Monday 6 April 2020

T sTands for This and ThaT and The neighbour's caT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. Here it was very quiet - too quiet for my liking - but I kept myself busy with various jobs and crafting most of the time, so that was okay. Hope you are all keeping well and safe in these troubled times.
I was actually outside today - had to visit the doctor early this morning. Anyway, she has said I can go for walks  in the early morning hours when nobody is about, so I will be able to walk a bit through the fields behind the house, which I did today on the way back. It was sooooooooooooo good to be outside. And as I am always up early, long before dawn has even thought about cracking, that will be fine.

I have another hybrid piece for my theme of geometric shapes at AJJ.
I cut more circles and shapes from old paintings and photos, and arranged them in Serif. This sort of work is calming, so quite good just now:

And we are also beginning a new theme at Tag Tuesday, and our wonderful Wendy is hosting. She has chosen the theme of gold and silver, and has some wonderful inspiration on our TT blog. I used some paper painted with gold paint and heat embossed with powders in gold, silver, ice-blue and white. I made a nest for the bird with some dried plant pieces from the garden and feathers from my stash. I'm not sure that this is quite what Wendy wants, but the best I can do just now with the limited gold and silver things I have at home. My intentions were good! (Although we all know where good intentions can lead!) The TT blog goes live this evening:

I am also linking to TIOT, the beauty of nature.

I have been missing going out for my coffees, so here some pics from better days - and the cups and cookies are geometric shapes!

And I got  huge 'care' packet from my friend Sarah, with lots of English food and cookies, as well as a bottle of disinfectant - very important - and some talcum powder. She got it sent to me from a shop in Hamburg which sells British food and products, and it's fun to see some of the brand-names I grew up with and get a taste of childhood again. But I'm afraid those cookies are not lasting long just now.... Thanks Sarah!

And Nathalie bought me a bunch of tulips when she got the shopping last week.
I so love watching them grow in the vase:

We have had some wonderful sunrise scenes each day:

And here the moon rose in the early afternoon:

The pigeons have mostly been practising social distancing:

Not so the blue tits, who love to congregate in big crowds:

And this is the neighbour's cat, spotted in the front garden when I took my garbage down to the container:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val! Woohoo, I'm the first this time and not the last! The Carer is in the garden with mum, so that's a break for me. Love your creations, they are both gorgeous, as always. Glad to read that you can go out bit now, that should do you good. Just be careful! The journal page has such lovely colours, too, wonderful! Fun photos, social distancing by birds, too funny! Have a good day, will try to ring you later if mum goes to bed early. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Hope you soon get more relief and help for your mum, it must be a nightmare just now. Stay safe!

  2. Hurrah for getting out for walks. Even early morning, that works. I get your excitement. And nice geometric piece today. And tag too. The styles are so different but both are awesome. And nice header too. And how exciting to get a fun package. You've had some good news this week so it is time celebrate with T, even if it isn't a new photo. Have a wonderful day and T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Yes it's great to be able to look forward to walks again. I'm enjoying my package, too, full of calories....Stay safe!

  3. I am very happy to hear that you are able to get out to walk, Valerie. I am quite sure that will be the very best therapy of all. I have instructed all the birds to get together and join in a chorus of welcome for you. I am sure that they will comply. Stay well and stay positive.

    1. Thanks David! Things are looking up! At the moment they're all sitting outside and screaming at me to put out more food!

  4. Love the two pieces today. Great colours in the first piece. Love the textures and image in the tag. Cute kitty. Glad you are able to get out for a bit. Have a good day. x

  5. Such beautiful colors in your art. The bird is so very sweet. That vase looks like it was made for tulips. I always enjoy your nature pictures. The neighbor's cat made me smile. I see you! Enjoy your day and take care.

