Wednesday 20 April 2016

For the Record

Hi Everybody!

My page today for Art Journal Journey, For the Record, was inspired by Elton John's 'Candle in the Wind', which he sang in Westminster Abbey at the funeral
of Princess Diana, who died so tragically back in 1997.  The background is one of my photos taken from my balcony.

And here is the song - get your hankies ready!

We had a sunny day, not too warm, but lovely for walking:

Roof repairs:

And then I was horrified when I saw that the four trees in the square by the Basilica were all being cut down. They were so beautiful, and were planted to represent the four Evangelists. They are supposed to be diseased and not safe, and sooner or later new ones will be planted, but I was very sad to see the little stumps that were the only remaining parts at the end:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely piece, I always get teary when I hear it. Sorry about those trees, they didn't look diseased. Nite nite, hugs Sarah

  2. I was also working on a Candles in the Wind song by Elton John for AJJ, but mine was to honor Marilyn Monroe. It seems we are both on the same wavelength this month. I can't believe this one. And I remember seeing the funeral live and watching the tragedy that took Diana too soon.

    Your photos today are brilliant. I am also very saddened when I see trees being cut down. Here they don't need permits to remove them like they do in the UK. Not sure about Germany.

    Hope you have a lovely day, and now I have to change my plan to show Candles in the Wind because yours was done so very well.

    1. Please show your page! Here they are mostly very strict about not cutting trees down, that made it even worse to see them go!

  3. Sad page today. And too bad for those trees too!

  4. Beautiful page, Valerie. Tragic indeed. Stunning photos - love the little canal in the first one. Yes, sad about the trees - hope they are planting new ones. hugs, Donna

    1. They are planting new ones, but it will be many years before they are grown.

  5. Terrific page and always great to see your own photographs as backgrounds.

    What skillful tree felling you captured. We have tree fellers down by our railway line at the moment and they are so careful and sympathetic that I am sure the trees breathe a sigh of relief to have all the dead branches removed.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Eine nachdenklich stimmende Arbeit heute .. so schön ist Dein Foto als Hintergrund dazu!
    Arme Bäume -- das ist ja wohl ein Witz.. Sicherheitsrisiko? Die sehen komplett gesund aus....

    Einen schönen Tag Liebes!

  7. Love your piece today. I remember when that happened-how sad it was. I think she would have loved her daughter-in-law and those 2 adorable little grandkids. Nice to see the spring photos too. We are going to be warm today and it is finally spring here for good I think. Hugs-Erika

  8. ein wunderschöne nachdenkliches bild heute,das lied ist sehr schön.
    der baum sieht echt gesund aus,warum wird sowas einfach kaputt gemacht,okay zur sicherheit,das versethe ich ja.
    tolle bilder hast du gemacht,hier scheint auch die sonne,aber es ist noch kalt.
    heute hab ich genäht und auch schon eingestellt.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  9. What a beautiful sky in the first picture. :)

  10. Such lovely images! Makes me wish I were there! I love the background of your piece too!

  11. Hello Valerie. Your walk, as always, looks delightful. Yes, it always seems terrible to cut a large tree down, but sometimes I suppose it is necessary. But I know someone who has an enormous tree in front of her house causing enormous shade, but she is not allowed to cut it down because it is "protected" so that is the other side of the story.
    It's lovely to see the buildings in your area, they look so well cared for.
    I'll have to gear myself up to listen to the song, maybe with something fortifying. Your art is a beautiful tribute to Diana.

    1. Yes, same here, sometimes they let houses be damaged rather than allow trees to be cut down, so I suppose they have a reason here. Today they started digging the holes for the new ones, so that's something.

    2. Yes, good to know that they are planting new trees, and sometimes trees grow quite fast.

  12. the background photo is stunning Valerie and I love that you used a joyful image of Diana for your piece. The Elton John version of that song is very touching. Beautiful photos as usual- I really would love to visit your town one day in person:)

  13. A beautiful tribute to a special Princess. She was well loved in the UK. Fabulous photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Beautiful tribute piece with your gorgeous photo.

  15. A beautiful post, thanks for sharing your peaceful walks, full of Bright Spring green!
    So lovely to remember Diana in this tribute you made for her, such a tragedy and Elton John sang this so beautifully and full of strong emotion, very sad.

  16. Oh dear, it still makes me sad about Princess Di, even all these years later. Love your pics, the river looks so blue and inviting! hugs :)

  17. It's always sad to see a tree being cut down. One of the houses in our neighborhood just sold and had some huge beautiful oak trees in front of it. The new owners cut them all down before they even moved in. I cried. Some people just don't appreciate trees for their beauty and importance . Love the art ♥ A sad day when the world lost it's favorite princess.

  18. A really lovely piece today Valerie, and yes it is so sad to see the trees being cut down xx

  19. Love all of your photos today (and always) I feel as if I am on my own private walking tour.
    sandy xx


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