Monday 13 June 2016

Tuesday this and that again

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I made another London piece, combining an old photo of the Houses of Parliament with a map and a face profile I drew.

Today is also Elizabeth's T Stands For Tuesday, so a big hello to all of the T Gang. I made a very quick page in my journal, which is now so fat that it gets harder and harder to take photos:

This beautiful cappuccino was served to me at the ice parlour:

There is always a biscuit served with it; these are the 2 different sorts which have been served lately . Did I manage to contain myself long enough to take photos? No, I opened the papers very carefully so that they still looked like new, and took photos of them when I got home!

And now even the sugar is in  new and arty packets:

Today it has been raining very heavily and I got soaked on my way home today. But on one day we did have a lovely sunrise:

There is always lovely fruit at the market:

The roses look almost too heavy for their stems:

 This morning started off cloudy and just got progressively worse:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful post! Both journal pages so different and both really good - you have both of your loves today, coffee and London! But I don't think you ever tried giving up coffee for even 10 minutes! Great photos, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful work for the challenges. What a delicious looking drink! Sorry you got soaked.

  3. At first I thought your pilgrim quote was going to say "some have better road manners" ;-) Your collage looks great and the face you drew is beautiful Valerie!
    Fun coffee pages too.
    I still have a little packet of one of the French treats we got with coffee. It's not in a fancy wrapper but well you know. I must open it for a special occasion (RIGHT NOW *gg*)
    Those gorgeous roses almost look like peonies they are so full.
    Hope you're all dried out by now.
    Happy T Day oxo

    1. Well, I am sure that would be true about some having better road manners!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your journal page is great. Love the quote too!
    Ah, those roses. I love them. I can look at them forever. They are so full and heavy. Patty is right, they almost look like peonies.
    Yum, lovely looking coffee. I have a Senseo coffee maker, but it needs coffee pads, which are hard to find here. My cousin is visiting at the moment and she brought me 4 packets of special coffee pads with fancy flavours. And the coffee always has a lovely head of foam on it. Hmmm...
    Happy T-Day and have a good week,
    PS I deleted my previous comment because I made some silly spelling mistakes. My Spanish computer doesn't spell check in English....

  6. I think I want to move to your city:):):) Arty candy covers, beautiful scenery, amazing cappuccinos-what's not to love? Speaking of love-your art is super fabulous!! Are those mugs in your journal pages stencils? Happy T day!

    1. Yes, they are stencils from a home decorations store.

  7. I love the page you created for AJJ. I was in awe of the road you took as well as the beautiful face. But I NEVER tire seeing the House of Parliament in your art.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the coffee cups. And giving up coffee would be the worst 10 minutes of my life, too. I was at a spice, tea, and coffee shop today and picked up a cube of sugar wrapped in a cute wrapper, but NOTHING as cute as the ones you shared. And of course, I didn't have a great cappuccino, either. Loved how you saved the wrappers. You sound like me. Also, everything is fair game when it comes to paper arts!

    Thanks for sharing these beauties (the roses that look more like peonies), the cloudy sky, the market, and your awesome art with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. Love your London piece Valerie. It was really smart to have the map show through the parliament building. And you added another head. Yahoo! And your coffee page is great, and I know what you mean about the journal not laying flat. My summer scrap journal is doing the same thing now too. That means lots of good art though, right? Love the photos. Hope you see some sun tomorrow and don't get rained on. Happy T day. Or Coffee day for you. :) Hugs-Erika

  9. Großartige Kombiseite ... schön gemacht Valerie und Deine Journal Hymne auf Kaffee passt zu Dir...kicher...hast Dir sicherlich Kaffeee verdient, nachdem Du so nass geworden bist - sehen gut aus auch die tollen Verpackungen zum leckeren Cappucino und die schönen Fotos!
    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  10. Your London piece is gorgeous - however so are the coffee cups. Always so original, Valerie. Beautiful photos -- aren't the flowers gorgeous. Boredom must never overcome you on your interesting walks. hugs, Donna

  11. wow,deine london seite ist klasse und die rosen sind auch schön.

    hugs jenny

  12. sehr atmosphärisch, deine londonseite, gefällt mir sehr gut! die rosen sehen ja fast wie Pfingstrosen aus, so üppig sind sie!
    hab eine schöne Woche!

