Friday 10 April 2020

More geometric shapes

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has gone well up til now, and that you will have a good Easter weekend, even though it will be different this year.  We had wonderful weather here, and I was up and about early and had a lovely walk through the fields and along the Rhine.

For my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ I have another A3 journal page.
I painted the page with gesso and textured it by stamping into it with a swirl stamp while it was still wet. I used various stencils to make the shapes and numbers in the background. The larger circles were made with a 'new' stencil recycled from a cookie packet. The dragonflies were stenciled with archival ink over the background patterns. The stamped sentiment is wonky because I dropped it onto the page - shame on me! I outline some of the shapes with a black sharpie. I sewed some angles on the corners:

This was filled with 9 delicious cookies:

I am also linking to Paint Part Friday and to TIOT, the beauty of nature.

I was out very early this morning, and had the world almost just for myself. I saw 2 people in the distance, but that was it. The day started off again with a beautiful sunrise:

I love dandelions:

Lots of space just for me:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like seeing our new banners. Also the piece is very soothing. The colors and the dragonflies. Glad you had a chance to walk. The Early morning photos are wonderful.

  2. Gorgeous art and photos, so glad you can go on your early walks. Love your new tulip hearder.

  3. wHAT A FABULOUS 'new' stencil you have and love it the result is awesome too. Great dragonflies and project. Fabulous admirable photos..xx

    1. Thanks Annie. It's always good to get 'free' stencils!

  4. Good morning Val! I love your new page very much, it is really gorgeous. Beautiful colours and soothing designs, like a peaceful day in summer. Good idea to use the packaging as a stencil, it worked a treat. The photos are wonderful, tranquil and lovely, just what I need right now. Have a great day and take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  5. Dragonflies are beautiful! Here and out there :)
    Your spring is like a teen, ours like a baby.
    Have a good weekend!

  6. Es ist eine Augenweite liebe Valerie dieses Libellen Journal mit den selbst gemachten Formen und genähten, grossartig fantasievoll die Farbe gefällt mir!
    Die Machart ist wundervoll!
    Schön dein Spaziergang mit all den Fotos, ja der Frühling macht alle sgrün und bunt!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch einen schönen und fröhlichen Tag, bleib gesund!

  7. Deine Journalseite ist richtig schön und der Text passt so gut. Die Fotos von deinem Spaziergang sind klasse.

  8. Sehr schöne Arbeit - heißt das es geht deinen Fingern wieder gut? Ich hoffe das.
    Ich vermisse meine Familie sehr, ich schätze, du auch? Danke für die schönen Fotos, sie helfen sehr. GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Meine Finger sind etwas besser, aber immer noch mit Nekrosen und offenen Stellen. Ich vermisse meine Familie nicht. Die 'Alten' - die Generation der Grosstanten etc waren nett, aber meine Familie war alptraummäßig, und das ist geschmeichelt! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  9. As much as I really LOVE this latest AJJ entry, what pleased me most was our recycling efforts. I applaud you for that. Needless to say, I am in awe of this latest entry, which includes the great quote and your lovely stitching. You amaze me with your wonderful art you are sharing this month and I am SO very grateful you are our host this month at AJJ.

  10. Forgot to mention how green it is in your part of the world right now.

  11. I love your landscape photos. Where did you take tehm? It looks a bit like the northern part of Germany.
    Stay healthy

    1. Danke. Die Fotos sind am Rhein in Kaiserswerth aufgenommen. Bleib gesund!

  12. What a stunning page! I love the colour combination and the way you applied the background, I thought it was fabric until I read you comments - so beautiful 😁. The sunrises are amazing and it's so nice to be walking with you along the Rhine again! Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Stamping into the wet gesso makes the impression of damask, and it's quick and easy! Have a great weekend, and you stay safe, too!

  13. Beautiful work as always. Love those photographs. I miss my trips to the countryside, so nice to see some greenery.

    1. Thanks John. Nice to see you around again, I have missed you!

  14. I love the dragonflies. I've never seen that quote before. Love the landscape photos. Have a lovely happy Easter!!

  15. I am a big fan of getting out early in the morning too, when as you say (even under normal condition) one often has the world to oneself. Yesterday morning here, we had a brief return to wintry conditions with a light dusting of snow, but it had all disappeared by ten o'clock. I went on a major shopping expedition, our first in two weeks, and had to line up for almost a half hour just to get into the store. I need a Nathalie!!

    1. Poor you, I am very impatient so would not like standing in line so long! Nathalie is a good kid, I am very thankful that she has been doing my shopping for me. Stay safe!

  16. What a lovely page and how fun you used a cookie holder for a stencil! Very creative. Also I like the idea of stamping while the paint is still wet - I am trying that this weekend. I always learn so much from looking at your creations. Always love your pictures too - these are wonderful! TFS!

  17. Thanks Nancy! It's always good tying out new tricks. Have a great day and stay safe!

  18. Another beautiful creation, love the colours. great improvised stencil. Have a great Easter. x

    1. Thanks Anesha! I love improvising with things like that! Stay safe!

  19. ~Wow~ beautiful page! I love the way the black archival ink is so sharp against the blue. Up and out and enjoying the sunrise and peace of being almost completely alone, how wonderful. Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen. I am enjoying these early morning hours very much, the world is just beautiful. Did the same again today. Have a great day and stay safe!

  20. This is one of my favorite postings... dragonflies, dandelions and a beautiful Willow tree.
    Thank you for posting three of my favorite things since I was a barefooted little girl~

    Big Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷

  21. Glad I took photos of things you like. There are lots of willows by the Rhine. Daffodils are always wonderful, like little suns. I used to hve them in my garden and the neighbours complained bitterly! Stay safe!

