Friday 10 March 2017

Out and About

Hi Everybody!
I'm very happy that it's weekend, as I am really exhausted
after all of the therapies this week, and a bit of rest
will do me good.

For Yvonne's challenge 'Out and About' at
Art Journal Journey I have a hybrid page made by cutting
and combining 2 of my van Gogh paintings, with a photo of a horse 
and a bird added:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

The tag was made some weeks back, and as it has now reached its 
destination in Canada I can show it. I used various bits and bobs, 
combined with da Vinci's Leda stamped and painted onto
a coffee pod paper. I sewed the tag onto cardboard and then onto 
some brown burlap sent to me some time back by dear

Nature is springing even if the weather isn't
playing the game:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a wonderful post. Love the Vincent piece, and the tag is fantastic. Great photos, too. F/M was ghastly, it rained non stop, and A fell down the stairs and hurt his knee!
    Have a good rest at the weekend, we can talk on Sunday. Hugs, Sarah

  2. I love that tag! It's really wonderful and the colour scheme is super!

    I'm very jealous of your flower blooming photos. I wish we had such glorious weather. right now it's snowing and we're expecting quite the snow dump tonight. Thanks for sharing your spring with us late bloomers :)

  3. All those who like Vincent, shout 'ear! 'ear!

  4. Love your tag Valerie and your Van Gogh paintings are fantastic!!! The bird and the horse are great additions!!!
    Your photos should be in an exhibit...GORGEOUS!!!

    Happy PPF dear Valerie

  5. The colors in your Vincent piece are so beautiful. The images mix so well together. :)

    Great tag, too! The browns (and other colors) are so interesting together!

    Love your pictures of spring popping out. We are in the middle of snow coming down now. Hope spring weather comes back soon! Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi Valerie. What a fabulous face in your Van Gogh work, extremely expressive and your tag is wonderful too. Lots of lovely textures to see. All you pictures are so Stunning and the old building looks very interesting too. Enjoy your Weekend. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. Oh WOW! Two more master pieces! Van Gogh is on my list of favorite "old masters" so I adore the journal page.
    Beautiful signs of spring!

  8. Großartige Mal-Arbeiten und wunderschöne Naturbilder.
    Liebe Grüße

  9. I hope you can relax now and enjoy your weekend

    I bet you and Vincent would have enjoyed a walk together around your beautiful area.

    The tag is wonderful with a great combination of lots of materials and textures.

    What beautiful photographs and I love the little grape hyacinths in the pot they usually get lost among all the other stuff in our garden so I may dig them out and put them in a pot.

    Time for you to unwind so enjoy your weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Hoping you get to have a relaxing weekend! Vincent looks happy with his surroundings! I adore your tag and it is sure to be giving your friend some joy! We had a lovely walk this morning and glad we did as it is now raining again! Your photos are showing wonderful signs of a promise of Spring! We saw some wonderful camellias in flower! Take care! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. wow,wundervoll ist dein van gogh bild und das tag ist wunderschön,tolle cafe farben,und schöne natur bilder hast du gemacht,bei uns ist auch sonnenschein,war heute schön spazieren.
    einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  12. Fabulous artwork on your page and lovely tag Valerie.
    Wouldn't it be great to have a time machine to go back to be able to really be out and about with Vincent and watch him paint :)
    Fantastic texture and detail on your tag (love the close up photos).
    Looking more spring like every day - lovely flowers and scenery.
    Take it easy and rest and have a lovely weekend..
    Gill xx

  13. Oh my, I adore Vincent, glorious color!!!
    Also I like the sweet tag.Lovely work!
    I enjoyed "walking" with you this morning!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  14. I love love love this tag and quite enjoyed this little tour. Thanks! Hugs, Autumn

  15. I love your references to Van Gogh and Da Vinci. I can see that Van Gogh might have a bird land on his hat while out painting! I am sure all the animals in the area got used to seeing him every day! have a good week.

  16. I love the colourful van Gogh piece! And the art tag Is a beauty! 2 of my fave past artists featured there.

  17. Love the journal page Valerie, and a wonderful tag, full of interesting textures.
    Love the spring flower photos, the blossom on the trees is just beginning to open her in the NE.
    Have a lovely and relaxing weekend.
    Avril xx

  18. Adorable page, beautiful tag and fantastic photos. Thank you for joining Yvonne's theme once more, happy weekend, Susi

  19. Love the Van Gogh, and the tag is just gorgeous Valerie! Love seeing Spring beginning to emerge and oh how I would love to explore that grand stone structure!

