Saturday 4 June 2016

A bird's eye view of the world

Hi Everybody!

My journal page for Art Journal Journey, maps, has been inspired by the French expressionist painter and sculptor Georges Braques, who lived from 1882-1963. Together with Picasso he founded the cubist movement. My favourite paintings though are his birds. I made templates some years back, and have used them again here, on a dark background which has been sprayed and splattered with bright colours. I then digitally overlayed the painting with a map (Wikipedia), and added the sentiment.

The water in the Rhine is still high, but hasn't risen since yesterday. The top mark here shows the height of the water in 1795 - good 6 metres higher than it is just now, which must have been an absolute catastrophe.

I love the reflections on the water:

This boat was too large to fit into my photo:

Mr Blackbird:

My Jay:

A hungry magpie:

And Mrs Blackbird:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I just love the colours in the background, this a fantastic piece, Braque would have loved it! Great photos, too, hope the Rhine stays put now. Love the photos of your birdie visitors. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely design on your journal page, and very cool background.
    Wonderful photos - so many sweet little birds! And the horses!

  3. What a beautiful art piece! I love the horses and birds too.

  4. A beautiful and thought provoking piece of art.
    Always enjoy viewing your latest photographs.

  5. beautiful page Valerie and lovely photos today, I like the reflection you did.

  6. I love the Georges Braques piece you did today.The sky looks almost luminescent. Sometimes just a few things on a page really pop, and I am with you about the birds he did. Are you suppose to get some sun in the next few days to dry things up a bit? Hugs-Erika

  7. Beautiful art journal and photographs, Valerie! You are such an inspiration!

  8. Wonderful bright and shiny background for your map bird today, Valerie. Love the verse! That was one l o n g ship. Thanks for the beautiful photos of your balcony birds. You captured some terrific photos. I did some work in our yard today so my nap was at 4:30 and soon it will be bed time for me as you wake up to Sunday.

  9. A beautiful page Valerie with a standout background-love the use of the splatters. You are so good at using great artist's work in your own special way.

    The water is still very high but the plants, grass and birds seem to look really happy with it all. Great that the horses haven't turned the field to mud.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Was für eine außergewöhliche und interessante Arbeit und herrliche Aufnahmen! Deine Vogelfreunde sind richtige Schönheiten!
    Einen schönen Sonntag liebe Valerie!
    Ab in die Küche sofort und auf der Stelle nun mit mir!
    Hab mich hier am PC wieder festgeklebt....aber die Arbeit wartet schon.

    1. Hmm - Interessant klingt immer wie die kleine Schwester von Schei...!

  11. Brilliant view of the world page with fabulous colours chosen...just gorgeous..xx{aNNie}

  12. I love the iridescent quality you have created on this page, the black background really makes those colours pop. Very captivating!:-)

  13. LOVE!LOVE! LOVE! The art today ♥♥♥♥♥ The background is amazing and I love the subtle map in the bird art. You are still very wet over there :( Beautiful photos of your world again ♥ Have a great day!

    1. Don't say it too loud but we didn't have any rain today - the Rhine is still full to the brim!

  14. Love the iridescence in your painting. Thanks for visiting me. We've had a lovely sunny weekend. This could be our summer! x

  15. Hi Valerie, I have just had a super catch up on your posts I missed. The London pages are all fantastic and today's shimmers beautifully. Great but wet photo's, it sure has been awful weather.
    I have my fingers crossed it will be fine tomorrow when I tackle the washing.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Wonderful piece, Valerie .. love the shadows. Photos beautiful. hugs, Donna

  17. Gorgeous art page, Valerie. I love the bright, metallic colours. Beautiful photography as well.

  18. Amazing artwork, quite interesting. The bird photographs are beautiful. Take care, xx

  19. A gorgeous page and fab photos love the horses.x

  20. Great piece Valerie and I love that photo of the magpie especially!! hugs :)

  21. A lovely journal page. I haven't heard of the artist so I'm off to explore his work on the internet. Thanks for sharing the stunning photos as well.

  22. As always, love the pictures of the birds and horses.
    And making a bird from a map....outstanding.

  23. I just cannot get over the colors Of your birds and as I have told you a thousand times how much I enjoy going to your blog!!
    You are also a wonderful art history teacher and I do love art history!
    sandy xx

  24. Deine Journalpage ist klasse, sehr spannend! ... und ja, der Rhein ist ganz schön voll! LG Ulrike

  25. Wow! Fabulous page and great bird photos! What lovely post - apart from the flood of course! Chrisx


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