Wednesday 30 November 2016

Light and Darkness

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at 

- Light and Darkness-

December is a dark and cold month in the northern hemisphere
and since thousands of years people have been celebrating
festivals which bring light into these days.
We light candles for Advent and Chanukka, put lights on the trees, light up our houses and towns with decorations, and look forward to the winter solstice – a festival celebrated by many ancient people – because it 
means that the days start to get longer again.
We want you to show light on your journal pages, to show how light dispels the darkness etc.
Think of the sun, stars, moon, lanterns lighting the way, candles, the glow of the fire on a winter's evening – I am sure you will be able to come up with many ideas.
I made a mixed media/hybrid page:

Susi and I are looking forward to see your projects.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

This week has been very cold and frosty, but we had a lot
of sun and some beautiful dawn skies:

Yesterday Sabine visited me, and after a nice breakfast and some 
crafty time we went by tram to the glass museum 
and enjoyed the wonderful
objects on display:

Afterwards we went to the little Christmas market here in
Kaiserswerth, and ate some wonderful potato cakes 
before walking back here for coffee and cake. I forgot to take photos at the market, I could only think of the lovely food!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fantastic new project with wonderful depth and colours, and I love the theme, too. Great photos as always, I can imagine why you s love the glass museum. Hugs Sarah

  2. Wonderful theme for the new month! Sounds like a wonderful day with your friend too.

  3. Nice new challenge which is perfect for December. Like your words on your hybrid page. What is it about glass that is so changeable, love your shots of the museum. xox

  4. I love your art! It has such wonderful nuances to it, there's so much to see. Your glass photos are lovely too.

  5. Goodness, this is awesome. Love the pics you took they are mind blowing...xx

  6. Great new theme. Its perfect for this month of darkness. Its been raining the last few days and so dark so early in the day. And I think you made a great page! I love the shadows! I love the glass museum photos too. What an amazing medium glass is. So many effects! Glad you had a great day out on such a cold day. Hugs-Erika

  7. I'm intrigued by the new challenge at AJJ, and look forward to seeing many examples of light and dark this month.

    Once again, I am in awe of your photos of the glass museum. From pieces that are jagged (which reminded me of the salt from the salt mines) to the smooth beauty of some of the pieces, to the industrial look of others, these are really very different and unique.

    I'd love to know the brand of that lamp and shade. If it's a period piece, I would guess it was made between 1905 and 1920. Its fabulous.

  8. Schön ist die erste Deiner Seiten ! Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Dezember Valerie !
    Toll dass Ihr im Museum gewesen seid - das ist ja einzigartig, was es da alles zu sehen gibt!

  9. A wonderful subject for the new challenge Valerie and lots of ideas from you. Love the page you made as a starter.

    Lovely that Sabine visited again and you enjoyed a varied day. More wonders at the glass museum to share together and with us-thank you

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Look forward with interest to see what comes out of the new project.

    The glass is fascinating but I'm not sure what impresses me most: the artistic concepts, or, the skills and expertise that can make such beautiful and mesmerizing objets d'art

  11. So glad you and Sabine had fun. That glassware is beautiful. And what a lovely message about light in the dark.

    1. Yes, we all need light when there's so much darkness.

  12. Ein perfektes Thema für den dunklen Dezember, die kürzesten Tage im Jahr und die längsten Nächte. Mir gefällt deine Seite sehr - das tolle Zitat hast du super umgesetzt!
    Euer Besuch im Glasmuseum ist sehr interessant - das zeigen die vielen schönen Fotos!
    Liebe Grüße, Rike

  13. Its a fabulous introduction page to the new theme, love the quote and all the darkness around the edges.
    The glassware photos are beautiful, glad you had another nice day with Sabine.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I think you'll have fun with this theme, Valerie. And the glass -- very nice photography on these. They're simply beautiful!

  15. Cool page. I love the light, bright colours against the dark background. hugs, Teresa

  16. Total klasse deine Eröffnungs-Seite, die Farben leuchten so schön, als wären sie auf beleuchtetem Glas gemalt. Na und deine Museumsfotos sind so erstklassig geworden, besser als in so manchem Bildband. Gefallen mir Alle supergut.Meine Fotos muß ich noch sichten und schauen, was blogtauglich ist.
    Liebe Grüße und geruhsamen Abend.

    1. Es freut mich dass Dir die Fotos der Ausstellung gefallen, ich liebe das Glas so sehr.

  17. Wow! I love the lamp with the swallows! The quote you use are always so thought provoking. Where do you find them all!?

  18. I guess I'll have to do the 'light' part for the challenge this month - we're in the middle of summer :) Those glass pieces are just gorgeous!

  19. So light and dark! The glass is something else. A few of those pieces remind me of the 70's pieces that were so stylish!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Wow, this post is a feast for our eyes! Your art was so gorgeous with the light shining through. Thanks for a beautiful post!

  21. A beautiful theme and post, light and darkness certainly need one another to exist, your words and art are so fitting for this theme and thanks as always for your kind comments my way!

  22. Fabulous post! Love your page and all that beautiful glass! Chrisx

  23. This is a very good theme. I love this one. Wonderful display of glass too.

  24. I loved all of these pictures Valerie - and I also love anything done in glass. Glass has such mystical qualities to it going from hot to freezing cold.
    Great theme for art journal journey and I loved your quote. I wanted to participate in November's journey but November turned out to be a wretched month health wise for my husband - lot of trips to the doctor and to get MRIs, Xrays and ultrasounds. Not to mention a trip to Jacksonville to visit a Neurosurgeon. Thankfully all is well for now. The icing on the cake is I had a bad fall Thanksgiving day and broke my cocci bone! I am even more slow now than I used to be!!!!! I admire all of your activity even when you are down and out. I am going to participate this month in Art Journal Journey if it kills me!!!!! What a good theme and I enjoyed your history of the cold and dark months!
    sandy xx

  25. I love your art piece!! I love the quote you used! Great message!!!
    Amazing photos! I love the pieces from the museum! Wow!!
    Big Hugs!

  26. Lovely work this week! Happy PPF - even though I am late in making the rounds!


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