjoy the weekend in quiet contemplation of all these new possibilities.

    1. Thanks David. Well, there are splatters and splatters, and I'm not sure I want to work with gull splatters. But who knows? There are artists that paint with blood and one here in Germany who paints with cow poop....I thin I won't try it, though! Perhaps it would be better just to eat the blueberries! Thanks for ll these exciting, new inspirational ideas! Have a lovely weekend, take care! Hugs to you and M!

  10. That is a fantastic piece with so much texture Valerie. I love the brown dots. They made me swoon. and adding the lace trim is another wonderful addition. I hope this lady isn't too serious about these autumn days. It is great to have these crisp nights and mornings. And my husband's cousin would be thrilled to see the hops. He's a microbrewer. HAve a wonderful weekend and enjoy! hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. At the moment I'm in sorry phase. It really feels like autumn Here, and I like it! There are lots of wild hops growing around here. I had them in my balcony once but they overgrew everything! Enjoy your long weekend.

    2. This work of art is beautiful:) Have a nice day:)

    3. Thanks Martyna! Have a great Weekend!

  11. Very pretty mixed media piece. I love the addition of the feathers. She kind of looks like you. Hugs, Teresa

  12. Absolutely stunningly beautiful piece of it!!!
    Always gorgeous photos but I must agree with you...I am in love with those rusty rusty gates!!! Wish they were mine :)

    Hugs ☕

    1. Thanks Jan. The lovely gates lead to an enchanted place with old,Victorian buildings, you would love it.

  13. Das ist eine schöne kreative Arbeit, toll!!!
    Schön wieder dein Spaziergänge mit all dem erlebten wie der anschauende Ast oder diese rostigen Tore gefallen mir auch.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir einen schoenen Tag, pass auf dich auf!

  14. Wow, such a gorgeous page! I love all the texture that you created, the background and gold stencilling look amazing 😁. Loving that rusty gate too! Thanks so much for playing along at Art Journal Journey and I hope you're having a lovely weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Wow! That's a gorgeous page Valerie, and a lovely Autumn quote too!
    Great photos, I love the rusty gate too.
    Happy Saturday,
    Alison xx

  16. You have a varied environment for your walks. Sweet!

  17. Beautiful. The woman looks so pensive. Maybe trying to hold on to Summer a little longer. Oh,wait, that’s me. I’ve never seen solid hops. 😉 Enjoy your weekend

    1. I know you Love your Summer! Most people prefer their hops fluid!

  18. That girl in your art has such a beautiful face.

  19. I'm always amazed by your creativity. I love this piece - there is so much to discover. I think the addition of the chess figures is very clever.
    That rusty gate is wonderful - I would have taken photos of that as well. Your potos of your walks are enjoyable and remind me a lot of my life back in Germany.

    1. Thanks Carola! Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  20. Gorgeous art work!

  21. Twoje prace są zachwycające. Lubie tu zaglądać. Miłej niedzieli i dużo zdrowia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, be safe and well! Enjoy your Weekend!

  22. Thanks Laurie, l am looking forward to autumn. Stay well!

  23. This is beautiful Valerie, Autumn is such a pretty season, perfect for your walks as long as the light stays with us. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. There's still plenty of light, that will change with the clocks in October! Have a great week!

  24. Hope you've had a good weekend, we actually had a BBQ with not too many wasps!

    I enjoyed seeing your art and thought the chess pieces just added a slightly different look, it was great!

    Fabulous selection of photographs, I always enjoy seeing them.

    All the best Jan

  25. Hi Valerie, thanks for all of your good wishes for my eye. I am playing catch up with blogging. I like your new banner. The thing that really stood out to me on your art are the yellow dots. I just love those. I too like the rusty gates. Great photos for sure.

  26. gorgeous art and photos! have a wonderful week. xo

  27. Beautiful piece of art! Although I'm so not ready for fall. *LOL*

    1. Thanks. I'm looking forward to autumn! Have a great week!

  28. Beautiful Work!! and lovely photos too. Stay well!

  29. Wow, Valerie, so much texture. Love the girl and all your special additions but especially the lace and dots. The words add so much to the feel as well. Beautiful art. Wonderful pictures too (even the toes are fun and I think that stick is looking at you - lol). Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I'm in a dotty phase just now and so glad you liked my toes that sneaked onto the photo! Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  30. I always think Cavalieri looks very sad. Maybe her colourful love life is haunting her. Lovely page, full of texture, the feathers remind me that I have some in a book I brought home yesterday from a walk in the caravan park. Love the texture you have got from the embossing paste - it really shows in those spots.
    Gorgeous photos, especially the hops by the lake - wonderful photography again.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Yes, she does look sad and pensive. I love playing with embossing past, nd this was a special from Lidl, so very cheap to buy. Have a great week, take care!

  31. A beautiful journal page Valerie, I love the image and the fantastic textures.
    Late here as usual, but I enjoyed the catch up.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Always good to see you Yvonne! Have a great week!


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