Saturday 11 April 2020

The circle of life

Hi Everybody!

We had another day with good weather, and I was up and out very early for my 'the world belongs to me' walk along the Rhine and through the fields. I met 2 dogs and 1 horse taking their people for walks - all kept a respectful distance and were friendly, so perhaps people are learning!

For my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ I made a hybrid page. I used an old A3 background and added some dancers and the text  digitally (Serif):

And for Wendy's gold and silver challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another one. I used the same gold painted and embossed paper. The gold leaves were left over from another project. I tried to spray the white roses with silver, but the tin was almost empty and I only got a few sad puffs of colour.  But I tried.... This time I added a rabbit. Last time it was a bird, and 2 people thought it was a rabbit, so I wonder how many peeps will think this is a bird? or perhaps a cat?  Whatever, they are all lovely creatures!

The sunrise this morning was exceptionally beautiful, with the sun rising through some morning mist:

And the birds were also busy watching:

The tulips were on their last legs (do tulips have legs?) this morning, but still lovely:

And I have some more geometric shapes, pictures of the various cobble stones in our little town. The little brass plates are in memory of Jewish people who were deported in the 'Third Reich':

Have a great day, take care,
and hank a lot for coming by!


  1. That half dome of the sun with morning mist is really amazing. You do get some good shots from from your balcony. And the ballerina's are lovely. I like how there are 2 in black which looks so much like shadows or moments of her movement that were or are to becomes. And another cute bunny in silver and gold. Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It really was incredible. My balcony is quite high up so I have good views. Stay safe!

  2. Your journal page is incredible. I LOVE the color combination of orange and green/turquoise. The dancers show great movement and really pop on the page.

    That "cat" has the shortest tail and the biggest ears I've ever seen. Bleubeard is confused. He isn't sure if it's a bird or a cat, but he believes it's a bunny. Seriously, it's a precious tag and cleverly done, too.

    Your photos of the sunrise were amazing. Your tulips look a bit like some of mine, too. Really enjoyed seeing the memorial bricks again. They are surely relevant for this weekend.

    Thank you for sharing yet another gorgeous journal page with us at Art Journal Journey. You are ROCKING your theme, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. Sorry if I confused Bleubeard, I'll admit it's really a bunny! Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  3. Hi! I've seen your avatar around but this is the first time I'm at your page and oh my gosh, super creative and wonderful energy. Love your outlook. And the art is fantastic. Pictures, wonderful. All very cool. Hi. I'm Ivy.

  4. Ja, die Leute lernen, wenn auch zu langsam, hier, jedenfalls.
    Ach, ich wünschte, ich könnte tanzen. Zwei linke Füße und kein Taktgefühl. Genau wie Ingo...
    :-) Diese Hasen-Pos... So niedlich! Schönes Morgen-Foto. OK, plural!
    Ja, die haben Beine. Drei. Ich war vielleicht 4 Jahre alt und hatte ein Puzzle. Davon habe ich Albträume bekommen. Ich war eine Blume, hatte drei Beine und wurde gejagt. Himmel. Jede Nacht!
    Die Juden-Gedenkplatten haben wir hier auch. Zu Hauf, es ist so traurig.
    Trotzdem, auf einen schönen tag. GlG, Iris

    1. Ja, Taktgefühl hilft beim Tanzen.... Ich tanze nur wenn Niemand zuschaut! Bleib gesund!

  5. Hi Valerie - 2 dogs and a horse - that's my kind of walk! I'm sure it was a wonderful one with lots of pictures to take and wonderful to be outside in the midst of the pandemic. Your project is so vibrant and fun - love the bunny and the little cottontail! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. It was indeed a wonderful walk. Happy Easter and stay safe!

  6. "The circle of life" ...these words have always made a deep impression on me! I see the entire life cycle hidden in it!
    I love your page and your art is always fantastic!
    … and dying flowers are beautiful, aren't they?
    The cobblestones in your little town are very nice!
    I wish you a very nice Easter weekend!
    Hugs! 🐰

    1. Thanks Ella. I love those words, too, for they bring everything together. Stay safe!

  7. Fabulous viewing, love the amazing colours and design ....enjoy your Easter Sunday x

  8. These early morning walks are the best of all, Valerie, and given the lack of vehicles and industrial activity, the air you are breathing is probably the cleanest you have ever inhaled. I am sure that all the birds and other creatures you might encounter would be happy to have this pandemic continue forever! Stay well.

    1. Yes, it's true. We are near the airport here, and not only is it noticeably quieter, but the air smells much better. I don't miss the noise of the aircraft at all! Stay safe, David!

  9. I love your art! It is always amazing and beautifully done... gorgeous!!!
    Your sun photos were fantastic! The mist enhanced the beauty and the color.
    Have a beautiful day!

