Wednesday 9 September 2020

Wednesday/Thursday Post

Hi Everybody!

Another day has flown by. I could have got more done, but the weather was nice so I went walking, and then back home I did some crafting and listened to my audio book - a perfect combination. And then it was evening....

I have another A3 mixed media journal page to share. I textured the background, using gesso with cream, brown and turquoise. The self-portrait of Albrecht Dürer was fussy cut from an old art book and glued to the page. I took a strip of vintage linen and sewed 2 pieces of brown cord onto it to look like the pattern of his shirt and added them to the page. The quote is also from A.D. The animals are there to represent the beautiful animal and bird paintings he made. I am linking to Jo's texture challenge at AJJ:

And I have another tag for 'down on the farm' at Tag Tuesday, made with a mixed media collage made many years back and printed out as tag:

My walk today took me through the old cemetery again. It is so peaceful there, and always much quieter than the road outside. And I noticed that I walk more slowly when I am there, time doesn't seem to exist there:

This old house is by the exit. I loved how the window frames and blinds from the house opposite were distorted in the reflections:

The magpie was once again at the top of the tree:

Early morning:

The fishing crow from the Rhine:

And enjoying nuts in the park:

Mrs Blackbird:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another gorgeous A3 page, Valerie. I have never made an A3 page, I usually prefer A5 size. Durer is one of my favorite artists and I love the sentiment. Your tag is stunning! I always prefer the bright colors. I like the fun quote too. The crow seems posing for you! Kisses!

    1. Thanks Mia. I always prefer to work on a large page. The crow was psoing! Have a great day.

  2. I love your page and the adorable tag. I always love the photos from your walks too. I'm so happy that the weather was nice and that you had an enjoyable day! :)

    1. Thanks Martha, much appreciated. Have a great day!

  3. Wonderful,page and tag, I like the black sheep! Lovely walk photos.

    1. Thanks, I think we all like black sheep! Have a fun day!

  4. Beautiful textured Durer page and a lovely farm tag. Enjoyed your most observant photos today.

  5. I really like the new header. And the Durer inspired page. I did get caught up looking at his shirt. I wonder did they wrap the shirt that way to keep it on or keep it tighter. Thanks for linking up to AJJ with it. And you black sheep made me smile. I also like walking through cemeteries. I think it is the quiet and thinking about all the lives people had. ANyhow, have a fantastic Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I don't know why the shirt was wrapped that way, fascinating! Have a great day!

  6. Loving this wonderful post, great for the cheery me up thing. xx
    If I don't comment for a few days it's because blogger insists I use the 'prove I am not a robot' pest..xx
    like NOW!!

    1. I had that the past week, they stopped yesterday. They are playing games again! It will pass!

  7. Hi Val, good morning to you! Love your new creations very much. The Dürer piece is wonderful, very well done, and your quirky tag is fabulous. Wonderful photos, too. I need to take S for some vaccinations today and then we'll go for an ice as a reward! Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks so much. Good luck with the vaccinations, and hope you enjoy the ice afterwards. Stay safe!

  8. Hi Valerie awesome mixed media page I love the words ,beautiful and I also love that tag ,well done my friend on your stunning work. Thankyou also for sharing your lovely photos with us,stay safe Valerie xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, much appreciated. Have a great day, stay safe!

  9. As a child, the tones of orange and blue you have on your background were my two colours. I always wore out those two markers first! Although now I hardly ever use that combination, every time I see it my heart goes pitter pat, and I ask myself why don't I use them any longer? I love your big crow, I might even call him raven. Hope your day is full of wonder, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I love those colours, too, they always remind me of autumn, which is my fave season. Try using them again! Have a lovely day, stay safe!

  10. Just watched a crow cracking walnuts by letting them fall on the parking lot in front of my office. Clever birds! Dürer's Praying Hands were my favorite and I once drew them for a drawing class. Have a nice day!

    1. Crows and Dürer - both subjects I love. The crow stands at the edge of the water and fishes, too funny! They are really clever!

  11. Hi Val!!! sometimes its great to take break from usual work and take a walk with the nature. Nature is a great healer and it is just beautiful to slow down and just appreciate the beauty as i can see you captured in your post.


