Wednesday 29 March 2017

This and That on Wednesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all well and fit. We are still enjoying warm, spring
days with blue skies and blossoms bursting out everywhere,
a beautiful season indeed.

This A3 mixed media piece was made at my art group. I painted the BG with gesso and sand coloured paint, which I textured with a brayer. The tulips were added with a napkin, and the dots and spots with a stencil and crapp red. 
The German text means: The two  things which give 
the soul the most strength  are trust in the truth and trust in one's self.  
I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey
Yvonne's lovely theme of out and about.

Blue skies along the Rhine:

Flowers everywhere:

We had some great sunrise scenes this week, and my fave is
always the half hour before the sun goes up -a great time
to drink a cup of coffee and watch the beauty unfold:

 Being outside is really a joy just now:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot f!or coming by


  1. Beautiful AJ and adore those gorgeous flower pics...x ♥[aNNie]

  2. I love the look of what you have started with that flower-do you add this to a journal?
    Glorious photos you share this morning- thank you so much Valerie!
    Have a beautiful day my friend!

    1. I have a loose leaf journal folder, and when I have a pile ready I bind them.

  3. Hi Val, another happy this and that post. Love the photos, you always see beautiful things, that is a talent. Your journal page is wonderful, with a great quote from Seneca. Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  4. I love the journal page from the previous post, but I also love all those photos from the chocolate shop/cafe too! I love today's art piece as well - you showcase napkin art so well. Spring seems to be moving on swiftly, we are not quite at the tree blossom stage yet, but since the weekend the daffodils have gone crazy, and the forsythia is opening up. It's more overcast today, but for me that's better walking weather. Enjoy the rest of the week. Theresa xx

  5. Beautiful flowers in the piece and photos.

  6. Beautiful work today, I love tulips!! Wonderful background, great brayer technique! Your photos are so amazing! Your trees are all in full bloom, one of my favourite spring things. Our trees here won't bloom until mid to late May, so until then I will have to enjoy yours instead! lol. have a wonderful day :)

  7. It is a wonderful time of year, your photos are gorgeous! The spring piece you made in your art group is delightful!

  8. Ohhh this art is so delicate and pretty. I love your photos today too. The dark sky with the con trails is very dramatic.

  9. A lovely journal page Valerie and a lovely quote.
    Beautiful Spring photos and the magnolia tree is magnificent.
    Avril xx

  10. An amazing Mixed Media painting and gorgeous spring tide photos!
    Happy Wednesday!

  11. A lovely new banner for March! I love your photos and the flowers but my favorite flowers are those tulips on today's art piece. They are one of my favorite flowers and I love the texture and design with the dots!

  12. Those tulips really signify spring has arrived, and of course, I adore the way you treated the page, too.

    What a beautiful place to visit right now. I love the photos from today and the contrails we don't often see here.

  13. What great words on your art page Valerie-it is very unusual and beautiful as well.

    Wish we had sunny bright skies and some warmth it has been dark and wet almost all day and cold as well so not a lot of fun while we were out andf about

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Gorgeous pictures - I love the use of napkins in art journaling - Bravo!
    Sandy xx

  15. What a lovely piece with the tulips, I have tulips on the mind too... Your flower photographs are also so beautiful.

  16. A great background with the brayer and I love the tulips as well on your fabulous page. Its a super quote.
    All the photos were lovely and the spring flowers are beautiful, the certainly have brightened the dull day we have had here.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Spring flowers are my favourites so your tulip page is perfect in my books! I am like a big kid in Spring because I watch certain plants that we pass regularly for signs of change! Definitely my favourite season! I love your photos, especially your morning ones as we have no decent view of sunrise at all! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Your Tulips are so beautiful ♥ I so love all of the Spring flowers and the photos you too are amazing once again !

  19. Your tulip piece is really reflective of your walks outside Valerie. Wow, it is really beautiful there right now. I even think the dandelions are fantastic! :) We are ALL moaning here because we have another big snow storm coming in Friday night. They think we could get 10 more inches of snow. And last week's has just finally melted-although we are still working on the snow from the blizzard 2 weeks ago. So nevertheless, I am loving your flower photos-and the cool morning jet trails too. happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  20. Love your beautiful tulip artwork Valerie. Was that shade of red really called that?? :)
    Looks like spring is really here now with all the lovely flowers and blossoms in your great photos.
    Have a lovely day Gill xx

  21. Love your project for the Out and About Theme Valerie x as always your photographs are stunning, especially sunrise ones.
    Sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  22. We need all the blossoms we can get about now. More snow on the way.....hope it doesn't last and we can get on out and about in the garden and see some lovely magnolias and tulips here too. xox

    1. Sorry that winter is not letting go of you and hope that spring will soon come!

  23. Love your mixed media piece and the tulips.

    The blossom in your photos looks fantastic. At this time of year, it is a joy to be able to be out and about.

    All the best Jan

  24. Love the way you begin your day with your cuppa to salute the rising of the sun AND that you take photos so we can enjoy it too ♥
    Interesting shade of RED *gg* ... tulips are such glorious harbingers of Spring.

  25. I should have saved my sky-love for this post - wow, wow! And your tulip page is gorgeous too - really uplifting in spirit.
    Alison x

  26. Beautiful art work Valerie! The "crapp red" made me laugh! LOL! Your photos are magnificent! Wow! Big Hugs!


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