Tuesday 10 November 2015

Lots of this and that

Hi Everybody!

Lots going on today, so I'd better get started right away.
My tag for Tag Tuesday will be shown tomorrow!

Today is the start of a new challenge at TIOT -

Make a scene

As usual, projects of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link up your creations and join us - hope to see you there!

For my project I made a hybrid piece, using some digital pieces (Daisytrail) on a hand water-coloured background. I chose London for my scene, as I grew up about 500 yards away from the Tower, and for me it is always home.

For Art Journal Journey and our 99 faces challenge I have another hybrid piece. The background has been painted, the sunrise is a slightly altered view taken from my window, as is the bird. The plane is also a photo of one of the big birds taking off, and the face is my drawing, which I have layered here onto the background. The text is the Irish blessing, a verse I really love.
I think this page is a view of my little world.
I am also linking to Kim Dellow's show your face.

And today is T stands for Tuesday over at Elisabeth's, so a big welcome to all the T Gang Ladies.
My drink is - as always - coffee with milk foam, yummy.

On November 11th we celebrate St Martin's Day. 
St Martin of Tours started out as a Roman soldier and was baptised as an adult and became a monk. He was a kind man who lived a plain and simple life. The best known legend of his life is that he once cut his cloak in half to share it with a beggar during a snow storm, to save him from dying of cold. That night he saw Jesus in a dream wearing the half cloak, and Jesus said to his angels, 'This is Martin, the Roman soldier who is not baptised; he has clothed me'. He was known as friend of the children and patron of the poor and needy. The holiday originated in France, then spread to England, Germany, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Here in Rhineland the children hold a lantern procession after dark, and someone enacts the part of Martin,seated on a horse, and it is very pretty to watch. It is tradition to eat roast goose for festive meals, and also 'Weckmann'. A weckmann is made from sweet yeast dough, and covered in sticky icing sugar, and sometimes with almonds. The pipe originated as a Bishop's crozier, and somehow turned into a clay pipe! I sacrificed myself and bought a large Weckmann so that there is enough to share with all you, so go ahead and try a piece! Yummy with coffee or tea.

The photo is not from me but from a local newspaper

Most of the leaves are now down, but the ginkgo trees are the last ones to loose theirs.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your tower of London is amazing on your pages just love love love all that's here today and your yummy food gets yummier [especially when it's my lunch time here in Aussie land] and your photos are always so amazing to view..xxx
     { aNNie}

  2. Happy London scene, love 'your view', your goodies and lovely photos today!

  3. Lovely post, wonderful art, photos and food - fantastic. Your journal page and scene today are both marvelous. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Wow, this London scene goes so well with my T post today. You have created a fantastic scene with all the London landmarks I can think of.

    Your lady that could live on your balcony is wonderful. Of course, I recognize that scene because you often share an airplane coming in for a landing and the birds in the tree. Really impressive digital art.

    Of course, I am very hungry now that I've seen the Weckmann and drooled over your coffee that looks a lot like mine. Thanks for sharing your wonderful art, your beautiful autumn photos, and your coffee and St. Martin's Day sweet bread for T this Tuesday.

  5. wow,dein gesicht mit baum ist heute mein favorit,sehr mystisch und wunderschön.
    deine scenebild ist auch sehr schön,dein kuchen sieht lecker aus und der cafe,da komm ich gern vorbei.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  6. Wow... die Szene ist himmlisch und die hybride Seite ist ebenfalls ein Gedicht! Ich bin begeistert und ich mache heute eine Ausnahmen und frühstücke mit Dir (denn eigentlich sollte ich ja vor 11 Uhr nichts essen) .. machst Du mir bitte Milchschaum zu meinem Getreidekaffee ?! Herrliche Herbststimmungsaufnahmen!
    Happy T-Day Valerie !

  7. Wahnsinn, was du hier alles schönes reingepackt hast! weiß gar nicht, was mich am meisten begeistert. ich hätte jetzt gern das st. martinsgebäck zum frühstück, so eine schöne Erinnerung an die zeit, als meine kinder klein waren (und wir waren da oft schon in schneeanzügen zu den Laternenumzügen!). die Stockrosen gehören ja auch zu meinen Lieblingen...
    hab eine schöne Woche, Valerie!