  22. Gorgeous art journal spread! LOVE the layers and those dragon flies!!!! Thanks for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! ((HUGS)) Helen

  23. Your "shapes" piece is delightful. Dragonflies are so ethereal and beautiful... like fairies. Great photos, too. It would be nice to join you on your early morning walks. It's my favorite time of day, and the places you walk look so enticing. Oh, and I love dandelions, too. Reminds me of one of my favorite stories, where the mom is fussing at all the dandelions in her front yard and says, "Look at all those weeds!" Her young daughter smiles and says, "Look at all those wishes!"

    Take care. Easter will definitely be different this year, but I hope yours is still wonderful. Hugs.

    1. Thanks. When I was small I though dragonflies were fairies. Who knows, perhaps they are?! I love dandelions even if most gardeners want to get rid of them. Take care Susan!

  24. Love, love this new piece. I really like how you left the threads so they were part of the art. Great colors too. You know I love your walks-it is incredibly beautiful where you live. I adore seeing other places on this earth-and you are so kind to give us all a tour!

    1. Thanks Debra. Glad you like the dragonfly page. I love taking my blog readers on my walks with me! Stay safe!

  25. It is a stunning page, the dragon fly looks beautiful. I hope you got to eat and enjoy the cookies that were in the box you used as a stencil.
    It is a great page for your AJJ challenge as well as the current TioT's theme.
    All the photos from your walk looked lovely, I think you must be happy to to out in the fresh air again. Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Yes, I did get to eat the cookies, at least some of them! But perhaps it's good that I didn't eat them all myself! It's wonderful to get out again.... Stay well and safe!!

    2. wunderschöne libellenseite , auch die farben sind schön.
      die bilder von deinem spaziergang sind traumhaft,besonders die seebilder und abendaufnahmen.
      schöne ostertage,bleib gesund.

      hugs jenny

    3. Danke Jenny. Dir auch schöne Ostertage, bleib gesund and fit!

  26. WOW Valerie, your page is gorgeous!! I love the colors and how you created the texture with the wet gesso, great idea, I need to try that! Awesome photos, your morning walks are so beautiful and everything is SO green! Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love my morning walks and am happy that I can get out again. Stay safe!

  27. Wonderful artwork creation with lovely colors and of course, your walk along the Thames looks delightful and serene ~ beautiful photos ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. I grew up b the Thames, but now I live by the beautiful Rhine! Stay safe!

  28. Beautiful page. Love that color. Your photographs are just so beautiful. Everything is so green and the dandelions so cheerful. Take care and have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks. I am stuck into this colour just now! Stay safe!

  29. Thanks for your share today Valerie
    Luv luv the dragonflies
    Happy you dropped by my blog


    1. Thanks Gillena. I wish you a happy and blessed Easter. Stay safe!

  30. Straight Geometrics and circulars, perfect together!

  31. dear I love those photos so much!

  32. your countryside photos look just like MOnet's work! I always enjoy your collages,

  33. Love the mood and graphic design of your page! Beautiful!! Do you REALLY love dandelions? I have spent so much time this week plucking them from the ground - and I still have so many more to get!! Why do you love them - they are so invasive.....

    1. I know, but they are so beautiful. And there are edible ones!

  34. delightful dragonfly page Valerie, an oh so nice to see such beautiful sunrises and sunshine out and about! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! Have a great Easter weekend, stay safe!

  35. Your dragonfly page is beautiful Valerie! And I love the photos of your river walks, I know how much you are missing them.
    Sending hugs and Easter blessings,
    Alison xx

  36. I love dandelions too! :-) xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Easter blessings to you and yours, too. Have a blessed and safe weekend.

  37. What a great stencil! I love your colors and design. The dragonflies are a nice sight. I love seeing them when they grace our patio.

    You win the social distancing award of the day :) It's nice to get out and be able to do it safely, and your surroundings are beautiful!

    1. Thanks. Dragonflies are indeed beautiful. Thanks for the award. I don't mind being outside on my own, it's almost like owning the world!

  38. You live in a beautiful environment. Love the photos.

  39. Thanks for sharing this great page with us and also linking up us at try It On Tuesday. I love all the details, and I was surprised to see the stitching in the corners.The blue is great. I am glad to hear that you are getting out for that early morning walk. You must be enjoying that! Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  40. I love dandelions too! They are bright and make me smile. Then I started to use the heads in strawberry ice cream and so good.

    My grandpa also used to love them. He'd say, "I don't know why people make a big deal about dandelions and try to kill them. I like them. They make the yard look pretty."

    Go Gramps.

    PS: The circles you used from the cookies, an excellent idea. Super creative and fun.

    1. Thanks!. I'm sure all lawns look good with dandelions - why get rid of them! Have a great weekend!

  41. Oh Valerie, I turn my back to get some work finished in the garden & your treat us to not one but three posts, you certainly are enjoying your creative time right now. This page is stunning, love the limited colour palette and those pops of raised texture and grain. It's a new favourite favourite for me. I too love the Dandelion.. good food source for the Bee's.. xx

  42. A truly beautiful journal page Valerie, love the colours ,the stencilling and the lovely dragonfly

    Thanks for joining us at Try It On Tuesday challenge


  43. This post had me smiling-I love dragonflies-and your page is so beautiful-I love it.
    So Happy you were able to get out and take a walk-enjoyed all the photos hugs Kathy

  44. What truly delightful page! You have such beautiful sunrises and fabulous scenery on your walks! Take care! Chrisx

  45. Thanks, this page was fun to make! Have a great week!


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