Monday 14 November 2016

T stands for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so
I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the
đź’›NICE ladies in the T Gang.đź’›

For Art Journal Journey, Susi's theme of 
Collage with a twist, I have a mixed media/hybrid piece. 
I used some torn pieces of a photo and a book page. I think we see things differently when we only have fragments:

At the ice parlour where I sometimes drink a coffee they have new
bags of sugar. As I never put sugar in my drinks, I bring them home. It's interesting to see all the varieties of coffee you can have:

Help yourselves to oat cookies before they are all gone:

 I enjoyed my visit to the 'art palace' yesterday:

I love the spaciousness of the interior, here the foyer:

This huge head was rather fascinating:

 And I'm pleased to say that the art museum I visited yesterday
also has a nice cafe:

Of course, I drank cappuccino:

The cats are on the stone benches in front of the museum,
and there are four of them all together:

I call this man Mr Happy, because he sits by the Rhine nearly every day,
plays beautiful music on his accordion, and is always smiling. I think he has a special gift to make people happy, and that is something good.

So, don't worry, be happy!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fun post today! Love your fragments- it's true, if we only see parts of a whole we look at them much more intensively. Wonderful photos from the museum, it's changed a lot since I was there, i t was much gloomier then. My big date is one Wednesday. Hugs, Sarah

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Your fragment artwork is lovely, the mixture of old images and modern style is great! Thanks for the cookie and I love your little cow timer, so cute :-). What a lovely setting to sit and admire that beautiful art while drinking your cappuccino, I would happily join you! Mr Happy makes me smile, I would love to hear him play. There is so much to make me happy in your post today, thank you! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)
      p.s opps sorry I deleted my original comment, I pressed the wrong button - you'll have to excuse me as I'm not too well, I have had a terrible cold for just over a week now. x

  3. Lovely 'fragment' piece today. This museum has some interesting pieces, my favourite so far. Your cookies look so good, very distracting! Nice to see this cheerful man!

  4. That's great collage. I wonder what the picture looked like before you tore it and collaged it. Your art museum day trip looks like it was really interesting. I think you said there was a special exhibit. Maybe it was the giant head. And I am very impressed if you have any cookies left! happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. The special exhibition is called 'behind the veil', and I will show some of the photos soon. The big head is always there. The picture showed a street with people, taken in the 1930s.

  5. Great post Valerie. Love your page but the photo of the man playing the piano accordian reminds me of dad, he used to always occupy himself and us with his music...xx{aNNie}

  6. Oh what a really fun post!! Love the fragment collage-great imagery. The foyer of this art museum is absolutely amazing!!! And I so love the branches hanging about the ceiling of the café as well as Mr Happy. If I were to see him I'd give him a hug :) Happy T day!

  7. Somehow the AJJ fragments entry reminded me of war torn images. Not sure where I got the idea, but I couldn't shake it, even after reading your entire post.

    I LOVE the images from the sugar packs. That is incredibly unique and I've never seen anything like them before.

    I see the photographer didn't get all the cookies, so I'll share one with you and leave the rest for others.

    Your museum photos are superb. That is one incredible entry. The wood panels are so unique and it reminds me of a church.

    Thanks for sharing your art and your wonderful coffee treats with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. That cookie looks delicious! And that cafe looks like a fun stop. I always like it when museums have little coffee shops or restaurants. Happy T Tuesday :)

  9. Deine Fragmente Seite find ich super und ich würd mir schon ein paar Cookies krallen, wenn noch welche da wären!
    Was für ein toller Ort der Kunst! Glaub ich dass Du das genossen hast und der Akkordeonspieler scheint wirklich seine Zufriedenheit zu übertragen, wie er das so lächelnd musiziert!

    ♥♥♥ schöön!
    Na da hast Du Dir aber viele Cappuccinos gegönnt um an all die verschiedenen Zuckerpackungen zu kommen!!
    Gut gemacht!

    HAPPY T-Day!

    1. Ja, 2 Cappuccinos hab ich mir gegönnt, und die 4 Zuckerpäckchen von beiden Seiten fotografiert!

  10. Never seen those sugar sachets before. I have to say coffee confuses me - far too many variations! The cookies look yum and the accordionist is definitely a happy soul! Love the glimpse of past times in your fragments page. Have a lovely day. Xx

  11. What an amazing page you created today--so very different and original.

    Just munching on my virtual cookie and it is delicious--thank you.

    The photographs today made me stop in my tracks--they are just out of this world. Such wonders to enjoy and coffee as well--what more could anyone want.

