Tuesday 5 April 2016

Just singing in the rain.....

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new theme at Moo Mania and More, music, and at Art Journal Journey it's For the  record, so I have combined both themes with this hybrid journal page. The stencil of Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds is from Stencilry. The wet look background is aluminium foil (thanks for the tip, Gill!)

Today we had weather here really fitting to my theme, it rained all day....

I went for a walk in the rain, and managed for the first time without my
wheewa, my trusty wheely walker. I am still a bit scared of falling, but that will pass in time, and I will use the walker when I need to do shopping, as it wheels the groceries home for me.
I wonder what the police were doing?

Yesterday I bought some plants for my balcony. I still need a lot more, this is just the first batch. I have planted them all out, and they at least seemed to relish the rain.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Singing in the Rain passt ja perfekt !!! - ich könnte hier auch im Regen singen, den ganzen Tag schon! Aber Hauptsache es ist relativ warm dabei, denn den Blumen tut es gut. Wunderschöne Nahaufnahmen!
    Wow, noch nie war ich die Erste bei dir... aber jetzt mach ich den PC aus - gute Nacht von Ulrike

  2. Love today's post, and how you have continued the rain theme, and then turned it into flowers, really very clever. Hugs Sarah

  3. Beautiful page for the themes, really nice. And gorgeous summer flowers!

  4. Really interesting work, nice photos too.

  5. ohja,der song ist ein richtiges gute laune lied,das könnte ich viel öfter hören,deine seite dazu ist perfekt.
    schöne blumenbilder,ich hab mir auch blumen gekauft,das hebt die stimmung-
    schönen tag dir-

    hugs jenny

  6. Liebe Valerie,
    tja, singing in the rain gilt hier heute auch wieder... den Song kenne ich natürlich sehr gut, er platziert sich immer wieder in mir, wenn es regnet... Deine Seite ist wieder absolut genial... und deine wunderschönen Blumenfotos lassen den Regen verschwinden und die Sonne nimmt Platz... Wundervoll dein Post.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  7. That foil background looks amazingly awesome sauce! Fantabulous design and the couple look very happy Hugz! ~Niki

  8. Das ist toll gemacht mit dem Aluminiumfolienhintergrund!
    Wunderbare Frühlingsstimmungsbilder..meine Güte!
    Der Regen stört ja nicht, solange es warm bleibt, stimmt's?
    Naja ..ich wünsch Dir für heute Sonne - tolle Blumen hast Du Dir geholt!

  9. How lovely to combine the two challenges. I like the look of the foil behind the stencil. Great tip.

    I want to know how you keep the rain off your camera. I am always shielding mine from the rain, but you don't seem to be affected by rain.

    The flowers and plants are awesome. Your balcony is going to be the talk of the town!

    1. I use a cut off piece from a plastic sandwich bag, like a tube, which fits over the camera and lens, but is open back and front. Easy to stick into your pocket and take with you at all times.

  10. Singing in the rain... makes you smile even when it is raining :-) As so your beautiful flower pics! Love them!

  11. That aluminum foil background is soooo cool. I love how it looks so wet. And I must say I love your wet spring photos. It looks like April is suppose to look. Makes me want to put on my raincoat and walk around town with my camera and take photos too. Hugs! Erika

  12. LOVE your creation today and your photos are just gorgeous.xx

  13. I would so prefer the rain to the snow that has revisited us! "(
    The flowers for your balcony are just stunning! Such a breath of spring! hugs,Jackie

  14. Thanks for the comment Valerie. So sorry.... at AJJ. I thought that it was possible to put only a part of the song on the page. "Is this just life. Is this fantasy." is from the song Bohemian Rhapsody. Ich werde mich bessern. Entschuldigung.
    hugs ♥

  15. Love the Singing in the rain page, it is going to be here here later today as well.The background looks great. Your balcony is looking beautiful with all the flowers.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Beautiful artwork today Valerie. I just love your rainy shots. What kind of bird is that, such a lovely creature! It's snowing here again!! hugs :)

    1. It's a jay, they are very different to your jays.

  17. Love everything, especially the flowers. That little flower in the corner of the bird photograph just pops!
    Have a great one. Do you use a cane at all?

  18. Fabulous page and song, I love how you combined both themes.
    Beautiful flowers for your balcony!
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Lovely page and beautiful flowers :)

  20. Der Folien-Hintergrund ist total klasse und die Schablone sieht darauf richtig gut aus. Wunderbares Bild liebe Valerie. Aber auch deine Fotos sind wieder so richtig schön, toll wie du die Frühlingsblüten und den Eichelhäher eingefangen hast, aber auch die Tische und Stühle so regennass hast du klasse eingefangen. Danke fürs Teilen der tollen Bilder.
    Liebe Grüße

  21. Great idea to combine both themes, a super hybrid pae, those stencils look amazing. Fantastic photos also!

  22. singing in the rain...a favorite song from a movie I love and you did a brilliant job with your piece Valerie! Gorgeous photos of your springtime blooms. It has gotten SO cold here again I am glad I held off buying some to plant even though I really wanted to.

  23. Your page made me smile. I can just hear them singing that song and your art page is fabulous.

    Wow. Your photography is outstanding! What gorgeous pictures.


  24. Love you page and I love the song looking at peoples pages I end up singing them as I type. Beautiful pic as well. x

  25. That is one of my all time favorite movies. Did you know that Debbie Reynolds did not know how to dance until making that movie and Gene Kelly is a perfectionist. Hard task master. Miss Reynolds said the the "hardest two things she ever did in her life was that movie and giving birth to her daughter!
    Once again outstanding photos - what color. I sure would like to know your secret! And don't tell me you just point and shoot!
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes - point, focus, shoot! i love that movie too, I have seen it more times than I can count!

  26. We had rain here yesterday too . Beautiful page and great photos ♥

  27. Just singing in the rain, wer kennt den tollen song nicht und Du hast ihn genialst in Szene gesetzt, ganz toll!! Deine Fotos sind natürlich auch wieder wunderschön.
    LG Anja

  28. Great inspiration piece for Moo Mania, and fantastic photos too!


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