Friday 29 April 2016

Saturday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today is the last day of our 'For the record' challenge at Art Journal Journey. Linda has been our wonderful host this month, thanks a lot Linda, for hosting so well, and visiting all the participants. It was a fun challenge which I enjoyed very much.
Here is my collage of some of the pages  I made this month:

And this is the last page I made for the challenge, it was hiding under a pile of stuff and I just found it in time!  It is Hey Jude from the wonderful Beatles:

I am taking part in a swap organised by dear Elizabeth. This month the loose pages for my bird book are from her and Bleubeard personally - thanks for all the hard work you put into them, they are just great, and I am looking forward to putting them into my book. The pages are so varied, with so many different details:

And this one is extra special, because it has a built in accordion book, using the wonderful illustrations from John James Audubon:

The book is fixed in with velcro dots, and can be opened:

This is perhaps my favourite, because of the words 'Fly Free', as that is the beginning of a little poem I wrote for my baby daughter, who was still born. I called her  Chaya Zipporah - Chaya means life, and Zipporah is a bird. It was a long time ago, but some things can't be forgotten.

Lots of sewing here, and the pocket holding the gorgeous tag is also
sewn on:

I wish we had these birds here!

And Elizabeth braved an unfriendly post employee to get so
many wonderful stamps onto the envelope!  And one stamp disappeared between posting and arriving.

And last but not least, a packet of goodies which I can use in my journal pages and 2 lovely little bird stamps.

Thanks again Elizabeth, I will treasure your pages!

And a few photos from the morning sun and my morning visitors:

The ravens were trying to hide in the leaves:

And Mr Jay is top of the greedy list today!

I will be back tomorrow for the start of the new challenge at AJJ, 
so don't miss it!
Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your collage and the wonderful photos, always worth looking at! The last one today is really gorgeous. The pages you received from Elizabeth are fantastic, they will be a great addition to you lovely book. The swap is a nice idea. Hugs, Sarah

  2. wow, you are one of the most talented imaginative people I know,,amazing work, beautiful photos,

  3. Although I originally intended the bird holding the cage as a bit of humor, I felt bad after reading how personal that page was for you. I was thrilled that it held special meaning, even though I knew nothing about your loss until you shared it with us.

    I still want to know what happened to that other Madonna and child stamp. That's unusual, but at least you still have one. I enlarged the envelope, but couldn't tell if it had been postmarked or not before it was "lost."

    BTW, I didn't get a very good image of my tag, so I would like permission to borrow your photo of it, as well as the pocket.

    Your monthly wrap up is always something I look forward to, and this one is no different. It was truly serendipitous that you found that Beetles entry for the last day's entry. What a wonderful way to end the month of April.

    And of course, YOUR photos of the birds are terrific as ever.

    BTW, your photos of the pages I made are better than the scans I took. One of these days I'll have to figure out how to take photo shots of artwork. Have a glorious Saturday, dear Valerie.

  4. OK, I've never been a HUGE fan of the Beatles, but at least I know how to spell their names. Pardon my faux pas (or typing error).

  5. Wow-all of Elizabeth's pages are so so wonderful. I bet all those stamps on her envelopes will find some good use in one of your art projects. Its been a fun month at AJJ and I enjoy your end of the month wrap up. Glad you found that Beatles page! Enjoy your weekend. :) Erika

  6. Lovely collage and glad you remembered that nice Beatles page. Beautiful pages you received for the swap too.

  7. Eine tolle COllage Valerie und gut dss sich die Beatles rechtzeitig gezeigt haben!! Super!!!
    Tolle Seiten und Arbeiten von Elizabeth!
    Tolle Fotos!
    Hab einen guten Samstag!

  8. Great collage for the end of the challenge. Always enjoy those. Elizabeth's pages are absolutely exquisite. Treasures. Great photos - love your bird pictures. hugs, Donna

  9. I love the Hey Jude page and the collage of all your pages is fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Wonderful collage of your pages Valerie and so pleased you found the Beatles one in time as I love that record.

    Wonderful swaps and nice to join in something a bit different I think.

    Love your photographs today as well

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Was für ein wundervoller Post voller Schätze! So viele fanatasievolle Arbeiten ... sowohl deine wie auch die von Elizabeth! Und deine Fotos sind auch wieder wunderschön!
    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende für dich,

  12. You do have an amazing body of work! Fantastic swap.
    When I went through a very bad period in my life, I asked my priest if the pain would ever go away - he said yes but the scar would always be there.
    Sandy xx

  13. Very, very special. So sorry for your long ago loss. What a perfect name. Big hug.

  14. PS. I looked for more info on Bart. The last pic I saw of him, he looked healthy and happy.

  15. A bonanza of beauty on your blog today. I had to view it a couple of times to catch all of the details. Your collage at month end is always a treat and I enjoyed the HEY JUDE by the Beatles piece you created. Elizabeth did a fantastic variety of pages for your book. WOW!

  16. Fabulous collage of your pages this month Valerie. Love the Beatles page and the great Hey Jude song. I also like the beautiful swap pages! Your birds photos are fantastic as well.
    Hugs Mar

  17. Wow, so many gorgeous things to see, Valerie! Always fun to see what you have been up to.

  18. What delightful beauties in your post! The Beatles page is wonderful. What wonderful collages and that last bird photograph is so lovely!

  19. A lovely post today Valerie, The collage of the pages looks awesome and I loved the Beetles page. Super package from Elizabeth, I'm sure you will enjoy them.
    Thank you for sharing your special memory, my heart goes out to you when reading it.
    Yvonne xxx

  20. Love your Beatles page and your monthly collage is always fantastic. You did get a great bundle of awesome pages from Elizabeth. Love the bird photos ♥

  21. Wow! Great Beatles page! I do love your pages from Elizabeth! Saddened to read about your daughter. Your views today - especially the Jay, as ever are fabulous! Chrisx

  22. WOW! Elizabeth really did a beautiful job of creating and sending you a most treasured packet- right down to the stamps!! Lucky you Valerie! thank you for the wonderful post! Hugs


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