Tuesday 29 September 2020

🍁🍂 New challenge at TIOT🍁🍂

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -

🍁🍂Autumn  Colours🍁🍂

Your can make creations of all formats - tags, journal pages, cards etc, digital, 'real' or hybrid - all are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. We are looking forward to seeing your creations! And have a look at the inspiration my teamies have on our blog!

I am also linking to Jo's texture challenge at AJJ

I made an A3 mixed media journal page, using a textured background, collage, drawings with pastel chalks and stencils:

Some photos from the past week:

Lots of leaves have already fallen, it was too dry:

I enjoyed another walk over the ancient cemetery:

Halloween is coming nearer:

I was happy that it rained on Friday:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful page and photos, glad you got some rain!

    1. Thanks Christine, we needed the rain so much! Stay safe, Valerie

  2. Beautiful page! I love the dog and the pretty little bird. The rain photos are my favorite!

    1. Thanks Martha, rain-drops are always special! Have a good day!

  3. Wonderful page, love the dog and bird too! I enjoyed your photos of the cemetery. Love the old stone carvings.

    1. Thanks a lot. The carvings are indeed lovely, have a great day!

  4. Good morning Val, hope you slept well! I love the new journal page, so pretty, and so rustical. Great photos, too. Glad you are enjoying the rain. My kids were happy to put their wellies on and go puddle jumping! Have a nice day, stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, sounds like you've got a fun day planned with puddle jumping! Enjoy!

  5. Sweet and interesting post and love the journal design with awesome gorgeous colours. x

  6. The trees look so beautiful against that sky. Happy you are happy it rained. Everything always looks better for a wash with rain. Stay safe and well! Deb

  7. Thanks Deb! Just came back from a rainy, puddly walk - lovely! Have a good and safe day!

  8. Good morning Your Exquisite Creativeness: I think you are perhaps the high priestess of a cult. You even have you own language TIOT and rags, tissues, ties and tinsel, journals, hybrids, mixed media and other such arcane descriptions. Some of these words are, or course, in popular usage, but not infused with the same esoteric connotations as when the members of your sisterhood incant to each other. i have never known a high priestess before and perhaps it is only fitting that at this late stage in my life I should come across one. Your walk in the rain sounds delightful. When my daughter was a little girl we used to walk in the rain together, she in her little yellow rubber boots and both of us with umbrellas. Back then as I recall we had gentle rain that invited people to go out for a stroll. Now, it seems to be all too often a deluge or nothing at all. You will no doubt be pleased to learn that the first bird walk in our most recent series was a grand success and I expect that we shall have a repeat performance this morning. Everyone comes with an exuberant frame of mind, anxious to see some birds, and have a little of their breeding biology and life style explained to them. My goodness, perhaps we too are a cult. We certainly have our own language. Hmm, better ponder this supposition a little more. Until tomorrow, dear Valerie, be well, be creative, drink coffee and if chance permits walk in the rain. Ever your devoted trans-Atlantic correspondent. David

    1. Hi David. Well, in spite of all those long words and I think we could say we are each happily crazy in our own way, cult is part of cultivated! I have been out walking in the puddles with wellies and brolly and enjoyed it, and am going to enjoy the rest of the day crafting and hearing audio books. I hope you have a wonderful bird walk with your groupies, have fun, don't let the birds poop on you!

  9. Great page which seems uniquely from the perspective of the dog. Hugs, Teresa

  10. What a gorgeous autumnal page! I love how you used the autumnal colours and the little robin looks perfect sitting amongst those autumn foliage too - perfect 😀. Such beautiful photos to inspire us too! Wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. ... thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey too with all the fabulous texture that you created on this page too! The brayered background looks amazing 😁. Hugs, Jo x

    2. Thanks Jo! We even have autumn weather to go with it today, sold, wet and windy! Have a fun day! Hugs, Valerie

  11. I'm simply in love with your painting - the gorgeous texture, the leafy vine, the little robin and the lovely couple at the centre of it all. It's so full of autumn atmosphere. Incredible photos - there's something about the light and clarity of air at this time of year, isn't there? The skyscapes with tree silhouettes are magical and the berries are beautiful. It's supposed to be a harbinger of a hard winter though, isn't it, when there are so many on the trees and bushes? Well, I suppose that's not a surprise in so many ways... it is going to be a hard winter.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, glad you like it. Each season has it's own special light and colours, and I love to capture them. They are telling us here that the winter ill be hard, my boats and warm woolies are waiting!

