Sunday 3 April 2016

Made in England

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, for the record, I made a hybrid page for 
Elton John's song  'Made in England'. As I was born in England, this song has some special memories for me. I used a vintage photo of Tower Bridge. I was born just a couple of hundred yards from there. I added the photo of Elton John, a blue Cortina (mentioned in the song) and a few of the lovely red 'accessories'.

And here the song:

My weekend walks were full of sunshine:

Have a great start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh my, a blue Cortina, that's going back a bit! Lol! Your spring photos are lovely, hope your walking is getting easier. Take good care. Xx

  2. Oh those flowers are beautiful. You do have spring in its full bloom. Love the art today. Its a great song and you made a wonderful tribute not only to the song but to your background. Happy new week. :)

  3. wow at the photos, my favourite season! It is winter again in Toronto today, snow flurries and minus digits. Love your England page.

  4. Liebe Valerie,
    fantastisch ist deine Page geworden, vor allem Elton John lässt mich am Montag Morgen lächeln ;-)...Ihr hattet Sonne? So genial, die wunderschönen Frühlingsfotos.
    Einen guten Start zum Wochenbeginn.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  5. Love the page for Elton John's song, you picked a good one there. Great old photo of London Bridge. How good to see all the spring photos, too. Have nice day, hugs, Sarah

  6. Was für eine schöne Idee und so persönlich! Gefällt mir Deine "Made in England" Seite Valerie! Beeindruckende Fotos ..die Magnolienblüte ist wunderbar... hier noch keine gesichtet.. Nachbarn haben einen jungen Magnolien-Baum im Vorgarten.... das dauert hier sicher noch bis ich da was zu sehen krieg.


  7. ooohh die england seite und elton mittendrin,das ist einfach fantastisch,gefällt mir mega gut.
    schöne bäume habt ihr schon,bei uns fängt es auch langsam an zu blühen,es ist jetzt frühling und ich genieße es.
    eine schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  8. A fabulous page and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Fabulous card Valerie. So very interesting too, lots to see and smile about. Love the beautiful pictures you always show us too. Hope things are good with you. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. I may be singing that song all day long, and enjoying the art that you created to illustrate it. I've never heard of a Cortina, but it looks rather old. The British DO have a thing for red, though, since the buses, phone booths and a few of the royal mail boxes are red.

    Spring is further advanced in your area than mine, I feel. You have found some truly beautiful flowering scenes to photograph. I especially enjoyed the play of light and shadow on the buildings.

  11. Love your Elton John piece Valerie. Beautiful photos, love the tree with the pink flowers on it! Supposedly, our trees out front have white flowers when they bloom, if I could just get it to stop snowing! haha. hugs :)

  12. Fabulous work of art, gorgeous photos, wonderful additions and super fabulous  {aNNie}

  13. Some great Valerie trivia! Thanks for sharing.
    Look at those glorious spring flowers.

  14. well look at you go with this theme Valerie! Fun,fun hybrid piece!! Enjoyed the music along your walk too:)

  15. Ahhhh ♥ good ole ELton John :0) one of the true entertainers of out times. Love the page and our Spring flowers are just amazing. I've been out for a bit already this morning capturing the wonders of Spring here too :)

  16. Love thise . Thanks for sharing.

  17. A fabulous page and song, I remember my dad having a Cortina back in the day. The weather looks lovely for your walks, great photos again.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Ahhhh London. How perfect for your page today to match the theme of Elton John's song, Made in England. I can see why you miss London so much. Your photo of the flower shop is marvelous as are the ones of the boats showing their names. Where do they come up with them? So creative. I guess we are all creative but just in a different way. It is spring here with a few showers this morning and now a sunny afternoon. Can't wait for the song you pick for your journal page tomorrow.

  19. Love your made in England page and photos ..... Gill xx

  20. Sehr klasse ist dein Elton John Bild geworden, musste aber etwas grinsen über sein Foto. Ich habe ich mal vor langer Zeit, auch etwas schlanker und mit Irokesenfrisur live gesehen, war toll das Konzert.
    Schöne Blumenbilder wieder, ja endlich wieder Farbe LG Ulrike

  21. Another fun page that has me giggling out loud! How funny that photo of Elton is!! heehee

  22. This journal page really made me smile - it has such a light hearted spirit. Of course like you, I love England. And being able to look at your neighborhood is such a pleasure for me. It seems to me that Europeans have such a knack for living well.
    I do not miss London one little bit. Too big, too many people, too much traffic and every time I cross a street I look right and left so many times I get dizzy!!
    sandy xx


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