Tuesday 15 November 2016


Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -


Projects of all formats are allowed, and as always
you have 2 weeks to link to us.

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Susi's theme of 
collage with a twist.

I made a hybrid collage using my 'nana' stencils,
inspired by the nanas of Niki de Saint Phalle:

Today was grey-in-grey, rain and mist and very cold. I found
it difficult to take pictures with one hand as the other one was holding the umbrella:

 There was a whole room at the Kunstpalast dedicated to these strange concoctions, an installation from Daniel Buren:

This is the Rubens room, which I did like better. Tomorrow I will show some of the pictures from the special exhibition 'Behind the curtain'

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fantastic stripes page with the wonderful

    One hand or two your photographs are always so clear and crisp. Always wonderful trees and leaves in the rain

    Interest shapes in the cabinets and wonde ful to see a Rubens room

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie x

  2. Another fun post today, I love your Nanas,they always make me smile. Great photos, you got some very atmospheric shots. The installation looks like it came from a crazy laboratory! Hugs Sarah

  3. What a lovely post! I especially love the rainy photographs.

  4. Your day looks like mine. Wet, dark, cold. Of course I went to work which means it was ok, but driving home with the wet shiny roads isn't fun. I'm with you- the Rubins room is better than those strange pieces, they look fun, but I couldn't figure them out from the photos. Oh, and lastly but not leastly, your Nanas are always fun. I guess I missed the wheel challenge, so my piece will be showing up on AJJ once it get it done. Almost... hugs-Erika

  5. Looks like stripes will be a fun challenge. I so like your inspiration piece.

    I'm a scientist, so those Daniel Buren installations really made me smile. Test tubes, bell jars, apothecary jars, and chemistry class all came to mind when I saw these. I know they weren't YOUR thing, but they really were mine. I'm so glad you shared them, or I would never have known about Buren and these incredible installations. Thank you, thank you.

    1. I knew you would like them, I thought of you when I saw them!

  6. Fun page today, lol. We are expecting rain too, not good for being out and about. I like the Rubens room too.

  7. witzige seite heute,hihi,tolle kunst ist da im palast zu sehen,den kopf finde ich fantastisch,interresant mit dem männchen der am kopf hochkrabbelt.
    ich gehe auch hin und wieder ins museum,das macht viel spass dort.
    einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  8. Eine witzige Seite Valerie und das Regenwetter hast DU uns geschickt...hat die ganze Nacht geregnet - alles schön grau in grau..aber dafür wärmer.
    Was für interssante Dinge dieser Kunstpalast bietet! Da kann man echt viel sehen und bestaunen!

    Schönen Mittwoch!
    Happy Moo Mania & More!


  9. Stripe-tease? You seem to be getting the West Coast of Wales weather - banks of sea-fog rolling into the harbour and cliffs, up the vallies and hiding the hill tops.

    The concoctions were 'interesting' whilst the vibrancy of the Rubens room echoed throughout my blog. Nice post - first thing I read with a mug of steaming tea :)

  10. Hi Valerie! I love your hybrid work of art - it's artistic, beautiful and fun!!! YEAH-who needs stripes?! LOL! And your rainy-day photos are spectacular. I love how you captured the drops of water! We are in the midst of a drought and really need some rain! Thanks also for your wonderful visit to my blog! HUGS!!!

  11. I love your whimsical take on the stripes theme. Blessings!

  12. I just admire that you were out there taking photos in the rain at all! I can't wait to see the Rubens room. Love him!

  13. I'm intrigued. I love glass and color. Definitely got my attention.

  14. Hello Valerie, I really enjoyed your misty photos. They convey those grey, wet days perfectly.
    The installations from Daniel Buren remind me of the old-fashioned egg timers, the ones that contained sand or something that you turned up to let the sand run through – how very odd!
    I hope your day is going well, it is very grey in Somerset today.

  15. Don't you love the color in the Reubens room? What color would you call that? Sea-foam green?
    The stripes are a hoot.
    Thanks for sharing your umbrella on the walk:)

    1. The rooms were really magnificent, so lofty, and then that gorgeous colour, big wow!

  16. Deine tollen Figuren auf dem Streifen Hintergrund gefallen mir sehr, Modern Art made by Valerie. Die Regen Fotos mit dieser nebligen Stimmung gefallen mir sehr.
    Die Einblicke ins Museum sind auch wieder sehr interessant, danke fürs Teilen.
    Liebe Grüße

  17. Deine tollen Figuren auf dem Streifen Hintergrund gefallen mir sehr, Modern Art made by Valerie. Die Regen Fotos mit dieser nebligen Stimmung gefallen mir sehr.
    Die Einblicke ins Museum sind auch wieder sehr interessant, danke fürs Teilen.
    Liebe Grüße

  18. I love your stripy collage figures! I know what you mean about modern installations - I do quite like this one but some just leave me wondering! Yes, Rubens - much better! I love your rainy day pics - I hoe yu didn't get too wet! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Your striped piece is great fun and made me smile on this miserable grey day.
    Your photos are nice - and the ones where you held the umbrella are just as fabulous as always. I especially like the ones showing the rain droplets - they are pretty cool!
    There were some unusual things at that museum, I quite expected to see some mad professor lurking somewhere.
    Gill xx

  20. Love the STRIPES! Not a fan of the concoctions but the Rubens room was very nice. Your day was very misty and almost haunting. Love the photos of the river in the mists♥ Can't wait to see what is behind the curtain.

  21. Ha-love your stripes entry!! I have to say I do love a foggy, rainy day-now and then:) We've been so fortunate to have continued warm days even though it gets cold at night. Very interesting art by Daniel Burin.

  22. Yes, i agree, I like the Rueben room better- strange things indeed, thought maybe lab beakers, the gerbil houses or weed pipes! teehee who knows a bit of each!
    I do love your fun figures!! Who needs stripes anyways!

  23. I LOVE your art piece! It is fabulous!!! "Love Yourself"!!!!
    The photos you took with one hand are so beautiful! Well done!
    Interesting objects at the museum!
    Big Hugs!


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