Monday 7 November 2016

Busy T for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

There's lots going on again today - It's Elizabeth's
T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all of the T gang. And we have a new challenge at TIOT.

Our new theme at TIOT is
'Trees are green, or any other colour'.
Projects of all formats are allowed, and as always you have 2 weeks
to link to us - hope to see you there.
My fave colours just now are the beautiful colours
of autumn, and they are on my tag. I used a photo  for my tag, and again,  
faded, for the background:

 And for Susi's collage challenge at Art Journal Journey I have a hybrid/mixed media piece. 'My' men were cut with templates, and collaged onto a painted and collaged background. Then it was digitally placed on a water-coloured background and given a filter to grunge up the edges And no faces, leaves or wings are to be seen!

For Elizabeth's T stand for Tuesday, my drink is, as always

I baked a lemon cake when Sabine visited last week:

And a batch of scones - here they are still on the baking sheet-
help yourselves:

One of the rooms I visited at the K21, the museum for 21st century art,
contains art from Hans-Peter Feldmann.  The heads have been copied and enlarged from old paintings, and arranged so that they look at the viewer and at each other. 

The white square is there to be filled with the viewer's own memories:

Here he collected various landscape paintings and re-hung them with the horizons always at the same level:

And here he has made collections of various bits and pieces and put them onto turn tables, so that the shadows make a sort of macabre dance along the wall. This was very fascinating to watch:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and I'm with you on the Autumn shades which I love too. Your baking looks rather yummy as well.
    Have a good week.
    Fliss xx

  2. Fabulous trees Valerie, and I love the men without faces and their quote. I think this has been my favourite room from the gallery too - really interesting. Hope you have a fun week xx

  3. Beautiful autumn tag, and your journal page is great, love these colourful pieces you have been making lately. Great photos from the museum, although those huge faces are a bit spooky! Tomorrow is the big day! Hugs, Sarah

  4. What a great post. Your tree with various colors in the background is stunning. I adore the color that fades into the background.

    Susi' AJJ challenge is wonderful and helps get around the "face" problem.

    Your photos from the museum were fabulous. I'd LOVE to see those faces again, but the landscapes were great, too. I like the idea of creating landscapes with pictures at different heights. Even non-artists can create that type of arrangement.

    I would gladly share a scone and cappuccino with you. It looks wonderful. I bet Sabine enjoyed the wonderful baked goods, too.

    Thanks for sharing your own art, the K21 art, your baked goods, and your cappuccino with us for T this week.

  5. Love your artwork, the autumn colours are beautiful and my favourite too :-). The honeycomb pattern adds such lovely texture to your collage - wonderful! I love love love the shadows cast on the wall, the pieces look like little works of art in themselves and with them being on turn tables I bet the shadows they were casting were facinating to watch. Thanks for the scone, they look so delicious! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  6. You are such a good baker, lucky Sabine! Lovely work for the challenges and very interesting art at the museum!

  7. I love your tag Valerie! Your AJJ page is once again brilliant! I would be happy sharing cappuccino and scone with you, after a visit to the brilliant art gallery! The figures on the turntables look quite scary! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. I love your tag Valerie! Your AJJ page is once again brilliant! I would be happy sharing cappuccino and scone with you, after a visit to the brilliant art gallery! The figures on the turntables look quite scary! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. Your Autumnal tree is beautiful but it is the hybrid piece I am especially drawn to.
    Thank you for sharing those photographs with us.
    Always a joy to visit you.

  10. I love you tag Harmony! The colours are beautiful but I love the way you have used the photo and created something really beautiful.
    The men are interesting too (and the quote).
    Thank you for the scone. They look yummy. And lemon cake is my favorite. How did you know. I must visit more often....
    The museum photos are awesome! Very clever to put together different pieces that make one work of art. I would have loved to see that.
    Happy T-Day,

  11. Your hybrid page is great and your figures too. Yummy lemon cake, my favorite, anything lemon. I think the shadow play is great in those photos. xox

  12. Oh my SO much eye candy here!! Fabulous art projects-and I LOVE your newest header! Your lemon cake looks so good but I'd REALLY like one of the scones:) Wonderful museum art and how cool is the figurine silhouettes on the wall. Happy T day!

  13. Wow-where to begin. The awesome art, the yummy treats, and some cool art. That shadow art was amazing, as are the faces looking at one another. This was a great post-I really enjoyed it. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  14. I love your silhouette figures on the art journal pages!!

  15. Boah Dein Tag und die Männer Collage - beides ist wunderbar ..
    Ich musste grad lächeln: W+W auf dem Weg zum Elektrofachhändler würde ich dieses Werk taufen im Moment!
    Deine Scones würd ich echt zu gern probieren und bitte für W. keine Zitronen in den Zitronenkuchen!
    Wow.. was für geniale Ausstellungen - und Installationen.. die Gesichter beeindrucken mich natürlich besonders aber auch dieses Landschaftenarrangement und die Schattenspielinstallation sind fabelhaft!
    Danke für's Teilen!
    Happy T-Day Valerie!