  8. Wonderful London scene Valerie with just the right things for the area.

    Love the face page with the wonderful colours and interesting additions to it.

    Interesting tale about St Martin and his festival day. Love your baked tribute it looks yummy.

    The photographs are stunning today and how lovely that the Lavatera still have flowers on them.

    Hope you have a great day--we have lots of sun here--yipee.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. What a feast for the eyes (and stomach!) your post is this morning. Your art is wonderful, you really can turn your hand to any style. I'm getting ready for my first Christmas Fair this weekend so I'm starting to get stressed! Better crack in! Have a good day. Xx

  10. Your London hybrid piece is stunning! Love it. I have Daisytrail too but didn't get on with it. I prefer PSE (Photoshop Elements). (Which I haven't used for ages. Must do that again)
    I love you artwork with the face on it even more. The Irish blessing is close to my heart. My husband used to lead a 10-piece folk band the played Irish and Scottish traditional music. At the end of each night they would sing the Irish blessing to bring the evening to a close.
    The Weckmann looks yummy. Thank you for sharing. Also thank you for sharing the interesting story about St Martin. Which country do you live in? Germany?
    Happy T Day!

    1. Yes, Daisytrail has its limits, but has some good stuff. I use a mix of PSP and 2 other programmes. I live in Germany now.

  11. You've got a couple of gorgeous pieces today. Your London scene is fantastic. You really put everything so well-it doesn't look like a digital piece at all. And your face piece is such a great hybrid of photos and created background-I love the top corner and the photo below is so unexpected. Nice story about St. Martin's Day.That pastry looks SOOOOOOOOOOOO yummy. Are you going to go to the festivities this year? if you do, I hope you show us pictures of the kids walking through the streets like that photo you sowed us today. :)

  12. Wow a super post Valerie, I enjoyed reading every bit of it, thank you for the virtual yummy pastry, shame I couldn't taste it with my coffee. All the art work is fantastic and the Irish Blessing is a favourite of mine as well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Great post Valerie, so much to take in and enjoy! That tree really steals the show standing amid all the brick and mortar huh? Yum on the pastry. Love your art pieces today. hugs :)P

  14. Amazing scene Valerie, so many different elements so cleverly put together.... Love the face too, an amazing piece and of course beautiful photos. Working in a Steiner school here in Scotland, we always tell the legend you tell so beautifully in your post. All the younger classes make lanterns and we have a procession in the late afternoon. I love this festival, it was one of my highlights as a child while growing up in the Netherlands.... Never heard of the Weckmann before, but it sure looks yummy!

  15. Growing up in London sounds like a very special time Valerie!
    Lovely collages you've created with so much to enjoy and take in.
    Seeing the children with their lanterns brought back precious memories of me living in Germany and carrying a lantern in a little village parade. Thanks to you I now know the reason for the parade (it was so long ago!).
    Hollyhocks in November = Love it!
    Happy T Day oxo
    p.s. thanks also for sharing your Weckmann yum yum yum

  16. A brilliant scene, loved the detail of it. Enjoyed reading about St Martins day hugs Bee.

  17. I always think how awesome it must have been to grow up with the tower right in your backyard so to speak. The digital/hybrid art is just fantastic! Thank you for a bit of delicious Weckmann and that has to be the most perfect milk foam I have ever seen!

  18. Fabulous London scene Valerie! I loved London and dreamed of living there when I was high school age.Loved reading about the special European holiday you celebrate. Your face imagery is so beautiful and peaceful looking. And thanks for all the lovely photos of your autumn too.

  19. My goodness i have enjoyed reading and looking at all of it! Beautiful Fall pictures. And i love reading about the legend. Thank you so much for sacrificing yourself to show us the Weckmann pastry! Happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  20. Ooooo, that pastry! Yummy!

    Thx for sharing your fall photos. I love gingko trees. Their color is striking :)

  21. Hi Valerie, that was really interesting to read about your St. Martin's Day. On Nov. 11, here in Canada, we celebrate Remembrance Day. I'm also super lucky to have my birthday on Nov 11th. Have a wonderful day!

  22. Your artwork this week is stunning. Love how you are doing hybrid work.
    That pastry looks so yummy that I'm nearly drooling on the keyboard. I must admit though my very favorite photo from your post is the last one. The fence posts disappearing around the corner of a trail...amazing composition!