    1. Thanks CJ!The vase really was made for tulips. The cat was playing peek-a-boo with me!

  6. Oh so wunderbare geschenke für dich,und deine geometic ist großartig,bin sehr beindruckt.
    die bilder mit den vögeln sind toll,auch die abendaufnahmen sind traumhaft.
    der cafe mit herzchen ist ja auch klasse.
    eine schöne woche für dich!
    bleib gesund!

    hugs jenny

    1. Thanks Jenny. Kaffee mit Herzchen schmeckt immer gut. Bleib gesund.

  7. oHHH I love the hunting cat pic and the birds ~ You always get such great shots! I even enjoy seeing other peoples shopping to see what you have in your stores ~ very interesting! beautiful tulips and delicious coffee and biscuits it's all wonderful ~ especially your sparkly bunny tag! I'm glad your cleared to walk outside, stay well!

    1. Thanks, the cat was so sweet! I'm looking forward to going out tomorrow morning! Stay safe!

  8. Beautiful art and wonderful photos Valerie! How I miss an oat milk latte, but we're rationing our milk. Can't leave the house, and finding it impossible to get a supermarket delivery slot! Praying a lot!
    Alison xx

    1. Sorry to hear it, hope you soon get a delivery slot. I am so lucky that Nathalie does my shopping. Stay safe!

  9. i see coffee I want drink it;D

  10. Fantastic Art page Valerie !! love the so beautiful shapes and colours. Great tag too, lovely bird with the feathers. So beautiful photographs you share today, as always, thanks so much. Your flowers are wonderful in this spectacular vase.
    I ´glad you can go out for a little walk every morning, take safe and healthy. Here we can´t go for a walk yet, and may stay at home till 26th, but, I think that after this date, we´ll stay home for two weeks more, let´s see.
    Have a nice afternoon dear friend, I send you big hugsss

    1. Thanks so much Sweetie. Stay safe and well!

  11. I know that when I comment here in use the word "stunning" quite often but it is true!
    Your art, your photos are STUNNING each and every time!!!
    I am always up before dawn,too! Sleeping in would be waking up at about 6:00 AM :)

  12. Glad you are surviving Valerie so good you can have a walk if not being able stop for a coffee. Lovely gifts and art.

    1. Thanks Christine! Soon see will get back to normality!

  13. Your hybrid piece is absolutely amazing, Valerie. Thank you for the great inspiration. The circles "of life" fit perfect on your gorgeous background!
    I love the sunrise ... and I like to wake up early! I see a very nice cat there ... I love cats!
    Sorry to respond so late but I was in the garden all day, this afternoon was 23 degrees!
    Stay well and stay cheerful, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Ella! Glad you had a nice day in the garden. The cat is always very friendly!. Stay safe!

  14. Glad to hear you can get out for a walk now Valerie!! Makes such a difference, even for a short time. I am stumped with the gold and silver theme this week so it's been a great inspiration to see your beautiful tags. Oh I see my favourite biscuits - fig rolls!! LOVE these with a cuppa. Take care and enjoy the fresh air.

    1. Thanks Pinky. Gold and silver got me stumped, too! Fig rolls are my faves, too, and ginger nuts and bourbon biscuits and.....

  15. Awesome page Valerie with beautiful colors and a fantastic quote! Oh I love your tag, great textures and that little bird is so cute! So glad you got to go outside, fresh air is the best!
    Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! It was lovely outside, I really enjoyed it. Stay safe!

  16. We are all connected. Love that piece! I also think the bird is adorable. Well done! Love the textures.

    Glad you can get out and about in the morning before others are up. It is so important to be able to get outside. Of course, around me way more people are going outside than normal and that is one thing making it hard to go for a walk because you need to keep distance from people too.

    Your coffee memory pictures look lovely. Beautiful skies.

    Stay safe!

    1. Thanks. At the moment we are all even more connected through the virus. Stay safe Jess!

  17. Congratulations on getting the OK to get outside and walk. What a lovely thing to do this time of year. Your photos show what a good outside space you have access to :) I love the textures and design and layers in both these gorgeous pieces! The tulips certainly brighten up the stuck-at-home blues :) Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks, I am very happy that I can get out, I am not a stay at home person.