  20. I have a soft spot for Vincent Van Gogh, I think your piece is very sweet... The tag is gorgeous, I love it! Your photos are beautiful too, I hope you have some time to rest.

  21. Beautiful page and tags. Stunning spring flowers too!

  22. Luv your Van Gogh collage

    Happy ppf

    much love...

  23. Cold and very windy here but the flowers (and pollen) are out in abundance. Your van Gogh piece is wonderful. Love the birds and horse added.

  24. Its a fantastic journal page , love the way you have perched the bird on Vincent's straw hat. The tag is also a wonderful piece, so many layers and details, I have spent ages looking at it.
    The spring flowers look so pretty, super photos.
    I hope you have a good relaxing weekend Valerie, you deserve one after your busy week with the hospital visits.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Hello Valerie, I do love your Vincent artwork, how it all comes together in your unique style!
    Such a gorgeous tag too - with the basis of coffee paper and burlap... looks stunning!
    Beautiful pictures of Spring flowers, buds and blossoms. I can also just see some pretty begonias by that sweet pot of bulbs... I once had some and they were called "eyelash begonias" (I should have kept them indoors).
    Take it easy and rest up, one week of therapy over and done with - well done, and hugs :D) Happy PPF!

  26. Wonderful art. It looks like spring is hitting your way. Please get some rest and take life easy.

  27. I adore your painted Vincent. He looks like one I have in a book I have of his works. This is wonderful.

    As if Vincent wasn't enough, you have honored da Vinci, too. I like Lida. I think I even have that stamp. It was gifted to me years ago, but my favorite is the Vitruvian Man, and that stamp I KNOW I have. A friend gave it to me because she knew I liked the scientific aspect of it. It's a great tag with lots of beautiful layers. I know the recipient is happy with it.

    The flowers are really growing in your area and everything is ablaze with color, except the Ruins, of course, where rust abounds. Hope you get some rest this weekend and can take it easy before Monday rolls round.

  28. Total klasse dein Van Goch Bild und die Tiere machen es perfekt. Das Tag in diesen schönen warmen Kaffeefarben gefällt mir sehr. Die Leonardomotive passen sehr gut dazu. Wie man auf deinen schönen Fotos sehen kann, sprießen die Blüten auch bei Regen und Kälte. Hier ist es seit gestern kalt aber sonnig. Heute Morgen hat mich die Sonne geweckt.
    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende.

  29. Das Van Goch Bild ist fantastsich geworden!
    Der Tag gefällt mir sehr in der Farbengebung und Zusammenstellung!
    Wie schön die Frühlingsblüten überall zu sehen ein Farbentupfer in der Natur endlich!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  30. Love your tag and all the adventurous photos and JP....try and relax this weekend.xx ♥[aNNie]

  31. Gorgeous post Valerie with brilliant artwork and beautiful touches of spring.
    Happy PPF to you

  32. LOVE your Van Gogh piece! He used such wonderful colors, didn't he? It makes your piece POP. Your tag also great too. You've been having a very creative late winter I must say and its been enjoyable to see. :) Have a wonderful Saturday. Hugs-Erika

  33. What a fun page about Van Gogh. Blessings!

  34. I really like this tag.
    Take care, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  35. Gorgeous art and gorgeous photos!! Please get some rest! Big Hugs!

  36. Valerie! What a glorious post!!
    Your Van Gogh journal page is so fun and your tag is absolutely Gorgeous!! Love the artist theme of your art!!
    Your photos are amazing ,love the peeking bird! heehee
    I do hope you did get some rest this weekend and hope the therapies are going well!
    huge hugs,Jackie

  37. Wow Valerie what amazing work you have shared with us along with your ever wonderful photographs Thank you xx Hilda

  38. I love your combination of the two Van Gogh paintings. Very clever and beautifully executed. And of course your tag is -- as always -- lovely and filled with wonderful detail. Very nice!

  39. Beautiful work as always here, I especially love your tag and great to see all the signs of Spring your way! xx

  40. Love the cleverness of the painting Van gogh and the additions. The tag is fantastic. We had an early Spring also Mid-Feb. Quite unusual, but I'll take it. Blessings, Janet

  41. Which is my favorite make? The tag!! But I am knocked over by your ability to paint like Vincent!!
    My favorite picture was the bird peeking between the iron bars.
    Sandy xx


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