  23. I adore your hybrid work.....just fascinates me.
    I would LOVE to walk along the path in your last photo. You live is such a beautiful area.
    Happy T-day

    1. It is a beautiful path indeed, narrow and twisty and just lovely to walk along down to the Rhine.

  24. Beautiful art work, and love all of your photos! thanks for sharing the sweet bread, and the final photo is my favorite. I would love to take a walk down that old path! happy T day!

  25. Thanks for sharing your lovely art & photos today. My favorite detail is the gems used as the eyes on the face.

    Have a Happy T (Coffee) Day today and a Happy St. Martin 's Day tomorrow!

  26. Yummy! Can I have another piece?
    I love your London hybrid.
    Have a great day, Val dear.

  27. The London scene is a masterpiece Valerie! Hugs!

  28. The London scene is a masterpiece Valerie! Hugs!

  29. I love your London scene - it looks so happy and carefree - wish we had skies that blue at the moment! The hybrid face page is simply wonderful - such depth of colour - and I really enjoyed the photos, especially those gingko trees. Thanks for having me over at TIOT.
    Alison xx

  30. What a lovely London scene you created. I like your transparent face over your scenery. And I wish I could share a coffee and one of those pastries with you. Then we could take a stroll and drink in all of that lovely fall foliage. Then again, I feel like we already have. Thank you for always sharing such lovely photos of your day-to-day life. It makes me feel like we are really friends, hanging out together.

  31. Wow! You have been busy - I saw the tower on the thumbnail and wasn't disappointed. Love both the pieces you have created.... and hollyhocks in November are always a surprise

  32. what a lovely tale of St Martin and that cake is making me hungry...fab digi art too

  33. Your face art is so beautiful with the sunrise, the bird and the plane, and I like that it shows part of your world.
    This blogpost has so much art and life, wonderful photographs and invitations to coffee and yummy, architecture and flowers, a lovely walk .............. no wonder your brain doesn't have time to sleep.

  34. I tried to comment this morning but it disappeared (like several others )I love your London scene and I adore your face and that it reflects your world so well! The facts about St Martin were interesting, especially as we visited the church in Tours - I don't recall reading about him so it was great to read this and see the special cake! Hugs, Chrisx

  35. Fabulous London scene Valerie, and I think you have captured it's colourful atmosphere.
    Love your face, looks like a reflection when looking out of a window, so much interest in the background and I too love that Irish Blessing.
    Wonderful pictures and the ginkgo tree looks amazing.
    Avril xx

  36. Wonderful and interesting post Valerie,
    I'm ashamed to say I had not heard of St Martin - what a lovely story and celebration - especially the yummy looking food! :)

    Fabulous and fun London scene - brilliant hybrid piece!
    Fantastic face - love that quote too.
    And wonderful photos of your walks.... and beautiful autumn colours..

    as ever, always a joy to visit you...
    Gil xx

  37. One day late today, Valerie. When you use London as your theme for your journal page, it is exceptional and this page kept me busy looking at all of the elements, fun characters you included. It is marvelous. The eyes really sparkle on your face creation, she is beautiful. And, lastly your photos which I enjoy so much. Can't believe there are still flowers in full bloom.

  38. I'm sooo late visiting everyone, should be smacked hard on the wrist but it is the wrist that caused the delay so perhaps not... LOL Love your hybrid work of art, the London scene is stunning and your face page is lovely, very serene to look at. Gorgeous autumn photos of your street too, such a pretty place you live in!

  39. Wow, this looks fantastic and I love your face one, too.
    Hugz, Z

  40. Wow, this looks fantastic and I love your face one, too.
    Hugz, Z

  41. Valerie, you know how I love to read of your traditions and holidays and well, life! Thanks so much for sharing about St.Martin- I did not know about him and am now very happy to have learned!

    And omg!! the Weckmann you had to sacrifice yourself for(haha) looks absolutely positively out of this world delicious!! Have you ever baked one yourself? I would love to try a recipe!!
    ooo! I just drooled on my new laptop! heehee

  42. Lovely art and I always enjoy seeing your world and hearing about a holiday that I've never even heard of!


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