    Hugs and Stay Safe ☕

  10. Thanks so much, stay safe, my friend!

  11. Lovely page and tag. Spectacular sunrise shots, the other photos are beautiful too.

  12. Beautiful page with gorgeous colors Valerie and I love that tag, awesome textures and such a cute bunny! Beautiful sunrise this morning and the cobblestones in your town are amazing. Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much Tammy! Our cobblestones are really interesting, I love the different colours and patterns. Stay safe!

  13. Fantastic photos and beautiful art dear Valerie! I love the cobbled streets!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! I love the cobbles, to except when it's wet and icy! Have a joy filled weekend, take care!

  14. Great quote to go with the dancers. :) And the bunny is sweet in your other piece. :)

    Love the beautiful morning shots. Look at that sun coming up! So pretty. I am happy you are able to take your walks in the morning and enjoy the sights before most others are out and about. Being out in nature and exploring always comforts me. :)

    The cobblestones are so pretty. Such pretty patterns.

    Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Jess. I am a big fan of sunrise. Nature is a great consolation. Stay safe!

  15. How lovely to have the world to yourself this morning -- and a beautiful world it is. I really do love the dragonflies. They're charming!

  16. Love your art today! Once again more beautiful sunrise photos too and I love all of the pave stone walkways you showed. Have a lovely day and/or evening ♥

    1. Thanks Carol! Great to see you again! Stay safe!

  17. Wow the sunrise was stunning! Great capture :)
    Loving the adorable bunny card :)
    Happy Easter

    1. Thanks Monica. I have a lovely view of the sunrise from my balcony! Stay safe!

  18. Lovely photos as always, Valerie -- and that bunny tag makes my heart sing. Much joy in this spring. You are able to be outside -- that's a plus! And it's beautiful, another plus! There will be more. Big hugs to you.

  19. Wie schön deine Seite mit der Ballerina und dein Ostertag ist so süss. Der Sonnenaufgang ist so schön auch bei mir war er .. tolle Fotos sind das und die Tulpen wenn die Blütenblätter abfallen ist toll!
    Hab einen schönen Abend und schöne Osterfeiertage
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch ein schoenes Osterfest! bleib gesund!

  20. Terrific page and I love all the cobblestone ~ Beautiful shapes and texture ~ Tulips are such pretty flowers even to the last dropping petal ~

  21. Love those red tulips on their last legs. Lol.

    1. Thanks! Tulips with legs would be something unusual!

  22. The texture in your gold/silver tag is gorgeous! You did a perfect job of capturing the sunrise colors. Ah, tulips -such striking flowers and then they're just gone. I never see them fade gradually away. Like dogwood flowers or cherry blossoms, they seem to be gone almost overnight. The brass plates caught me up short... we don't have memorials like that over here, of course, but it tears at the heart, doesn't it :( I love the colored cobblestones!

    1. Those stones are called 'stepping stones', and are placed in front of the houses where people lived, together with information about the camp they were deported to and the date they died. It's sad, but important to remember.

  23. Wow. Especially love the cobblestone geometrics, your pieces and the photos of the tulips. really captured the sun.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy. Happy Easter.

  24. Another lovely colourful page for your theme on AJJ.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy. Have a great weekend! Stay safe.

  25. It's a bunny. The ears are too long for a cat. 😺 Such colorful photographs today all with geometric shapes. The tulip petals are so pretty. And who knew cobblestones came in so many colors? Sad an beautiful at the same time. Take care.

  26. Fabulous shapes you've captured from the pathing all so original in design and so meaningful with those plaques, surrounded by all the beauty of your morning walks I can just imagine you skipping along enjoying the world (almost) to yourself. Another fabulous geometric page Valerie your sharing so much love for your chosen theme xx

  27. What gorgeous photos you have posted here. I absolutely love the sunrise, the flowers, and birds that were looking on. The geometric shapes you captured in the cobble stones of your beautiful town are simply amazing. And I especially loved seeing your beautiful art journal page. The quote is perfect. And the tag with the cute bunny is stunning. Thanks for hosting this month's AJJ theme. Hugs and happy Easter.

    1. Thanks Sharon, I am having fun hosting. The little town I live in is indeed lovely. Stay safe!

  28. What gorgeous pieces, there's such depth with your dancers, and your bunny is so sweet! There really is something special about early mornings isn't there. Take care and enjoy your walks xx

  29. A beautiful page and I do love your bunny tag!! The sunrise was amazing! Lovely to see the birds too!
    Loving the architectural geometry! Chrisx

  30. A lovely blog post - so interesting - such beauty in the geometric patterns you found your town, and poignant too. Your tag is so cute, I love the bunny and the background is gorgeous.
    Diana x


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