  18. Your tag is lovely, great textures, love the bird and the colourful feathers. Good old Co-op, that's the only shop we have where I live, so it's has empty shelves most of the time. If you go when it's oldies time in the early morning ( who wants to get up early at my age!) the shelves have all been emptied the day before, No logic to it at all. Love the cups of coffee and the circles page.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. I haven't been shopping lately, but it seems to be the same everywhere with empty shelves. People are hoarding, especially noodles and lol paper! Stay safe!

  19. Lovely artwork today Valerie, those purples are fabulous! It must have been so nice for you to finally get outside. We went for a walk today, we were out for about 2.5 hours and only saw a couple of dog walkers, 2 cyclists and 1 jogger who only started running when she saw us coming! I hope that coffee comes back into your life really soon, take care and stay safe Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, it is always great to be outside, and I will enjoy some eraly morning walks! Stay safe!

  20. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and love that cute chick. Lovely pics too and glad to see your food parcel, can't beat a nice fig roll!
    So very glad to hear you managed to get out too and that you can continue to do that. It makes such a difference I know.
    Have a good week, Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss, I think we all love fig rolls! Stay safe!

  21. Great to hear you can get out for walks now, you will enjoy that. Nothing better than a care package of things from home. More lovely artwork and photos.

  22. I am so very glad you were able to get out and will be able to. I moved my walking time to earlier today and it was much better. There were a few people but not nearly so many and very respectful. I love your neighbor's cat -- what a sweet face -- what we can see of it. Pretty purples, too. I feel good about this.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, that cat is really pretty and has wonderful, emerald green eyes, and is very playful. Stay safe!

  23. It certainly helps to be able to go outdoors! Love your geometric theme and art, and your tag for the new Tag Tuesday theme is SO adorable- I love it! How sweet to receive a care package...and I have thoroughly (again, as always) enjoyed your photos out and about. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Stay safe and well and creative!

  24. Fab creations. We are definitely connected in the circle of life and your tag is awesome with the bits and bobs and beautiful things. How fun to get a care package and some flowers - you are lucky to have such wonderful family and friends. GREAT pictures too. Lovely post. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, Yes we are connected in this big circle of life. Stay safe and well!

  25. You have the most interesting and eye-catching glass collection. The colors and patterns always make me happy.
    Your geometric art page is very interesting and I love the colors that you used.
    I am glad that you have been able to go for early walks. Sunshine is a must in a time of quarantine. It keeps us sane.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Glad you like the glass, I love my things, too. Stay safe and well!

  26. What an uplifting post, Valerie. Even your blog header is adorable today. I absolutely love the circles of life. It's a wonderful journal page with lots of movement and appeal. It's also just perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey. It's incredibly wonderful and I am so happy you have rose to the occasion.

    You're on a roll with bunnies. THat tag is wonderful. I like how you treated the theme of silver and gold, too.

    Love the coffee choices you gave us today. It was good to revisit those times you were able to actually visit those places besides in memorial photos. Thanks for sharing those with us for T this Tuesday.

    Love the tulips, and Sarah having the food sent to you must have been a real treat. Good for both your friends. I can tell you are really loved.

    1. Thanks E, glad you like the page and the tag, but it#s a bird not a bunny! The tulips are still beautiful, and I haven't managed to eat all of my goodies - yet! Stay safe and well!

    2. Yes it IS a bird. Now who would have written the word bunny? Not only am I losing my internet, I may be losing my mind, too!!! At least they are both B words (and NICE B words, too).

    3. Well, when you find your mind again look and see if my mind is anywhere nearby....

  27. Sorry I missed yesterday's post. I just now viewed it and love the floating through time and space. It sometimes feels that surreal to me, too. This was a beautiful entry and I loved the turquoise and red you chose. It was a fabulous entry for Art Journal Journey and your theme. Sorry I missed it.

    I also forgot to say how glad I was you were allowed to go for early morning walks. I would be going to bed about that time (grin).

