Thursday 16 April 2020

Bubbles - Rain's Thursday Art Date

Hi Everybody! 

Rain's theme this week is bubbles - bubbly, so I have tried to find pictures for this theme. For my theme at AJJ I made a hybrid piece with digitally-airbrushed bubbles so I could combine both themes. The background was hand-painted and the figures cut-outs from magazines which I digitally altered:

This is an older piece to which I added bubbles:

And some pieces from previous years which fit Rain's theme and my geometric shapes theme:

And some bubbly photos:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your use of bold and beautiful colors is stunning Valerie!
    I love your bubble photos...they made me feel happy and yes I am a devoted fan of your talented eye for fantastic photos!!!

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷

  2. This is a great post for Rain's prompt today. Have a good day and Elbow Hugs.

  3. Wow love this page but what is digitally air brushed bubbles? Got me intrigued as I use digital a lot and not heard of this...gorgeous work as always.xx

    1. It's a brush in my graphics programme which allows you to 'airbrush' things, like her with bubbles!

  4. Was für ein Geblubber bei dir ist *grins* freudig schaue ich es an und es macht einen fröhlich! Deine Bilder sind klasse die Art und Weise begeistert mich wieder und die tolle Farben und mit den digitale Sprühgrafik ist grossartig.
    All die tollen Fotos!
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Dir auch einen schönen und fröhlichen Tag!

  5. Bubbles kenn ich jetzt nur noch von Sekt, von früher, Ingo verträgt den nicht mehr und allein.... nö.
    Badewanne haben wir auch weggeworfen weil nie benutzt... "Bubble-free" - aber wir haben ein Seifenblasengerät, wär´s nicht 4C hier würde ich so mitmachen können, aber deine Arbeiten sind eh schöner :-)

    Got it! Marbles, ja, lange weg. In dieser Zeit wohl bei Vielen....

    Sonnig hier, dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Ja, das ist ein Ding mit den 'Marbles', so schnell weg und so schwer wieder zu finden! Hier is auch sonnig und wird nacher wärmer.

  6. Ohhh super fun bubble art, Valerie! I love the fun designs and the beautiful colors - what awesome silhouette in the first one! Fabulous post, my friend.

  7. Lovely creations and photos. Have a great day.x

  8. Thats a fabulous hybrid page and I love how you added the bubbles. All the pages you shared looked awesome as well. I am smiling at the one with the head and the sentiment that she was loosing her marbles. I can feel like that these days when I feel like I need to escape the house. But, its safe to stay home foe us.
    Take care and keep safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I love adding bubbles with the digital airbrush, too fun! And I think I am slowly but surely losing all of my marbles....Or perhaps they've already all disappeared....Take care my frined!

    2. Forgot to say its a fantastic inspiration page for your AJJ theme.
      Yvonne xx

  9. Good morning, You are an amazing and gifted artist!

  10. Bubbles-so fun, I love your creations!

    1. Thanks Natalia, playing with bubbles is always fun!

  11. Piękne są Twoje prace i fotografie. "Bąbelki" powietrza są dla mnie symbolem wolności, radości i kruchego piękna. Dużo zdrowia i uśmiechu:)

    1. Bubbles are always very special, I often stand on my balcony and blow bubbles, just for the fun of it. And yes, they are a symbol of freedom and lightness. Thanks my friend!

  12. I am sure that this is entirely in keeping with your bubbly personality! Stay well!

  13. I like all of your bubble pictures but the first one really did stop me in my tracks. It is so powerful! Gorgeous colours you used in your hand-painting and I love how you have outlined the figures then added the bubbles and the words. A very dramatic piece of art.
    Your first bubbly photo and the third one are my favourites although I do like all of them but I think it is the colour that got to me in the first one and the third one has a fantastic molecular structure. But then I also like the fourth one and the one after the lemon. Oh heck - I like them all.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love your new header

    1. Thanks Neet! Bubbles are very special, so lovely to see and so transient. And I love bubbles in art, too! Have a good and safe day!

  14. I took the day off from the computer yesterday and so I am catching up a bit. Today pages with those bubbles are so much fun. I love the circles page and that face. Well actually they are all good. And bubbles is a great idea for now as there is something lighthearted and childlike fun about them. Hope you are doing well my friend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, always good to have a computer free day. Bubbles is a fun theme. We need light hearted just now!

  15. Terrific pieces ~ my favorite is losing my marbles as I can relate! I love all the bubble photos and need to go back through again slowly to take it all in. ~ Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Karen! I think we can all relate to losing our marbles, especially just now! Stay safe!

  16. I love how both your art and the photos fit the themes! Very fun, Valerie!

  17. I like your imagery showing aspects of bubbles. Very good. You are talented.

  18. You have a wonderful way with the bubbles. I love the color shading, and they look 3-dimensional on the page.

  19. wow those bubbles are so fascinating!

  20. Another day of wonders. I especially loved the way you made three circles out of your pictures, your piece with the musical emphasis and I was going to say the bubble picture but bubbles are in almost every picture. Heh.
    Take care. Stay safe. Elbow bump.

    1. Thanks Sndra, glad you liked the bubbles! Have a great day, stay safe!

  21. Hi Val! Sorry I am so late visiting again, there was a lot going on today. Mum fell over, S. fell down the stairs and I had to go to the dentist. Apart from that, everything is fine! Love all your bubbly art pieces, you have so much fantasy! Have a great evening and stay safe, hugs, Sarah.

    1. Hi Sarah, so sorry you have so many problems Just now, hope tomorrow will be a better day. Take care of yourself!💖💖💖

  22. Your Art journal page is Amazing Valerie !! I looove it, the background and the colors are fantastic.
    Love the photographs, so so beautiful, you have shared with us today. They are all great.
    I wish you a very nice Friday, stay safe and well dear friend,
    Big hugs, Caty

  23. Oh I LLLLLOVE bubbles!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Such a happy, bubbly ;D), fun post Valerie. A real delight to see what you did with your bubbles. Lovely art and photos. Cheers! Sue xx

  25. I am already thinking of Rain's next prompt because when bubbles pop, figuratively or in reality, they leave a mess ... but, meanwhile I am loving your bubbles of every kind and color. Your original art is perfectly delightful and full of truth, because the bubbles in our lives are fleeting. You have done an outstanding job on this prompt and it is fun to look back into your files and see your thoughts over time. This was beautiful, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. This was a good prompt for me, I love bubbles and rain drops and splashes! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  26. Excellent, excellent post! I loved everything!! A very good prompt from Rain! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacey - this really was a fun theme!

  27. Lots of cool bubbles here! Beautiful post with lovely pictures. Your creations with the bubbles are very cool. Happiness does kind of rise up like a bubble - super cool thought. Love your background too. Very interesting and well done. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. I'm a bubble fan, so enjoyed this theme very much! Have a great day, stay safe!

  28. Your bubbles are awesome and delightful


  29. Looks like I missed this post, too, Valerie. Certainly not intentional, just can't seem to stay online and when I do, I'm totally out of it. All the bubbles are great. Several of your paintings I hadn't seen before, so this was enjoyable in two ways.

    I'm never tired this time of night, but I about fell asleep in my chair while writing this comment.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Glad I helped you to get some sleep!

  30. Hi Valerie!!! I LOVE your bubbles! :) Especially the blue head, that one is so beautiful, the colours really flow!

    1. Thanks Rain, look after yourself. Hope all goes well!

  31. Oh these bubbles are wonderful - fabulous pieces and where do you find your photographs! Have a great week and stay safe, Sue x

    1. Thanks Sue. My computer is well filled with photos!


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