    1. Thanks Antee. Nature is indeed a great healer, and keeps me sane. Take care, and have a wonderful week!

  12. Very interesting painting ;) Have a nice day :)

    1. Thanks so much Martyna, look after yourself, stay safe!

  13. Seems like you had a pleasant, relaxing day, Valerie, and I am sure that was exactly what the doctor ordered. Sometimes it is good to do little of anything, and not impose a frenzied pace on ourselves. I remember once when Miriam exhibited a magnificent quilt she had made, and an old Mennonite lady told her that she did fine work (high praise indeed coming from a person whose very genes have a specific locus for quilting) and Miriam said, "Yes, but my housework suffered." The dear old lady quickly responded, "When you depart this earth my dear, no one will remember how clean your house was." It is good advice for all of us. I thunk that the magpie is your own totem; it comes so often to greet you, and the crows are no doubt part of your entourage also. They are all corvids, arguably the most intelligent birds in the world. Take care and keep relaxing! Hugs from across the ocean. David

    1. Hi David, nice to 'see' you again! And yes, housework is not so important, and I'm glad to hear it explained this way! I love the corvids, they are all so clever and funny. Much more entertaining than the silly pigeons. I have done my walks for today, so the rest of the afternoon is for resting and listening to an audio book. I still need more rest than usual, and I'm being good and taking it! Have a wonderful day, hugs to you both!

  14. I love your photos with the crow, so beautiful!

  15. Super photos, the reflections in the windows looked amazing.
    Its a fabulous page for Jo's AJJ theme Valerie and I had to smile at the 'black sheep comment'.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Love your fantastic art...your backgrounds alone are so artistic!!!
    The reflection photos are again magical!!!
    The walk through that beautiful old cemetery looks so peaceful.

    Magnificent post Valerie!!!
    Hugs ☕❤

    1. Thanks Jan. I have fun with the backgrounds! I love reflections. Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  17. Beautiful texture. Beautiful A.D. quote. And then, more beautiful.

    1. Thanks Rose, great to see you around again. Have a great day, stay safe!

  18. Gorgeous page and quote Valerie and what a cute tag, love the sentiment! Awesome photos, I love the reflection in the windows and Mrs. blackbird looks beautiful surrounded by all the different colors! Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. The reflections were fun! Have a lovely day, stay safe!

  19. I do so enjoy your crows. We see them fly overhead, but they never stop in to visit. The reflection photos are fascinating. Cemetery walks do tend to inspire a peaceful attitude -for me, anyway. That one has a nice wooded setting and interesting markers :)

    1. I love my crows, too. They are so clever. That is my favourite cemetery to walk in. Have a great day!

  20. That black sheep joke is funny especially with the poultry looking at each other. Nice photos of the cemetery, too.

  21. Such a beautiful page! Always love how you add fabrics to your creations and the texture that you created is perfect, thanks so much for joining us at AJJ again 😁. Loving those reflections in the windows - amazing! The crow made me smile too. Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I like adding Fabric and seeing. Have a great evening.

  22. Don't the days just simply whizz by Valerie?!
    I love the birds and your fabulous art!
    Alison xx

  23. Beautiful art work, beautiful tags and beautiful photos. Sounds and looks like you had a great day xx

    1. Thanks Pinky, It was really a lovely day. Enjoy your week!

  24. Das sind wieder so schöne zwei Seiten, toll ausgedacht!
    Dein Spaziergang war auch wieder so interessant mit den Vögeln und anderes!
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich hab heute viel geschafft und gehe jetzt früh schlafen! Dir einen schönen Abend, bleib gesund!

  25. Listening to an audio book while crafting sounds near about perfect. Creative page and cute, whimsical tag. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, it's a pleasant was of spending an afternoon!

  26. Black sheep of the family. Heh. And those blinds are wild.
    Cemeteries are peaceful aren't they?
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Sandra, glad you liked the black sheep! Have a great day!

  27. I just got back online after being without internet all day. The journal page you created was divine. I SO want a brayer that will make those marks!!! And the texture from the sewing is wonderful, too. Thanks for sharing it with us using Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I love the tag. As stressed as I've been, this actually made me laugh. It was cute and clever.

    I love the photos today, especially in the cemetery and the blinds reflecting in the windows. BTW, I like your new blog banner.

    1. Thanks E. Sorry the internet left you again! Glad you liked the tag, we need some fun just now!

  28. A fabulous post from beginning to end! Love the textured page and the self portrait with those fab animals. Your tag made me smile of course! Love seeing the windows in the Cemetery. The bird photo are fabulous! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. Walking, crafting and listening to a book. Sounds like a purrfect day.

  30. I love walking in cemeteries, too. And the reflections from that window are fantastic and so interesting. Love your Durer piece. Grab that good weather while you can!

  31. It sounds as if you had a wonderful day, you've shared some fabulous photographs.
    The days go by so quickly and with the change in the season it's best to make the most of good weather and enjoy some lovely walks.

    All the best Jan

    PS Loved your art.

    1. Thanks Jan. Walking is always good, and a good excuse for not getting other things done!

  32. Somehow I missed this post.Beautiful page and the tag made me laugh. Awesome early morning photos. Enjoy your day


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