    1. Ja, Zitronenkuchen der nach Zitronen schmeckt ist vielleicht zu stark für zarte Männer Seelen! Und W&W hätten icherlich Spaß zusammen unterwegs beim Elektroladen!

  16. Love that teacup and all the edible goodies, that wall art turntable looks really fascinating

  17. The Autumn tones of coffee and scones - sounds mouthwateringly poetic, I love the 'Earth Colours'.

    Quite an interesting exhibition, although I don't buy in to the empty space for viewers memories. The lining up of the horizons is a neat approach.

    I thought your tag was wonderful.

  18. I checked your posts since Friday - you have still autumn but we have about 20 cm snow and more coming!!!
    I really like the idea to put those landscape paintings at the same level, it's more than one work by itself. Also playing with light makes art on the wall, cool!
    Have a creative week!

  19. The tag is awesome Valerie, the tree with your photo creates a stunning autumn scene.
    Its a fantastic art page with the silhouette figures, I was drawn to he words you added. I think we should look more closely to see what is actually to be seen.
    A piece of cake for me please, I won't be greedy and ask for a scone to take home as well.
    Happy T Day
    Yvonne xx

  20. Wonderful project for TIOT Valerie you fitted in so much beauty on one tag.

    The page for AJJ is deep and meaning full both in images and words. Just love the dark colours on the border

    Yummy makes--the scones look amazing and I can smell the lemon of the cake from here.

    The atrtwork pictures are magical. It is wonderful how there are so many new and interesting ideas these days when you go to an art exhibition. I love the idea of the shadow creating amazing pictures and the space to add your own thoughts and and and--thank you for sharing all of it

    Have a Great Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. Wonderful pieces today Valerie, love the little mushrooms underneath your big autumn tree! The exhibition sure looked interesting. :)

  22. Just had an interesting thought (falls over exhausted).
    Why don't you and your amazingly creative group arrange the most unusual things you can find, and place them in order that the shadows resulting from them cast of a, say, nativity scene - a Christmas general scene if the religion gets in your way?

    Looking at the shadows in your post: I can see a Star in the sky (from a plant) a kiwi, and a minaret etx

    1. Hmmm, if I ever have a couple of months with nothing better to do I will start thinking about it!

  23. Wow -- that is some spectacular color! And I couldn't agree more -- trees of leaves of any color! Lovely!

  24. Oh ! what a beautiful autumnal tree you have created Valerie! It is a wowser! oxo

  25. I'm tempted by your lemon cake and the scones, a difficult choice. Both look tasty. I'm drawn to the fascinating art exhibit, especially the horizon concept. I can see actually making such an arrangement in my home. Happy T Tuesday!

  26. WOW! WOW! TO EVERYTHING TODAY! Love your art and the baking has me wanting to book a fast flight over before they are all gone ♥ What an interesting art display too ♥♥♥♥♥ So unique and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. !!!!!

  27. Super page for AJJ today.
    LOVE all the horizons lined up at the same height.......makes an amazing panorama......and all from different paintings.
    Happy T-day

  28. That tree is amazing!! And I so have to have one of those scones! - Mary Elizabeth

  29. Lovely arty and interesting post - loving these faceless people and the art you are creating Valerie - they are very cool!
    Fascinating photos of the museum too - love the ones with the shadows on the wall, reminds me of doing shadow plays as a child (can't think of what proper word for them might be) but a lot of fun :)
    Gill xx

  30. Your artwork is fabulous, Valerie. Do wish I could wander through the K21 with you -- looks so interesting. Love the 'shadows' from a very interesting installation. All so fascinating -- I could go on and on. Lemon cake and scones? I'll be right over. hugs, Donna

  31. The dance does look fascinating.
    I gained two pounds just looking at the foodie pictures.
    I especially love the tag!

  32. Fabulous pages, Valerie! Love your autumn tree and the mushroom are a fun idea. Your AJJ page is stunning!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  33. What a beautiful fall tag. And lovely page.

  34. Love the tree tag with the beautiful Autumn colours and a great journal paged.
    Wonderful photos from the museum, love the dancing shadows. Lemon cake - yummy.
    Avril xx

  35. I'm hungry!! Can you mail me some food to Canada? LOL!
    I love your art pieces! Truly amazing!! Beautiful!
    The faces hung on the wall are amazing! I really love all the different art from the museum and how they arranged everything! Big Hugs!

  36. Beautiful digital art you've created...and tempting treats! Love the art museum displays too--stunning! ♥

  37. Your tag is Gorgeous! I love the mushrooms and Harmony is just perfect for this!
    Great faceless figures in your collage today, I love their lines.

    Oh someday I so want to visit your homeland and museums!! I envie such cultural experiences!


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