    1. Thanks again, I' happy I can go out, too. Stay safe!

  28. das ist wieder ein Kunstwerk von dir ich liebe diese Formen und Farben auf dein Journal und das Tag mit ist allerliebst!
    Schön diese Sonnenaufgänge ich mag sie sehr und die Katze im hohen Gras!
    So viele Blaumeisen auf einen Baum so was habe ich auch noch nie gesehen.
    Was für ein tolles Paket mit lauter tollen Sachen darin. Viel Freude damit und dir einen guten Tag.
    Bleib gesund!
    Liebe Grüsse Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Hier sind sehr viele Blaumeisen und Tannenmeisen, ich hab oft grosse Gruppen auf meinme Balkon, wo sie alles leerfressen! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  29. Yayyy, sehr schön, ich gehe auch raus und vermeide Menschen - sonst geht man doch auch kaputt!
    Schöne Arbeit und Worte.
    Ein NASA-T-Shirt?

    Hahaha. Ingo kam gerade rein und als ich runterscrollte haben wir beide "Dettol!!!" gerufen.
    Mit Babyöl hilft das gegen Mücken, hat uns ein Ranger bei Hervey Bay, Australien, erzählt.
    Danke für die Zeitreise!

    Schöne Tulpen und Sonnenaufgänge und natürlich.... Katze!!! Eines Tages.... eines Tages...

    Grau hier heute, trotzdem einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Ja, eine Nasa Shirt! Nicht meins! Dettol erinnert mich an meine Gross Tante, ihr Haus roch immer danach. Ich gehe ständig an die Flasche schniefen!

  30. Both of your masterpieces .... very beautiful. I was amazed by the picture of a bird equipped with colorful feathers ... it made me want to make it.

    But of course it's not an easy job for me to do 😊

  31. Gorgeous photos and designed creations and it's a wow factor.xx

  32. I can see you miss your coffee trips. You even have a banner with coffee on it. But it is so good to hear you are able to go for an early morning walk.
    I love your tulips. I wish I could get some. They do brighten up the room, don't they.
    Your art is lovely. I like how you always find such a good quote to go with it, like this one about life.
    What a great 'care' packet. I didn't know they still sold talcum powder. And to have Dettol is such a bonus. It's a familiar and trusted product. How about TCP? Can you get that over in Germany? I have to bring that over from the UK too.That is a blast from the past! I love Oat-so-Simple. We always bring over a large box. I know it is no trouble to make porridge from scratch, but in certain circumstances it is handy to have a sachet. Fig rolls are another thing we usually bring over.The box named Green's is new to me. What is it? Scone mix? (Yum!)
    Take care Valerie,
    Happy T-Day,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Lisca. Dettol is always so handy to have around. TCP is not available here. And all those yummy biscuits, sigh, I'm thinking about how hard it is to exercise self control! And yes, 2 boxes of scone mix, yummy! And that great porridge - what a heavenly gift! Happy T Day, stay safe!

  33. Its always a treat to read your posts and see what you have been creating, the page and tag are fabulous. I am so happy you linked to Try it on Tuesdays as well as your theme at Art Journal Journey.
    The photos were great as well and I loved seeing the cat looking around in the grass, I hope those birds will keep their distance.
    Happy T day wishes , I know you will be enjoying those biscuits and your gift, you have me wanting Fig Rolls today, but they will have to wait till I can go shopping again and the shelves in the stores are stocked
    It was good news that you will be allowed to take a walk for exercise again, please be safe .
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I am certainly enjoying my biscuits. it's a real treasure trove I got! Fig rolls are always so good, hope you get some soon. I was out this morning for an hour, it was so wonderful! Take care!

