Friday 13 November 2015

One face for several challenges!

Hi Everybody!

Happy weekend!

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, 99 faces and Kim's show your face I have another journal page. The background was hand painted and collaged,  then digitally  altered with some brushes. The head was drawn with black India ink.

This project is an expression of my sadness and horror at what happened in Paris yesterday:

This week I had to go into Düsseldorf, so seized the opportunity to walk over the bridge back to 'my' side of town. I always enjoy the views of the Altstadt....

....but I am always happy to get back here, where the air is fresher and the grass is greener:

This beautiful spider's web was hanging in front of a decaying tree stump, it looks like tatty lace curtains.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice page, Valerie - love the quote. Isn't it the truth! Your photos always make me want to come and walk with you -- Germany still looks like Germany - so charming. Take care of yourself, hugs, Donna

  2. As much as I adore that face (I read somewhere a long time ago that 3/4 faces are the hardest to draw), I simply fell in love with the background. Both are great.

    Your photos are wonderful. I always like it when you travel to the other side of the bridge because I get to encounter even more places you share. I live vicariously through your photos.

    I agree the spider web was mesmerizing and did look like tatting. Have a great Saturday, dear.

  3. ein wunderschönes gesicht und tolle bilder wieder,gefällt mir mega gut.
    hab ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  4. The photos are amazing again and love that cobweb, you sure know how to take photos. Love your page of the face and awesome background.xx
     { aNNie}

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love the face on the beautiful autumn background, and the lovely photos. We went on the big wheel last year when we visited! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  7. Das Gesicht is richtig toll.. ich liebe wie genau das Grün des herrlichen Hintergrundes in ihre Lidschatten übergeht! Unfassbar, was da wieder passiert ist! Schrecklich!
    Deine Fotos sind wunderwunderschön! Ich glaub gern, dass Du froh bist am Rande dieser Stadt zu leben - das ist bestimmt viel, viel schöner! Sei mir gegrüßt und hab einen feinen Samstag!

  8. Gorgeous colours on your face collage, she has a wonderful coy yet worldly look. Fabulous photos and I love the web.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Amazing Autumn page Valerie with the wonderful background and beautiful face that you have drawn on it.

    So pleased that you did a page for Paris where the events have shaken the world and everyone will be wondering where next.

    Wonderful photographs and so pleased you shared them. My daughter was in Düsseldorf on business this week and I would have loved you to have met her. Maybe next time eh?

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Your photos always show the joy of walking in your wonderful area. I didn't realise you were so close to the town, it must be nice to visit it and then walk back over the bridge to you quiet area.
    Paris - well done, Valerie.

    1. It's about 8 miles, so relatively easy to walk.

  11. Beautiful artwork today Valerie. I love the shots of the spider web, they really are the most amazing things, perfectly built every time. Happy Saturday. hugs :)

    1. I don't like spiders, but their webs are always totally beautiful.

  12. Wow, ein super Gesicht heute von dir, sehr ausdrucksvoll!
    ... auch ich bin heute fast gelähmt von den schrecklichen Ereignissen - LG Ulrike

  13. Beautiful art :) It's true how we make ourselves different all the time. Love the photos ♥ The one with the buildings and the Ferris Wheel in the background is my favorite. I remember see buildings similar to those in my youth. With the rounded tops and huge windows I thought the top floor would be the perfect place to live. I could grow plants and have fantastic lighting for art. As a teenager I always thought I'd live in a big city and be a starving artist. Now the thought of living in a big city gives me the shivers!

  14. I always enjoy your very educational quotes so much. Your painted face (on your gorgeous background) illustrates Shakespeare's quote perfectly.

    It was lovely of you to make a tribute for Paris. Terrible things that are happening there.


  15. I love your golden piece Valerie and the quote is perfect. Your tribute to Paris is fabulous and so are your nature photographs. Have a great weekend xx

  16. Ja, das geht mir mit Stadt und Land ähnlich. Ich lebe ja recht nah bei NYC und ich liebe es die Stadt zu besuchen, bin aber jedes Mal auch wieder froh wenn ich über den Hudson rüber 'auf dem Land' bin.
    Deine Bilder sind wirklich toll.

  17. A lovely piece of work with a a splendid tribute to Paris.

    I will be surprised if these spiders do not make an appearance in your future creations

  18. Lovely work of art Valerie and a special tribute for Paris and the sadness we all feel.
    Beautiful photos.
    Prayers for Paris! xo

  19. Fascinating face today. I love the sparkly looking background. And love seeing the photos of Dusseldorf, but I'm with you, it is better to live where its a little less crowded. :)

  20. Ah! I see you were close to a spider!! Was there much swearing involved? heehee
    Wonderful photos and page dear Valerie! xo

    1. The spider didn't show itself, perhaps it was scared of me!


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