  13. What a wonderful happy post Valerie I enjoyed every minute. Even the wet pics made me happy as the little, wet roses look like handmade ones for crafting. :)

    A special London page with great composition and the face is really beautiful.

    Nice coffee with the biscuits and posh sugar and the quote about giving up things made me laugh out loud.

    Great post all the way and set me up for the day. Vic has just told me it has started to rain but I am still smiling.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. LOVE your London piece, those flowers in the corner look amazing somehow. Lovely journal spread too, and oh how I know about fat journals that don't want to be photographed.... Happy Tuesday..

  15. Fabulous journal pages and beautiful photos, I love the quote on the coffee cups.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Die blaue Londonseite sieht ganz fantastisch aus, gefällt mir sehr! LG Ulrike

  17. Brilliant everything again lovely pics lovely page , great colours too.xx{aNNie}

  18. Wonderful artwork Valerie, love those teacups! Your shots of the sky are so amazing, wow! hugs :)

  19. Fabulous London page, Valerie! A great composition of images and the face is really beautiful. The coffe cup page is fantastic, especially the quote.
    Great photos today! Hugs, Mar

  20. Great art. I think those teacups are perfect. Such fun to see the market in your area and the roses and the skies. Even rainy weather looks great when you take photos of it.

  21. oh my all of your photos and art. Your digital collages are so striking and I am envious of your ability to put them together! Such a lovely profile...and the coffee pages cracked me up! too funny. awesome sugar packets, and what marvelous pink roses!! thanks for sharing with us...fingers crossed for the safe arrival of those swap pages. ;( Happy T day!

  22. I absolutely love your map page...the layers work so wonderfully together. Such fancy packaging...we don't see that sort of thing around here. As always I so enjoy your photos.

  23. I love the road you took on your journal pages and of course the buildings looked awesome. The teacups look wonderful all stacked up and ready to be filled. The cappuccino looks yummy with the lovely frothy head.
    Happy Tuesday.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Love your pieces!
    That cappuccino looks luscious. And the wrappers are so cute......
    Great photographs. Those roses that haven't opened yet look like peonies don't they?
    Have a great one.

  25. What a beautiful post, your creations are really great, that first piece is so unique and fascinates me, very cleverly made! I also love your tea/coffee cups, they are super and make me smile. I'm a tea girl, my favourite is jasmin, what a treat.
    I love your sky photos as always and those heavy roses, I'd love a bunch of those!

    1. Enjoy your tea, I come from a family of staunch tea drinkers!

  26. Terrific London map page today with your face and colorful flowers. I felt sorry for the market stalls on such a rainy day. A warm cup of coffee was the ideal drink. Loved the colorful cookie containers and sugar packets.


  27. Love your London journal page, the Houses of Parliament with the map and face profile is fabulous! I wouldn't be able to wait to eat those biscuits either, what pretty packaging they are in. It's great to see the colourful fruit market stall and beautiful roses too. Perfect! Happy T Day :-)

  28. Your AJJ map is brilliant! Love the wrappers your biscuits and sugar come in - are you saving the wrappers and using them on your art work or for beads?? Gill xx Fabulous post and enjoyable read :)

  29. Love the layers and depth and complexity of your map art journal page! Wow! Amazing!

  30. My head is going in circles -- is is one of my favorite posts! The pilgrimage make is quite sad to me - it reminded me how many people that seem to be on a pilgrimage to kill and destroy.
    Your coffee post makes me happy and I love the sentiment!
    Also I love the packaging and I know you will find a way to use those packages in your art journaling!!!
    Would you look at that outdoor market - I know I would love to live in your town Valerie - I just know it!!
    Sandy xx

  31. I Love London looking like this - fabulous! Your coffee quotes are fun beside that wobbly stack of cups! Great photos once again! Chrisx

  32. Love the way you've combined the skyline with the map, Valerie. And those sugar packets - lots of artsy inspiration there :)

  33. Peonies and sugar packets! If I had to pick two favorite photos from all the ones here I love -- those are it!


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