  34. Great looking artwork. Nice assortment of photos. Happy T-Day!

  35. Beautiful post Elizabeth-so glad you are able to go out for your walks-I need to start doing that too-I shouldn't run into people early here either.
    speaking of early I am up really early this morning for food shopping-the plan was to leave now around 5:30 am to make it in for the senior hours fo 6-7am but it is pitch black outside still and don't care to drive in the dark any more.
    Beautiful art-I really love both pieces. always enjoy your photos-and the kittie was too sweet-loved that one Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. oops I guess I am not awake yet haha good morning Valerie-sorry about that haha

    2. Don't worry, Elizabeth is one of my middle names! Good luck with the shopping!

    3. cool that worked out ok then-it went well they are restricting the number of people that can go into the store-and I left later so I wouldn't be driving in total darkness-worked out better as I did not have to wait in line to get into the store. 5 packs of t paper left so I was able to finally grab one after a month not being able too--nobody is buying much fresh stuff so everything I wanted was plentiful

  36. Afternoon Valerie, Your artwork is beautiful, I love the circles and triangle with all those colours merging, gorgeous tag too, love the gold with the pretty bird.
    Pleased to hear you are allowed out for a walk, we read that they are hoping on April 26th they might consider opening non essential shops as supplying everyone with face masks so we can start to go out, that was quite exciting news as we are now in week 4.
    Love all the photos and thae coffee cup is such a lovely colour, or I should say colours!
    Enjoy your walking the the quiet time
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan! I hope very much that he situation in Spain will soon get better and they rules can be relaxed a bit. Till then, we just have to continue keeping distance. Stay safe!

  37. Glad that you can get out for walks - some more lovely photos here!
    I love the way you made the journal page - might have a go with some of my gelli prints!
    I love the Bird tag too - lovely sparkly background! Thank you for sharing at Try It On Tuesday
    What a great parcel from Sarah - mmm Cheddars and fig rolls - yummy! Love the tulips, wish I could buy some....Lovely memories of coffees in cafes!!! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Sarah knows me a long time and she knows what I like! Stay safe!

  38. I'm delighted you can venture out and get some fresh air, Valerie. That's the best new I've heard in a while. What a thoughtful care package Sarah sent you. Enjoy!

    Your birdie tag is darling. It sure doesn't look like you lacked for the right materials.

    I enjoyed the lovely photos - as always. The cat on the grass makes me smile every time I look at it.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen! It's great to get outside again. Stay safe and well!

  39. So pleased to hear that you can venture out again on your walks and take advantage of those early morning views - fabulous! Your artwork is fabulous, I love how you layered the triangle of flowers and the little birdie with the glitter and feathers is adorable 😁. So nice to see all your cuppas and the sunrises are always so beautiful, thanks for sharing! Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  40. I love your bird art. That must have taken a long time to make. Excellent!

  41. What a wonderful packet and beautiful tulips. Good friends;)
    This may be my favorite geometric piece. Love that little bird.
    Glad you can finally get out and walk.
    Elbow bumps. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra!. It's good to get out again! Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  42. Twoja praca jest piękna! Uwielbiam kawę , choć bardziej od kawy kocham koty :) Jeszcze chwila i będziemy mogli znowu spacerować, pić kawę z przyjaciółmi i cieszyć się widokiem przyrody. Dużo zdrowia :)

  43. Thanks Lucyna. Cats and coffee are both wonderful! Soon things will get better, we must stay hopeful and positive!

  44. Your first art piece is very moving, especially with the quote you used! I love the tag you created with the bird! Fun pictures with the coffee! LOL! Gorgeous sky photos! I love kitty in the grass! LOL! Big Hugs!

  45. My creative week been mask and quilt

  46. I'm over the moon to hear you are able to get out for early morning walks now Valerie you must be over joyed, I know how much they mean to you I really am so pleased. Love the perspective of your journal page your so right regarding the connection the circle gives us such a big hug. Nice to see a new Tag Tuesday Challenge, give me a nudge with this one I so need some Tag time very soon.
    What a fab box of goodies you received from your friend, the Ginger stem cookies would not have lasted long in my hands hee hee.. Take care on your walks Valerie but enjoy them all the same. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! This crisis is really connecting us, we have the same problems the world over. The ginger biscuits were the first to go! Stay safe!

  47. I like your tags but it is the geometric piece that has the impact. How wonderful is that, the way you have used the same shape over and over to build up a three dimensional aspect to your work. I just wish I could do something like that but these days I just don't seem to be able to get to grips with these things. However, your piece is one I can keep coming back to, it really is lovely.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much Neet. I always enjoy just playing around!


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