  12. This is a gorgeous page Valerie. It reminds me of my husband and myself taking a walk with the dogs. smile. You certainly did capture the colors of autumn. It is another wonderful page for Jo's texture challenge-thanks for joining us. And some more beautiful photos. I certainly enjoyed ll the ones of the carved stone. Especially with the crow next to monument. That is a perfect fall feel too. Happy end of the month. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I must have seen you 2 out walking in my mind's eye! Those crows really put themselves in pose next to the gravestones, very obliging! Have a great day!

  13. Oh my gosh Valerie... this is stunning. I love the softness of your page and those images you drew.. spectacular! As are your photos!! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thank Helen, you have a good and safe week, too!

  14. Hi Val, Bill here! Hope you are well. Lovely art and photos.

  15. What nice captures of the raindrops on the plants. Love it all.

  16. Wie schön dein Bild ist mit den Spazierenden Pärchen dem süssen Hund und der Vogel, aber auch diese Blätterranke auf der Seite.
    Dein Spaziergang ist wieder schön selbst im Friedhof und die Regentropfenbilder!Gott sei dank war mal regen bei euch...
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Wir sind für den Regen sehr dankbar! Dir einen schönen Abend!

  17. Lovely page Valerie and beautiful photos too

    Joan x

  18. I really love your art with that wonderful quote, and beautiful photos Valerie!
    Have a great evening,
    Alison xx

  19. Beautiful, I like this page. Fantastic autumn colours.

  20. Beautiful photos:) very interesting post:)

  21. Love the dog and bird AND the textures in your piece.
    Great pictures. Look at those beautiful multi-colored leaves.

  22. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the Autumn colors and your drawings! Gorgeous photos, the water droplets look amazing on the feather & leaves, awesome photography.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Raindrops can be very beautiful! Stay safe!

  23. Hi Valerie wow you are so clever,your work is stunning my friend,take care xx

  24. Those taster courses are always great for extra ideas and it's sometimes good to get involved with something outside of our comfort zones, I have a whole year of Life Book gifted to me but never had the time to play along but it's there for life (hence the name) so good when time is on my side. Your dragonflies are awesome, collaging scraps in one of the best ways of using up our scraps. Lovely work Valerie.
    I could easily sit and paint that scene down at the lake, so calming.
    Stay safe & take good care Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Love the little dog on your pastel picture, reminds me of my sweet Freya.

    1. Thanks Tracey! I always tend to do the same things, so it does me good to try more, and I hope I can keep at it for these 2 weeks! Have a great week, look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  25. I love the softness of the Autumn colours on your page and that's the perfect quote, a misty morning dog walk in the woods. Love the photos from the cemetery with the crow, glad the sun was shining otherwise it would be spooky! Enjoy your rain - we've rain forecast this afternoon.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, I wish I had a dog again, that would be great! The crows at the cemetery always make it a bit spooky! Have a great day!

  26. I love your autumn page Valerie, perfect inspiration for our new TioT's theme and thank you for adding it to Jo's theme as well.
    you will have guessed i am still time limited and have enjoyed my visit with you this morning.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks for coming by Yvonne, and I know how precious your time is just now!

    2. Wow. The dog is amazing and all your other details are as well. I studied it a while and hope one day I can learn to do something like this. I love it but I love everything you make. Fab pictures - especially the ancient cemetery. Very cool. Hugz

  27. Thanks Nancy. Glad you like it! That cemetery is really a cool place, especially nice when the crows pose by the gravestones! Have a safe day!

  28. The tree with all the red berries... I've never seen the like of it. The fall weather rains are a nice change. The cemetery looks like a peaceful place for a walk, especially accompanied by a crow. We keep inviting crows to visit us here, but so far no luck. We can see them, but they aren't attracted to our little patio.

    1. Crows love peanuts, perhaps you can lure them in!

  29. I adore your art piece. That dog is fabulous. Just incredibly fabulous. And I really am fond of th emix of colors. Lovely.

  30. Terrific piece ~ and lovely Fall photos ~ I can hear the leaves crunching :) That purple leaf is intense! I really enjoy the beauty you find ~ Love, Karen

    1. Thanks Karen, I love pretty leaves. Have a great day!

  31. Love your photographs, especially the rain on the leaves.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, rain on the leaves and grass etc always looks good.

  32. This is such a fabulous Autumn page. The colours are perfect and we have seen lots of dogs ...and Robins on our walks. The quote is a brilliant welcome to Autumn! Love all the colours on your walks. Hugs, Chrisx

  33. Lovely autumnal colours in your art today and how different it is to see a line drawing of the two figures in stark contrast to the dog. What a beautiful idea.
    Love the photographs, especially the ones that show the raindrops. Veryj pretty.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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