    Thank you for sharing all of this Valerie

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. The page today is awesome Valerie I especially love the way the silhouette shapes seem to join the fragments of photos together.
    Of course I would enjoy one of the cookies with my cuppa this morning.
    The exhibition looks fantastic,a big Wow to the sense of space in the gallery.
    Happy T Day
    Yvonne xx

  13. Fabulous post Valerie - your 'fragments' art is brilliant - and it really did make me look closer :)
    Cookies look scrumptious - Dave is in kitchen doing goodness knows what, there was a duck involved earlier but now I think he's making pastry maybe for some sausage rolls - will be a nice surprise later. Love your cute cow timer :)
    The Museum was very interesting and that head pretty cool!
    Have a great day Valerie and thanks for the lovely comments yesterday... Gill xx

  14. You are right, the fragments make you see the picture differently. Very effective. I love it.
    How interesting about the different types of coffee. I hadn't realized quite how they differed. My fav is a mocha. When we travel and go to a posh coffee place I always order a large mocha. We are going to Madrid in December so I probably will be drinking my favorite mocha.
    Thank you for the oat cookie. It looks yummy. They are my favorite cookie (I am wheat intolerant so I cook with oats a lot)
    Wow, that art museum is fab! I like the Roman ladies in the foyer. And the stain glass windows. Beautiful. No wonder you love going there.
    Yes, the accordeon player looks very happy. If he also plays a happy tune then that would certainly make my day!
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Art, coffee, music, and nature, these are just a few of my favorite things. Blessings!

  16. Great fragment page. A visit to a museum is always enjoyable. I paused at the "big head" looking at the small figure that seems to be climbing. Coffee and music in the park sounds like the perfect ending to the morning.

  17. Thanks for the museum trip! And I have to say, I ADORE those little sugar packets!

  18. LOVE both "fragments" and your new banner. Actually there is so much wonderful about this post I'm not sure where to begin. Love the smile on the accordion player's face. The museum looks very interesting. The overhead art installation is very cool in the cafe.

  19. Das sieht toll aus - wie Geister-Schatten in den Gassen! Durch die Fragmente wird die Phantasie besonders angeregt.
    Und wieder eine Menge toller Fotos!

  20. I think we all need a Mr. Happy in our lives.. :) When i lived in TX an old man would sit in the cafeteria they had there and play the accordion... LOVED it! He looked so happy doing it... Maybe its the accordion... just makes people smile... Love your art journal page.. so interesting... and the cookies make me think i need to make Hubby would be happy... Love it when you take us to the museum.. the branch installation is interesting.. Happy happy T day Valerie! Hugs! deb

  21. A very interesting AJJ page today. I'm kind of like Elizabeth about the "war" feeling.....I think it is the black and white photos....but I do LIKE the page and what it suggests.
    I think I would be having my coffee every morning with Mr. Happy. What a wonderful gesture to play for everybody and anybody who cares to pause and listen for a moment or two. The world needs more Mr. Happys!
    Happy T-day

  22. I forgot to say how much I like your header!

  23. Your fragment piece is great.
    I very much enjoyed the outing: the serene accordion player, the cats, the sugar packets:), etc.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. If you substitute chocolate chips for raisins, those are my favorite cookies:)

  26. I love your fragments page - it's true, as I looked at each one! The museum looks a great place to visit …and for sitting with a cup a coffee! Mr Happy certainly looks to be enjoying himself! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. lovely photos those oat cookies look tempting and what a happy accordion player

  28. You are quite unique, Valerie! Love your pics and outlook on life.

  29. Very interesting page Valerie. Beautiful foyer in the museum and a lovely coffee shop too.
    Mr Happy does look happy and very happy that you wanted to take his photo by the looks of it.
    Avril xx

  30. Love you page Valerie, really striking! What a fabulous museum, a really lovely building, and Mr Happy does look very happy! xx

  31. I'm pouting over here as my WONKY internet or computer will not open most of your photos :( all I see is the art today which is fantastic ... so I will have to come back later for another view :(

  32. I love your art piece, it definitely draws me in... Lovely photographs too, I'm glad to see such a happy person who brings happiness.

  33. Wow! How many museums do you have near you?? I am so envious!!

    Your fragmented page is very profound- thank you for sharing this.
    Mr.Happy, what can I say? Everyone needs a Mr.Happy in their neighborhood!!

  34. I love this post very much! Mr. Happy is so cute!


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